In some threads I've heard
At this point, I think we are stuck with having some code of conduct. Can we come up with a code of conduct that much more reasonable than the Contributor Covenant, but enough that Linux leadership would accept it?
We're not getting out of having a CoC, but maybe we can replace the current one with something less awful.
Making a "less-bad" CoC
Other urls found in this thread:
1. no drama
How about this one
The Linux kernel development effort is a very personal process comparedto "traditional" ways of developing software. Your code and ideasbehind it will be carefully reviewed, often resulting in critique andcriticism. The review will almost always require improvements to thecode before it can be included in the kernel. Know that this happensbecause everyone involved wants to see the best possible solution forthe overall success of Linux. This development process has been provento create the most robust operating system kernel ever, and we do notwant to do anything to cause the quality of submission and eventualresult to ever decrease.If however, anyone feels personally abused, threatened, or otherwiseuncomfortable due to this process, that is not acceptable. If so,please contact the Linux Foundation's Technical Advisory Board at, or the individual members, and theywill work to resolve the issue to the best of their ability. For moreinformation on who is on the Technical Advisory Board and what theirrole is, please see:-
Ruby's CoC isn't too bad. Just enough that they might accept it, but doesn't try to apply outside of the project (they specifically say it only applies inside it).
Fuck off nigger
1. kill yourself
Think of this to traditional CoCs as the GPL is to traditional software licenses.
The code of conflict worked fine. We didn't need this new CoC.
Just keep the first paragraph.
* All code added to this repository must be up to the standards of code used before it or better.* Anyone with any affiliation to any government agency may not attempt to add code to this repository or have any other influence therein.* Anyone who has not submitted and had code approved to this repository may not comment on any of the internal workings, and may only submit technically accurate bug reports. Any other activity will result in a ban
call it a framework
The Code of Conduct
1. If you do not like the conduct of another contributor, fork the repo and fuck off.
2. If anyone suggests replacing or modifying, hints at replacing modifying, or attempts to replace or modify this Code of Conduct, they are permanently banned from the project.
3. If this Code of Conduct is replaced or modified at any point in the future (including in any forks), the software license of the project from then on out is changed to make possessing or viewing the project's code an intellectual property violation.
4. If anyone even discusses this Code of Conduct on communication systems internal to the project (except in the instance of pointing out violations of rules 1,2, or 3), they are banned from the project for life.
The new code of conduct is
-no swj allowed
That's pretty much it
Whoever came up with code of conduct for coding anyways.
Code of Conduct
Don't be a nigger.
why does this coc-mania feel suspiciously like a trojan horse?
That's literally what the old linux CoC was.
because the new code of conduct as a secret clause (in a non-free blob attached to it) that will bundle systemd (NSA/Russia adware) with the linux kernel and automatically update itself on all distributions except for OpenBSD, 9front, and TempleOS
Imagine throwing away years of work, what was he thinking?
Oh btw what about haiku?
haiku is also safe, so is netbsd
Which of those has office?
I bet openBSD is the best out of those.
because anti-sjws feel emboldened after having a white supremacist in office. They're hysterical because human decency is antithetical to their sociopathic existence. Literally why would you care about a CoC bringing hundreds if not thousands of competent female programmers to Linux unless you were afraid of your own competency being challenged or you're just a closeted, bigoted little shit.
ps: do these people like legitimately go online thinking all the social hubs are no more than communities? some of them are legit, bona fide societies and demanding inclusion into places you couldn't go otherwise is not how the world works online or offline
libreoffice has a code of conduct
Oh well its not like libreoffice can mess with the rest of the system...
or can it?
lmao listen to yourself, so what you're scared of is that having a code of conduct will magically make bad code go in linux, and it will ruin everything?
yeah those sjw will install backdoors so the government can spy on people using linux
choose one
do you even know what a code of conduct is? it doesn't automatically give someone ownership of the git repo, any git commits they make will be reviewed just like everything else, not to mention
if this happens distros will use forks for the kernel like FSF endorsed distros already do over the non-free blobs
They'll just get a cuck to install a backdoor
what are you even talking about?
If the sjw can get people to change the coc to suit their feelings they can change anything else to suit them.
Linux has been compromised.
RIP linux 1980's-2018
because sjws feel emboldened after having a cuck in office. They're hysterical because human decency is antithetical to their sociopathic existence. Literally why would you care about a community bringing hundreds if not thousands of competent male programmers to Linux unless you were afraid of your own competency being challenged or you're just a closeted, bigoted little shit.
ps: do these people like legitimately go online thinking all the tech hubs are no more than patriarchies? some of them are legit, bona fide societies and demanding inclusion into places you couldn't go otherwise is not how the world works online or offline
This is why the world needs more centrists!
