ITT we are going to draft a simple letter that can be sent out to developers (such as on mailing lists) that very concisely outlines why CoCs must be firmly rejected from their projects and why those who pester them to adopt one should simply be ignored (not argued with, not reasoned with, completely ignored).
One of the biggest problems we have are naive devs, either maintainers of projects or contributors, who don't see the underlying problems regarding CoCs in the first place, and thus end up adding one to the project or pestering the maintainer to adopt one. The vast majority of these people are useful idiots who are completely oblivious to the actual ideological agenda being pushed forward by these CoCs.
Let's begin by breaking down the largest misconception of all held by naive devs: That CoCs are "just about being nice to everyone". People who say "what's the big deal about a CoC? it just means being nice to everyone" don't understand the situation at all, and they are the useful idiot masses from which the majority of the momentum for adopting CoCs is generated.
It must be made clear to them:
The people pushing these CoCs do NOT care about being nice to anyone, not even to the "minority" groups they claim to represent. It has nothing to do with tolerance or any of the other flowery bullshit they claim to be supporting: It's all about POWER and nothing but POWER, taking power from those who have it and transferring it to themselves. They feign concern for "minority" groups so as to mask their resentment and lust for power with compassion.
The CoCs outline behavior which is deemed to be problematic using very vague language. The million dollar question is: WHO decides the interpretation of the vague language when it comes time to punish those who have allegedly transgressed the CoC?
The answer is that THEY do, the people who spend the majority of their time writing CoCs and lobbying software projects to adopt their CoCs, they are the ones who interpret it as they please, and punish those who they wish to rob of their power so as to transfer it to themselves. They are not even hiding this fact, they are openly setting up a third party bureaucracy called "CoC Beacon" that will act as Stasi-like investigative tribunal that developers can snitch to when they detect any wrong-think among their peers on a project.
This is all about socialist redistribution of power from the "oppressive privileged classes" (e.g. those with "white privilege", "male privilege", and "CIS privilege") to the "oppressed" minorities.
CoCs are subversive instruments of power transfer used by political extremists to systematically dismantle the power of those that those extremists have deemed to be "privileged" so as to transfer that power to themselves. It is nothing more, and nothing less.
How did it get to the point that a mere sexual harassment accusation is as good as actual evidence? Seriously people need to stop getting caught up in this MeToo hit squad bullshit and fight back.
Alexander James
The problem with Code of Conducts is most of the m are designed to take the bizzare out of the bizzare, to try and turn it into 1 system of judgement. For instance, let's take someone in a bizzare that has a fruit stand, unfortunantly this person's fruit stand has rotten fruit. Then there is another person with a fruit stand with fruit that isn't rotten. In all judgement the person with the better fruit will obviously get more customers.
A CoC however, disagrees with this. It's a way for the person with the rotten fruit stand to complain about the fact he's getting no customers and force the distrubution of his rotten fruit despite it being lacking in quality. They do this by setting standards that lead to the others demise with no equal bases, to invade an already existing space and force their own rules upon the established community. The man with the good fruit stand is forced to buy/sell this rotten fruit because he's the one getting the customers.
Owen Cook
The rest of the article is basically ESR trying to talk any non-pinkhairs maintaining Linux off the cliff and away from the CoC, in the cuckspeak only they understand. I don't think that will work, but that's sort of a side issue. We now more or less have confirmation from someone that isn't entirely dim that Ada doesn't have all the cards and is a hair-breath away from fucking everything up. All it takes is a stampede.
Bentley Foster
I agree, but that's never going to happen. At this point it would be easier for us to become the Chads.
Soyboys. SJWs have no power of their own, they are given power by beta faggots who are so pathetic that no woman will want to sleep with them. So instead of maning up, they want to change society so that it makes them attractive. They want to be "allies" and "not like those other guys".
John Long
Thanks, I've been waiting with baited breath for his response to this situation. I wonder if it's even possible at this point for the devs to quietly reject the CoC from the project and carry on as usual, as ESR is recommending. Who ultimately would even be behind that decision now?
Which may have been the intent all along; If they can't get control they will settle with total destruction.
Liam Edwards
What happens if developers were to ignore it?
Caleb Long
Well if the beacon is put in place, these mentally-unstable degenerates will be in charge of CoC enforcement, meaning devs who commit wrongthink get kicked out.
Elijah Davis
They infiltrate your project and bully you until you cave in, quit, or sudoku. Boy isnt being progressive great?
Jack Mitchell
What matters is this: It's impossible to fight back now. The degenerates and kikes fucking won and will neber lose again.
All confirm this. It's over.
Brayden Morris
noone cares. if you read a CoC it's immediately obvious why it's retarded. if you had to do any more thought you should just kys. just from the name "code of conduct" it sounds fucking retarded. it's like when i login to a forum and it says "no sexual harassment blah blah blah", it's a fucking forum, who the fuck cares? why do we need 40 threads about CoCs all of a sudden
Isaac Nguyen
Really don't understand this shit posting. At least the LISP niggers tried.
