GNU will NEVER have a code of conduct

I asked stallman if he would make public the secret GNU CoC discussion and what he thought about CoCs. He ignored the bit about the private discussions but replied saying GNU would never have anything like that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stallman's still a communist so the same people who hate linux for the new CoC should already hate GNU

RMS is based and redpilled

prove it
Protip: you can't

Kill RMS, what now?

"Support the US Green Party"

"I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter"

"20 September 2018 (Imprisoned immigrant minors)

The bully's fear agents are now holding 12,000 immigrant minors prisoner.

Some of them are children, and some are teenagers.

In the past, most of them were sent to stay with families, but cruelty suits the bully's purpose of demonizing them. "

"20 September 2018 (Journalists and right-wing liars)

Advice to journalists about how not to be played by right-wing extremist liars."

yes he's a lefty, this is known. so what?

if you dislike linux over the code of conduct then you should also dislike gnu

prove it

GNU doesn't have a CoC though


What you have posted doeesn't prve in the slightest that he is a commie. Kys fagg0t

Zig Forums has a CoC:

oh my mistake, i assumed people were angry about about linus becoming a sjw or going along with sjws if you're angry about there being a CoC in general then GNU is fine

What would it take for you faggot? Him saying "The USSR was good" in the last week?

There is nothing inherently wrong with a CoC. Look at Ruby's or Debian's CoC. Those are acceptable.
The Contributor Covenant is an unacceptable CoC.

You made a claim. It's up to you how you prove it.

I know, which is why I still use FreeBSD.

See above.


I already did. It doesn't satisfy me.

You're the one that is not satisfied. It's up to you to figure it out.

That's what I said.
So you can't prove your claim.

I already proved it. You just cannot accept fact.

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Ok, kiddo. Btw, you're a commie too.

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Stay class cucked

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FreeBSD is heavily pozzed. Also it's a bad OS.

I like hugs. We need more of those around

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what does "pozzed" mean


What devs?


ask your mum

What does "lurk moar" mean

pic related

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i've seen it used to describe projects that have a code of conduct


if you can't say gas the jews and hang all trannies niggers and faggots on the regular in commit messages then it's not an acceptable CoC

See above.

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tor users can't upload files, stop taunting me

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agreed. still no argument though

lain has new mail

In >>>/v/ we call posters like that (((You)))
Since they only seek attention, and don't know how to argue.

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He might not be full communist, but if you've ever read his political notes it's pretty clear he's almost a living lefty stereotype that buys into the narrative and supports the typical sjw causes.

Thanks. (((You))) too.

So again, whens GNU HURD?
I want to use DKVX on it right now, while I stream DASH with ffmpeg on my machine.

lefty != commie

Nice try commie. I bet you think democrats are right wing.

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true but still reason to not like GNU


Quote the part where he supports SJW causes please.

Did you read that gamergate study that proved most of 8ch os leftleaning?
Something about meritocratic policies to submit code as libre as possible seems to allure left leaning individuals?
Isn't that strange?

literally on the front page it says support the Green Party, on the political notes it has everything else, see

How is this SJW?

reality has a left wing biased


if you want to believe he's based and redpilled and uses gentoo go ahead


Use NetBSD to be safe. It's mostly used and maintained by based Nihonjin. They're (((feminism)))-proof.

Ok, you are retarded. never reply to me again

I use Arch GNU/Linux

keep attacking strawman please it only allows leftism to spread more easily

Still waiting for an argument.

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And is that communist of reality?

Didn't RMS use Trisquel on a leemote?

never reply to me or my son ever again

Yeah man leftists just love talking about genetic differences.

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There are certainly factions within the US Green Party that have been trying to turn it into a completely eco-socialist party in recent years, but I've never heard anyone self-proclaim themselves as communists. Likewise, Bernie Sanders is a social democrat who stopped caring about giving the workers the means of production ages again. Stallman can be comfortably described as a libertarian social democrat, not a socialist nor a communist.



Is socialism communist?

Do you have an argument somewhere?

it doesn't matter if he's strictly communist or not, linus and friends aren't communists and they still got CoC'd, i apologize for using the word communist in the first post, i shoud've just said leftist or sjw or something

Never claimed that
Again, read his political notes. He makes his views and political beliefs very clear.

I'm aware of the GG twitter survey that showed most of the Reddit/Twitter GGers were left wing back in 2015 or so. It's been several years though, so it might be outdated as people's beliefs changed and such.
You don't have to be a leftyfag to oppose overblown copyright laws though, copyright is largely an unnecessary regulation that give the government restrictions on speech. Most people that buy a copyrighted work are going to buy it regardless of whether or not they can download it for free anyway. Patent law was an alright idea, but in practice doesn't really matter.

You never gave one to respond to.

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they're the same thing

"Socialism, Communism, or whatever one chooses to call it, by converting private property into public wealth" - Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

Marx used the words interchangeably while Lenin-influenced writers of the 20th century proclaimed communism to be the final result of an extended period of global socialism where states have withered away and money is not a thing anymore. In the latter sense, communism is a measure of socialism but socialism is not communism.

Oh but I did, I explained to you how the Green Party and Bernie Sanders aren't communist and thus don't support your argument.


I already read it. It doesn't satisfy me.

RMS got Codes of Conduct?

Interesting observation. Was this what may have happened to Linus Torvald?
And what of Richard M. Stallman?
Strange that RMS requires it for his GPL enforcement.
How strangely libertarian...

Interesting. Therefore GPL code belong to the public. Not the copyright holder.

Is RMS Marx?

Nice strawman.

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You realize you have multiple posters laughing at your inability to form coherent logic now, right? Not even one of the other anons you've been arguing with.


Are there even any righties that stridently oppose copyright law? Seems like the ability to monopolize ideas falls squarely in rightcuck ideology.

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Everyone on Zig Forums

yes, ancaps

Quite obvious /trannypol/ is sperging out for some reason here. Really surprised with their restraint given that they're only posting kekistani cringe instead of BBCs.

i had no idea that pic of stallman existed, a hearty kek

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As for Stallman, his seem pretty much the same over the years.
I guess that's the best way to describe my beliefs.

and mine led me to pokemon with titties

Spooky right-winger here, I oppose copyright law. Only good thing it does is keep your neighbor from selling pirated copies of your shitty book.

excuse me but what you're referring to as CoC is actually GNU/CoC or GNU'd my Cock (As I've recently started calling it) Cock is just one free part of a fully free system

So, RMS is a strawman?

Strange, isn't it?

Oh vey

Laughed at that one. Reminds of how baloons were innovated. Damn hot air!

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I like my Sparta extra Trojanny.
Kinda like GPL within copyright.

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What else did you expect from commie hot takes?

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