Code of Chiding
0. This is not your project. 1. Fuck off. Besides your name and email, we don't give a shit about you.2. Put up. Shit contributions will be met with appropriate criticism.3. Learn it. Study acceptable contributions and save and time. 4. Drop it. Politics has no place in production. 5. Check it. Break your code so no else can. Accept patches.6. Refine it. There may always a better way. Accept refinements.
You can't recover from this.
your average backdoor is the worst shitcode you've ever seen
Glass houses
Your existence must be constant suffering.
Also: 1980s
if only
well 1991 whatever
It's unfortunate that your old "cuckchan is an anime based forum!" bullshit doesn't work here, isn't it you insufferable retard? Day of the rope soon faggot.
Ah yes, the good old "right wing SJW" autism. How dare you be expected to fix your own society instead of indulging in the media of another who can't even manage to keep their birth rates in check. You caught me, I'm just too concerned about your productivity and contributions towards your people to be a normal person. I must be an SJW who wants to preserve the sanctity of one of the single most xenophobic countries on the planet that just so happened to be apart of the fucking axis.
This is your brain on cuckchan everyone.
Post moar pls.
I thought this was about call of chernobyl, something actually important
what a fucking loser
Is this true guys?
I want this to be true...
yeah there's no way a backdoor could get past github.
This is just some silly display for the sjws is all.
What did you do to this file?
Aaaaand right on queue we've got the corporate kikes divide and conquering smh
I think it's due to (((Cloudjew))), assuming the user didn't intentionally embed a file in the image or something like that. There's an option called "polish" you can enable on your domains that will cause (((Cloudflare))) to sometimes MITM images and (((compress))) them. There's speculation that it could in fact be modifying images for tracking purposes (e.g. by adding a digital watermark of some kind). Anons have asked codemonkey to disable """polish""", but it seems so far he hasn't listened.
Having Code of Conduct is not bad by itself. CoC is just fancy SV word for thing that normal people call rules and almost every community has rules. What is bad about most CoCs is that they are written in a way that removes people who do not share same values as ultra-left SV people. Specially cancerous part is that CoC applies to ALL activities not just things that you post or say in community specific places. So, if you try to challenge leftist point of view of current political or social issues they will (try to) use that to remove you from software projects.
Not even safefag or defending him, just saying your going overboard spouting the same shit and derailing the entire thread with something so fucking insignificant
CoC based on Ten Commandments of Chivalry:
Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and thou shalt observe all its directions.
Thou shalt defend the Church.
Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.
Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born.
Thou shalt not recoil before thine bugs.
Thou shalt remove bugs in software without cessation and without mercy.
Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy programming duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone.
Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.
Any CoC needs to have the following:
* Guaranteed rights for anyone who is bound by it, regardless of who that is. Presumably contributors. This means things that cannot be taken away from them or that they will always be allowed to do.
* There must be clear limitations on where the rules apply. For Linux, this should probably be limited to the issue tracker and mailing list.
* Enforcement must be explicit enough that the mechanism and methods are clear and not arbitrary.
It would be optimal if we could guarantee a user's right to submit patches, disallow permanent bans from the project outside of extreme cases from users who have encountered many issues before, and limit said suspensions and bans to the medium which they "abused". In other words, even the most fowl-mouthed misogynerd should, at worst, get a few months off from the mailing list for their behavior on it, but be free to submit patches and make an appeal. Nobody should be banned, ever, for a tweet.
The idea of limiting contributions based on behavior and not code review is absurd.
We must focus on user and contributor rights, however. These limit the power of any governing body. Instead of removing rules, we can add limitations that the rules cannot touch. Ideally, the Linux Foundation should have a Constitution, but promulgating one will be difficult unless we all show up to the maintainer conference in October.
If you guys want some reading, check out both Treatises on Government, the Federalist Papers, plus the works of Alexis de Tocqueville and Enlightenment philosphers like Locke and Rousso.
Ok if they listen to her its over...
Here is one.
1. All code will be judged by merit alone. If it is not up to coding standard set by the panel, do not expect that the code will be expected.
2. Politieness is not an obligation. All speech is permitted with the exception of those not covered in US 1st Amendment (applied globally)
3. Subversion by government agencies and/or leftist organizations to override 1&2 are to be rejected with extreme rigor.
1: Don't dox anyone.
2: don't be a gaylord
That's all we need.
1) create a SANE, derivative CoC with valid justifications for the changes
2) get anons to contact important/powerful people and request they support it
3) ???
4) !profit
When a topic like this in a popular subreddit like /r/linux gets 1.3k upvotes, you know your viewpoint is not niche or unpopular at all:
That is important. It appears 8ch are part of the majority, for once.
this how i know i stepped into some homo e-drama territory
no, we are not associated with these LARPers. anyone who takes this seriously is LARPing too. how the fuck does the word transgender have anything whatsoever to do with the linux kernel?
