First non linus tag

press F

Attached: first non linus tag.png (1260x1709, 438.4K)

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more like S
fuck linus
he should be deported

Great news!

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All the changes can be found here
Its just the usual stuff guys

Keep a mental note of that kernel version
The last true Linux Kernel version

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they committed the CoC a day prior to that version.

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That kernel revision was in development a bit longer than some retarded CoC though

It's obvious he's being blackmailed, if not already killed.

Greg Kroah-Hartman

Interviewer: "What software do you use?"Greg Kroah-Hartman: "Linux everywhere of course. On the desktop I am running the openSUSE Tumbleweed distribution (a rolling version of openSUSE that provides the latest stable packages) as I'm the one responsible for that distribution. I run Gentoo Linux on my servers and my build machine. I am trying out Arch Linux on my MacBook as I wanted to see how that distro was due to hearing good things about it. So far I'm impressed with it, and given that openSUSE doesn't work on the MacBook Pro yet, I'm sticking with it for now.For daily use, I live in mutt and vim for email and editing. I use offlineimap for syncing email around on all of the different systems I use. To send email I rely on msmtp to be able to handle queueing of emails when I do not have any connectivity (like on airplanes). git for source code control in dealing with Linux kernel patches as well as other more mundane stuff (email archiving, configuration files, etc.) I use quilt on top of git for handling the Linux kernel stable patch set as the workflow there does not lend itself to a pure git environment.For desktop environment, on my workstation, I use GNOME 3, despite me complaining about it all the time. On my laptop I've converted over to using the i3 window manager, on top of the GNOME 3 session handling logic. Give me a few more weeks and I might just move my desktop over to that environment as well - I'm finding that i3 is really good for my use cases (lots of terminal windows open, virtual screens, and fast keyboard navigation of everything.) For a web browser I switch between Firefox and Chrome every few weeks for no valid reason.My Nexus 7 tablet is running the nightly CyanogenMod releases and have had no problems at all with it. My Galaxy Nexus phone is running the stock Jelly Bean release from Google, no modifications."

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Him being blackmailed implies they have dirt on him. What could it be? Did he #meetoo someone?

He must have made some shitposts here, or on hirochan.

Linux is dead, long live Gregnux

Welp, it looks like this guy is cucked too.

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You wanted the year of the Loonix desktop didn't you Zig Forums? Well here it is heh

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LTT was always borderlined cringey as fuck anyways

Please copy these posts on >>>/baphomet/ so that there's redundancy and order:
Dig threads are baph, not tech

Your mom should've finished the abortion job

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Or something that could easily be taken out of context.

Dig threads, I was clear m8

hope the new guy didnt make any mistakes.

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I think you misunderstand what that really means. He doesn't need to do anything, the threat of accusation is enough. Do you really think a completely made up, false accusation of "Linus Torvalds groped me at a convention" would not irreparably damage his reputation? I clearly don't need to tell you at this point how deeply infected by leftism the entire field of computing is (the CoC wouldn't exist if this wasn't the case). Never blame the victim, right?

Plus we know for a fact this rape accusation shit is coordinated. It's all a power grab. There is a clique of dirty, appallingly evil people in tech who stand to greatly benefit from either having Torvalds out of the picture entirely, or at the command of their every whim. They could use the immeasurable public outrage at him over a "rape accusation" to force him to step down, or, as they appear to have done, hold the threat of this in his face and feed him a script to read. It wouldn't surprise me of Linus is getting orders directly from Google. Linux bows to Google, Google bows to the NSA.

The new Linux CEO is taller than Linus.

Attached: Linus Torvalds and Greg Kroah -Hartman.webm (640x360, 519.16K)

Damn you, monkey's paw! Damn you!!!

Linus was as good as gone the second he started talking shit about (((INTEL))).

I know sarcasm is hard to convey over the internet but shit man

Sage because you are stunningly retarded.

manlets BTFO once again

now we know why he likes penguins so much

doesn't matter, he should have died fighting, but since he's european he has no sense of that.

perfectly aryan

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He's pretty big guy for a kernel maintainer. Btw according to (((Wikipedia))), he has been a maintainer along with linus since kernel version 2.6.


