They got him. Linus is either dead already, or soon to be suicided.
They got him. Linus is either dead already, or soon to be suicided
Worse, cuckolded.
Honestly, Linux was already going off the deep-end when Intelaviv employees started making commits to it.
F, you glorious autistic finngolian.
It's pretty obvious now he was blackmailed and was sent a document with a list of bullet points to include in the email he was told to write.
Always fight back. They tried to take our vidya, and we fought back. Will we just sit idly and let them take our free beer software as well?
These are unfortunate dubs of truth.
This is exactly what they want though, this weakens Linux's hold on the internet. Do you think big name companies are going to continue using Linux if people threaten to pull their commits and put them on the line for massive data breach libel lawsuits? One of the images in the article even states that that was their plan from the beginning, to take it over just so they can burn it down and get rid of another "patriarchal hangout" just like vidya was.
Polite sage for double post.
Good idea, we can work on replacing the linux kernel with the windows NT kernel and that way everything is fixed and we can show them who's boss. Haha jokes on them they control the majority market share now!
well it sounded too retarded for him to write. of course an SJW niggers somehow manages to mix ASCII quotes with some unicode shit
Delet this
This is physically painful.
Kill yourself cuckchan nigger.
the social justice fuckwits might be willing to let this happen but not the companies. Look how much effort companies are putting into keeping older versions of Windows for crying out loud. There is no way in hell these companies are going to put in all that time and effort to switch instead of removing one page from the internet and banning these crybabies from the community. Keep the pressure on and you win, guaranteed.
Someone wrote a script for him and sent it to him. He copied and pasted it into an editor.
year of the systemd/linux desktop!
Newfag gtfo.
How is it possible to be this new?
Fuck off retard.
Go back to your kike board mark, no one here cares about your "vidya" autism you fat fucking manchild. Degenerate cuckchan cross-posters deserve to be shot.
Again, how is it possible to think this?
This is what happens when you let immigrants in.
Newfag cancer at its finest. If you're gonna be a newfag and post like 4chan cancer, go back to 4chan already and stop wasting our time with your retarded posts. Zig Forums exists to sidestep colossal morons like you. That's why we're not >>>/g/, because /g/ is filled with fucking opinionated idiots. Except when the quality posters left /g/ for Zig Forums, /g/ died and those /g/ cancer parasites fishing for approval followed us to Zig Forums and tried to shit up Zig Forums to /g/ levels. You are part of that cancer, so kindly do us all a favor and fuck off already with your colossal newfaggotry and inability to assimilate to the board culture.
He did what he had to do to survive. That does not mean we have to give up, though. It's war -- soldiers die. Men keep fighting. Don't give up until you run out of moves.
jesus fucking christ... When was the last time anyone saw him? They can't take Terry and Linus in the same year. Someone,put John Carmack in a nuke bunker before they get him.
is that real?
Because there is absolutely no difference between gaymur gayte, unironic /v/ posters, nu/pol/ posters, and cuckchan. They are identical in every aspect barring only the cancerous captcha.
You've posted absolutely nothing of substance. Screeching "n-no you're from 4chan that's why you're really upset about us mimicking the culture!" isn't an argument. Gaymer gayte is cancer, video games are cancer, your e-celeb bullshit profiteering circle jerk was fruitless. I don't seek approval, only the swift cleansing of you from humanity. Honestly calling you a minority here would be a lie at this point. The number of cuckchan cross-posters vastly outweighs the number of sane reasonable posters. The catalog is filled with your autism and threads get spammed to death with people pretending that video games are anything but a plague on society.
See you at the Ω brothers.
GG being a pile of ineffectual shit doesn't mean it's a 4chan thing...
Sure, user. It's real.
Nu/pol/ immigrants have by far been the worst thing to happen to this site. Niggers couldn't assimilate for shit, haven't any respect for the locals or their board culture, and declared that everyone else suddenly needs to play by their rules and abide their bullshit or leave the neighborhood, once they reached large numbers. These newfag 4chan cancer fuckers should be deported if you ask me. I'd take /intl/ over nu/pol/ any day.
Holy shit I just saw something. Terry said at one point that he, Linus Torvalds, and John Carmack were "like the three amigos". what if they were all part of some CIA mkultra thing to create the perfect programmer? Guys i'm scared.
Nigger, that is some of the stupidest fucking shit I've read. You have to be goddamn retarded or insanely fucking new to believe all of those are the same.
His feminist daughter can cuck him into anything.
Why would do this thing?
MASSIF if true
Curious what will come out of this whole thing. I doubt linux will be kill but I think we'll end up with a glowing CIA nigger fork and a free fork and main devs will support the glowing fork and the free fork will be left to sink or swim by the community.
Okay. Teach me how to write a kernel and how to maintain one. Don't pull yer punches, list every good book.
I have my own little theory about this. Remember back at that one con, when Linus was asked if the NSA had ever approached him about the Linux kernel? Remember how he said no, while nodding his head yes, clearly indicating that his wasn't allowed to speak, but trying to get the message across regardless? I think this is the same situation. I think that his hands are tied somehow and he's not able to speak his mind, but he's trying to drop little hints for us, to let us know it was written under pressure, or something similar. This shit genuinely freaks me out and I am absolutely certain that this text formatting abnormality is no accident.
Operating Systems Design and Implementation by Tannenbaum.
If this goes gamergate-tier I hope you faggots don't pussy out.
Or, ya know, just accept the CoC and continue advocating for linux. I'm honestly having trouble sympathizing with a lot of you people here because it's blatantly obvious having women or PoC devs discomforts you. Unironically white straight men need to sit the fuck down while the oppressed speak and you better listen.
oy vey! Take pic related and leave!
at least try. If you left out the last sentence it'd at least be a 5/10 for bait.