KDE has a pretty low-harm one. Judge for yourselves:
Calligra doesn't. Or rather, it inherits KDE's one.
If history is any predictor, yes.
Aaaaand right on queue we've got the jew attempting to force acceptance for a compromise that isn't a compromise at all.
just switch to bolt action nobody needs (((automatic)))
never comprimise
Zig Forums is going to get as hard Zig Forums does with jews now.
Poettering and his butt buddy Sievert use "harassment" and negativity as an excuse to push their shitty code all over the Linux ecosystem. It's already happened with systemd, pulseaudio, avahi, dbus, etc.
We need to specify that shit said OUTSIDE of the project isn't fair game.
Here's the main problem with CoC's, even very short ones:
Who the fuck enforces this shit?
You now have to _formally_ specify who holds the hammer over the other contributors heads. This changes the context significantly between all contributors, because now there is someone you can tattle too. (And not just "can tattle", but actively encouraged to do so)
The system of blocking somebody when they annoy you (but not attempting to force that block on everybody else) works well IMO, so there really is no need for CoC's in general.
What if we just say fuck it and abandon linux and convince devs to start focusing on GNU hurd? Would be cool to use this as a chance to give that project the attention it deserves.
With HURD, if it ever gets compromised, it's at least easier to replace. It being a micro-kernel means only having to chop off the effected modules, and writing replacements that obey the kernel interface.
My point exactly, plus with Stallman's comments promising no CoC for GNU it seems like this would be a much more interesting option than just forking linux. Drop linux entirely for a completely new (IMO Better) kernel and sidestep the attempted coup.
are we going to have to move to open Suse and other unix systems
You can always count on tech santa claus to do the right thing
Codifying human relations is shit. Learning about it is part of growing up.
Yeah well, it beats trial by God's judgment which is what the CoC Beacon thing essentially is
you stupid niggers. so now you have code that has licenses and CoCs and the CoCs themselves have licenses
meant to quote
Rule 1 of CoC: There is no CoC
esr spoke:
Judging from his comments (
From PS YOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory
Major Michael A. Aquino PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader
The advantage of Mind War is that it conducts wars in nonlethal, noninjurious, and
nondestructive ways. Essentially you overwhelm your enemy with argument. [...]
Everyone is happy, no one gets hurt or killed, and nothing is destroyed.
The first thing it is necessary to overcome is a view of PSYOP that limits it to routine,
predictable, over-obvious, and hence marginally effective "leaflet and loudspeaker"
In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe - neither through primitive "battlefield" leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics - but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are, of course, the electronic media - television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago.
MindWar must target all participants if it is to be effective.
Michael Aquino and Coery Dale Ehmke both live in the Chicago area, both '"study'" thelema and both are obnoxious shills.
we are not stuck with having a code of conduct. this is damage control
You don't give one iota to these bastards. Not one Planck unit. If you do they keep coming back over and over and take everything from you a nibble at a time.
I see no reason why you cannot use their own tools against them by having an "immunity CoC".
CoC is the camel's nose. You let this shit in and now it will take over.
You are just trying to negotiate the terms of your surrender now.
Clause 3 is not GPL-compatible.
Not everyone gives a fuck about nu/pol/'s insane race politics bullshit, but that still doesn't make the CoC bullshit acceptable. There is no reason to attack meritocracy unless you lack merit but demand a strong voice anyway, in which case, go fuck yourself, especially when this is a development project, and not a goddamn podium. CoCs are all about introducing bullshit politics and SJW witch hunts into projects. There is a reason why projects that go SJW suffer from devs leaving and no longer contributing.
The "wider audience" myth can also go fuck itself. Not only does diversity pandering fail hard in general (and in the case of FreeBSD it has been proven to result in open disaster), but this is kernel development where you need seriously capable programmers, not a mass of mediocre idiots thirsting for participation awards, so pandering (least of all SJW pandering) is fundamentally not the right approach to attract talent. The kernel's goal is to have the best code, which brings us back to why meritocracy is the only sane way to handle kernel development. The original method did not exclude women. It only excluded incompetents and/or drama queens. If you wish to argue that excluding incompetence and/or drama queens is the barrier that excludes women from kernel development to sell your case on why it needs a retarded CoC, then that says plenty about your views and why I do not give a fuck for any of that shit.
Astroturfing doesn't work, mate. You're not from around here.
SJWs are already trying to kick out Linus Torvalds himself and Theodore Ts'o out of kernel development for not being sufficiently positive of their bullshit. If you think stupid witch hunts of kernel devs are how we improve the Linux project, then you are a fucking idiot. It's plainly obvious that supporting this kind of bullshit has a severely detrimental effect on the code quality of the project.
Not bad, although "accept refinements" sounds like a great way to induce development hell because people are fixing what wasn't broken.
Intellectual suffocation of the worst kind.