Didn't SystemD end up literally rendering multiple systems truly bricked because of their crappy UEFI implementation?

they didn't even fix that
systemd requires unlimited access to the UEFI at all times.

That explains why that Acer netbook I had ended up inexplicably dying, assuming Ubuntu used systemDicks on version 12 or 14. Maybe flashing the BIOS with a SBC might be in order?

Atleast he's an actual Linux developer.

This is true.
SystemD mounts efi as writeable by default allowing for overwriting of firmware.
The argument isn't that it shouldn't be possible to overwrite the firmware however, it's that it shouldn't be the default as people who have no idea about that specific part or even care wouldn't be using it, and it makes it way to easy for someone to brick their system.


Why would this be the default behavior? How exactly do they justify this? If the firmware needed overwriting, then it should either be the users job to unlock write permissions on the firmware partition, or in some cases it should be the job of the firmware flashing software. I know Systemd gets a lot of flack for its retarded decisions but usually there is some justification there. I fail to see how this can be justified.

Something about certain services needing the ability to write to it
It's the UNIX way to do things. If the user makes a mistake it's there fault and they should accept all the consequences of their actions. Any help from the system is handholding and is discouraged.

Why do said services need their hands held? If a service needs to write to firmware, it should have the capability of enabling write permissions by itself.
Aside from the fact systemd by design throws the UNIX philosophy out the window to begin with, typically these things are built around a level of common-sense design. Which at least in this particular use case is anything but common sense. If you really want to go off about muh UNIX philosophy, then a true UNIX-like system would leave everything RO until absolutely necessary, and/or only when its explicitly called to be able to write to it.

Maybe the services are not run as root, so it could not mount by itself.
"The UNIX philosophy", is pretty vague and let's you pick and choose what parts of it you want to follow. Not even UNIX follows "the UNIX philosophy."

If said service needs to write to firmware in any way it shouldn't even be called by itself, you retard. I personally never gave a fuck about the Systemd vs sysvinit debate but nobody should be an apologist for inherently flawed design. Hold the programs you use to higher standards my man.

He's a big guy.

Larpers, the lot of you

Who is this guy? Looks like a CIAnigger. Linus is really out of character too looks like they might have drugged him.

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he was always cucked

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man, this is truly a sad day

Are you the Kirusufag? Or was that some other fag? Because I miss that Kirusufag.

Linus is a manlet. Explains everything.

Welp, I knew it had to come in my lifetime I just didn't expect Linus is kill this early. We hardly knew ye.

Trips decides next major tragedy in the Zig Forums realm

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rms dies of heart attack
pls no


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fucking faggot hat

Teh Coc tranny loses its cock.

Fuck you

Die, nigger

He's getting old man... we neec to take the reigns ourselves

Rolling for that commie stalman.

CIA nigger gets run over with a car and died. This time around it doesn't glows because it happened in a sunny day.

rms pls


(checked) gottem

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Woah he's actually based?

guess im staying on 4.18 then


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I'm already jumping ship to OSX and Windows 7 Embedded. Linux is dead to me. Open-source software is dead to me. The Marxists found its true flaw and exploited it: ((( anybody ))) can """""""contribute""""""".

Attached: The_dayt_the_war_came.jpg (467x1080, 73.48K)

It's spelled (((Goynux))) shill

Intel - Hardware backdoor
Hart(((man))) - OS backdoor

Now it all becomes clear. Kill the king and put the Hasabara prince on his throne.
This will be for the best in the long run. We were too complacent even after Snowden showed us our levels of paranoia was low balling the reality.

4.19 is one before 420 (Uncle A's B-day), I think this is a meme

checked you bastard

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But what if unacceptable behaviour is what's best for the community?
How does that work?

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He is dead. DEAD. They won.

Seems like a top bloke


I for one welcome this

Lets see how he feels about necrophilia when he's dead.

Sounds fucking horrible.


I have an iPad I use as a laptop replacement but my main home workstation is a Linux machine. Probably going to ditch the fruit machine when I can though.