When did you realize that old is best and green on black just works?
Color schemes
Thanks for killing my eyes
rekt lmao
Wow, you fucking suck.
base16_grayscale-dark is comfy.
you suck, sucker
When did you realize that this fucking debate is pointless until everyone has the same monitor?
same here. dark color schemes especially hurt my eyes after a long session. that might be just because I mostly use my computer in a room with lots of natural light though.
black on white = good for reading text like novels, docs etc.
anything on black = good for programming
green or amber on black with low brightness with sct/redscreen works well on an old tn panel at nighttime
i wonder what VA panels, OLEDs and E-Ink would feel like
I actually use my own mostly amber day\night themes, should work on pretty much anything base16 compatible. Not bothering with a screenshot because its trivial to modify most solarized themes with it.
Night:#ffb000, #ED9E00, #D16F00, #B55D00, #4C2D00, #382000, #1C0F00, #190D00, #DC3200, #CB4B00, #723900, #738500, #1F7500, #1D6B00, #6C7100, #9E2800Day:#160C00, #1C0F00, #382000, #4C2D00, #B55D00, #D16F00, #ED9E00, #FFB000, #DC3200, #CB4B00, #723900, #738500, #1F7500, #1D6B00, #6C7100, #9E2800Solarized dark for reference:#002b36, #073642, #586e75, #657b83, #839496, #93a1a1, #eee8d5, #fdf6e3, #dc322f, #cb4b16, #b58900, #859900, #2aa198, #268bd2, #6c71c4, #d33682
I'm really fond of the Deeper-Blue emacs theme. For the terminal I use
i can't use light schemes, i tried many times and it just hurts my eyes
Light schemes are inherently superior. Paired with something like redshift, it makes for an exteremely good reading/writing experience.
Reading large amounts of text is DIFFERENT than programming/reading code.
I find normal text more comfortable to read with a dark backgroud too.
On paper it doesn't matter much though.
cobalt themes
Essentialy the same, to be honest. I haven't noticed a slight difference. It's equally readable and easy on the eyes when programming.
Amber on black is actually better for long-term viewing but yeah.
Green monochrome master race. Used to bump up the contrast and turn down the intensity until the background was almost black. Much later, when I got a PC, I used to run minicom with green text on black, except the status bar at the bottom that was reverse video.
A lot of old computers had comfy monitors. Here's an Apple II:
It depends largely on your monitor, and how much light you have in your environment.
I only use the standard EGA 16 color palette. Anything else is for failures.
solarized-dark , it just werks(tm) on my eyes
I just use black on white, no syntax highlighting
That's what it looks like in the textbooks we read, so Idunno why it has to be different on the screen. Too many colors is overstimulating for me.
You all suck with your circlejerking about who has best colors setup...
A lot of TUI software assumes grey-on-black standard palette and uses colors for essential UI elements, making monochrome terminals or any non-conventional terminal color scheme unusable.
Typically TUI programs have the option to run in either color or monochrome mode, e.g. "lynx -nocolor", "mc -d". But you can also tweak the colors in the config file. I simply set "skin=dark" in /etc/mc/ini and it's comfy.
Some programs like Alpine and Tin default to monochrome, and you can also change the colors there too if you enable color mode.
I haven't yet come across a TUI program that's unusable at the text console, which on OpenBSD is basically a VT220.
I have no problem reading black text on light backgrounds in a browser, but for some reason it feels wrong in a text editor.
comfy. what browser is that?
you're all jews
its shit just like you, varg
Maybe lime green - not the vomit green that you have.
Is syntax highlighting gay?
Christ all these color schemes are crossing my eyes.
I just do greyscale with sharper black text with the hack font. Works great.
It's less "gay" and more "homosexual".
Maybe it works on CRT monitors. Shame they don't make those anymore. On lcd you're gonna a lamp in your eyes regardless of color, so might as well make it light.
I'm still waiting for an Electrowetting display (basically epaper, but collored and fast enough for videos) .
It does actually make a difference which colors you use. A white background lights up the room quite a bit more than a black background. You can also adjust the brightness of the lamp.
That's why I even set my Links -g background to black. Just the default black on lightgrey was annoying. And all my terms use a black background.
I have 6 CRTs that I bought in the last few months. They're easy to find and cheap, and typically look better than LCD of the same size. Black background actually seems to be less painful to look at than an LCD. Actually I was wondering why in recent years I couldn't look at black background, maybe that's why.