Well, now it truly is time to worry
source please
Wew this is decent bait, you'll definitely get at least 5 (You)s out of it.
First Terry, now Linus.
Who is next? Are there any opposers remaining.
I have no idea, funnily enough I got it here at Zig Forums years ago.
Good point
I agree; everything about this is abnormal.
ESR warned us this would happen.
You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. See
Speaking of which when is ESR going to respond? Is it possible they took him out at the same time?
Been refreshing his blog for days now waiting for him to drop a scathing analysis of the situation. I have a feeling he's pretty pissed and has been spending a lot of time communicating with various people to try to get an idea of what is actually going on behind the scenes. I think his last two or three blog posts have been dedicated to CoC fuckery and master/slave censorship nonsense, so I imagine that since Linux itself has been so ruthlessly targeted now he will be on a total warpath.
If you check out the comments on his blog he's responded about this already.
If I were him I'd have used the extra attention his blog has been getting to make a blog post about his UPS project. It hasn't seen in update in months.
this is what a black redditor sounds like
Just looked through the comments. I didn't see any comments specifically about the situation regarding Linus, just some comments about CoCs in general and an argument about black IQ. I may have missed it, could you provide a link?
I saw him less than a month ago at a conference. He seemed okay, but admittedly the Linux Foundation conference had a lot of SJW sessions. LF clearly was already leaning this way.
So do we start a movement again? Who knows if we get anyone to support it, might as well be dead in the water.
No, you continue to do your work and contribute while living a life of quiet desperation. Whenever a PoC asks you to do something you kneel before him/her/xer and tell them unconditionally, yes in addition to apologizing for your existence. You're nothing compared to the powerfull tranny overlord above you and if you fail to realize this you will be ostracized or jailed. Dominance heirarchies are problematic when based on merit or innate biological capacity but fine when based on oppression, as long as you realize that you'll do fine.
git clone --bare the archives at git://[0-6].git
Run git log -p --author=torvalds | grep '^+' | grep -P '=E2=80=9(C|D)'
Linus has never personally used quoted-printable smart quotes, although he quoted someone using them on Jul 10 2018.
I don't understand how this keeps happening. Is there anything left to even take. Why bother, why torment people like this. This is nothing other than destructive.
I don't even know what to call you other than mentally retarded
"Everything I dislike is the same thing" is a stupid mindset.
The problem is always either it's too pretentious, no one does anything significant, there are not enough resources, shitty management, or all of the above. If there is a movement that promotes 8/tech/s ideals and avoids those pitfalls, I think that many would gladly contribute.
It's like the have a plan.
This. Zig Forums turns everything they touch into shit. Zig Forums too.
Nice bait.
It's a stupid move on their end. I hate to think what is going to happen when you have people who can longer have fun.
Look up Poe's law, and read this old internet quote
You have to give these people the benefit of the doubt anymore. Start treating these people as if they were sincere, because they might be. And even if they're not, you have to anyway, otherwise people will assume it's acceptable to post like that here.
i wouldnt be surprised if he paraphrased some SJW and went along to be honest
Linus wasn't blackmailed.
His daughter was the cause. She didn't want to have a toxic white guy as a dad so she made him retire.
This is the last bastion of free project leadership who burns CoCs at the stake.
SJW shill.
You nerds all got beaten by a bunch of girls.
How embarrassing.
They're both in Oregon, and Linus' "therapy" is a daily meeting with Terry who calls him a nigger until he stops writing 1970's mainframe style OS. When Linus returns, he will declare Linux dead and start a next-generation OS for PIC64 and RISCV.
Just because the fat hairy incel cucks in tech claim they're girls and take Jamals dick up their ass doesn't make them girls, gr8 b8 though
But then why the smart quotes?
To be honest, I doubt he has truly been killed and replaced by an actor, but something fishy is going on here. Judging by the fact that he seems to mix ASCII quotes and smart quotes, I am going to assume some parts of the mail have been written in a different program to whatever he is used to write in, since if it were to be written in a single program (maybe he changed his mail client, I dunno) and then copypasted over, the quotes would have been consistent. This may mean:
then what do we do? once the nsa gets its fingers in the pie, there isn't a chance of him removing them.
I don't know. It may not even be that bad. At the very least he wants us to be on the alert that his message was not genuine. That's what I think anyway. It seems too unlikely to be a fluke. Not really enough info at this time to draw a strong conclusion. But who doesn't love a good mystery?
lol they got him. Another bot joins the net.
Behold: the newest of fags.
Welcome to left wing politics. It's insidious. They don't have a plan beyond dominate everything and there's enough of them to do it.
It's simple. We kill Linus and frame the SJWs for it. In his blood we write "you used the wrong quotes Linus" and take a picture for instagram.
This is literally a single nigger with a email sperging all over the LKML. Hardly news material.
He was:
>Torvalds’s decision to step aside came after The New Yorker asked him a series of questions about his conduct for a story on complaints about his abusive behavior discouraging women from working as Linux-kernel programmers.
Another snippet I take is this:
He describes how corporate software works down to a T. Linux's been basically "designed by commitee" for quite a while now, and the CIA niggers forcing themselves into it probably wanted him gone to go full corporate software.
Our discomfort as you put it is irrelevant. The shit code these groups practically inevitably create and promote is the main issue. The secondary issue it the incredible toxicity and destruction of a productive environment having 3DPD of any sort present in these environments creates.
You plainly are either a female or a numale cuck to even make a comment like that -- or you don't work in a dev environment for a living. In either case you are unironically full of shit.
Tits or GTFO.
It's a troll you retard.