Benjamin Parker
It's not over. There's earth still left to be scorched and salted. Various groups are already poised and ready to accelerate this. Linux will be destroyed at the end of it, and it will form the catalyst for something else to ultimately rise, become better and replace Linux. Might be OpenBSD, might be a Linux fork or something else. Something will fill the void.
It is the worst shit posting to ever infest Zig Forums I think. Have this video for a morale boost.
Daniel Hall
My left ear is deaf and I have only headphones, what do?
Hudson Mitchell
Imagine trying to deal with an unreasonable person using reason. You explain to them nicely that they're causing a problem. You attempt to listen to their issues, but what they want is antithetical to what your organization stands for.
How are you supposed to deal with them when a professional attitude doesn't work? Do you allow them to function within your organization? Do you allow them to hijack functions of your organization?
At this point you would assume that I'm talking about the need for the CoCk, but what I'm saying is the exact opposite. Those who push for you to take the CoCk don't listen to anything you say. They use minor positions as stepping stones to more influential positions, which they use to hijack functions of the organization. Then they use their newly hijacked offices to force the organization to change in ways which are antithetical to it's core values. The only way to stop this slow subversion is through violent force.
The obvious retort to the use of violent force to silence opposition is that it's censorship, or unprofessional. The use of violent force with a professional attitude is called "humane".
Nothing is more humane than a bullet to the head.
Aaron Morales
The letter is for explaining to normalfag bystanders why a CoC is a bad thing, not to try to reason with SJWs (who should be ignored as stated in the OP).
Did they really get to Linus simply by influencing his daughter?
Owen Reed
Ian Harris
getting bullied over the internet
Tyler Smith
This can never win. It can only exist as a parasite. The reason it appears to win now is because the vast majority of contributors ignore the first symptoms. The best reaction to this kind of thing is to create a hardened alternative while accelerating the pozzing of kernel development.
James Green
why not try to play SJW's own game and make complaints of them violating the CoC. And while we are at it, why not report their Twitter for hate speech, or something?
Jose Anderson
that's basically it, they've used the same tactics across other places as well such as halfchan. Replaced moot and the old guard mods with new es jay dubyas, and look where it is now.
Jackson Jenkins
Never in all my years did I think there was a single sane person who would actually argue AGAINST merit. All those years of debating where leftists deny their goal is a Harrison Bergeron dystopia are finally realised and yet another reason they must be eradicated if humanity is to have an honest and actually progress filled future.
Parker Nguyen
This. Unironically.
Even back as a nerd in the 80s I knew the problem with the nerdy and meek inheriting the world was always their inability to deal with women, they're too weak to do it. Only Chad gives no fucks about cunts outside pounding them and rightfully so.
Jonathan Gray
Not never. First, there's always the viking option. Second, God is real and has an end game that will end in those people burning in fire twice - the first time in the fire of judgement and the second time in the eternal fire of Hell.
Isaiah Turner
CoCs are for cucks.
Jackson Reed
CoCs try to achieve social justice within a project. Social justice is different than actual justice as if they were the same, the term social justice would not exist.
Elijah Lopez
You've been spamming this shit for a week now. No matter how much you spam this it isn't true. Either get up and fight, or fuck off cuck.
Ayden Morales
what do: Journalism Humanities Courses Primary Education HR departments / CoC committees have in common? Women. What do Hollywood, Tabeltop gamming, Videogames, Comicbooks, Programming, Policeforce, have in common? Want more women.
They'll just screech harder than you can. Never argue with an idiot, he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. The only thing I could imagine being effective would be to use their underhanded methods, i.e. find out where they live, find their family, and harass the shit out of them. Of course that's borderline criminal, so good luck if you get caught.
Parker James
Shut up loser, real men are talking here.
Nathaniel Watson
There isn't one. The problems are with Linux' CoC.
Blake Brown
This user has a PhD in shitposting right here
Joseph Hughes
>"The problem with CoCs is they've traditionally been proposed and enforced by capricious bullies." It's that simple. Explain the problem concisely without boring the listener and they'll get it.
that's basically a moral dichotomy user. there's a reason high-intelligence tends to belong to awkward nerds.
Parker Rodriguez
Alexander Hall
oh i see, CoC sounds like cock and the light tower looks like a dick
is this a troll?
Juan Rodriguez
It's the small. That cianigger stink. Terry said mean things and now he wants payback, but he's boring, predictable, and retarded, so all he can do is spam the same shit constantly.
Ryan Mitchell
That's all well and good, but that canuck is missing the big picture. What the OP said is correct: these SJW are only useful idiots who think they will come to power, but in reality they're only pawns who can and will be discarded as soon as they're no longer useful and become an obstacle to those who are actually in power (but want more/all of it). In the case of Linux, that's the big corporate entitities like Redhat, Google, Microsoft, Intel, and so on. They don't give a rat's ass about diversity, and actually that's counter-productive to them since it means they have to pay dumbfucks that can't code to be on their payroll. But once all the 4 phaees of subversion are complete, they'll be lined up against the wall and shot. Because, like Yuri Bezmenov said, they'll be disenfranhised when they find out they're not in power and what their actions have led to. So they've have to terminated (in some form or another).
They even vaguely state "who determines the merit of contributions" when the fucking obvious answer is that others working in the project review your code. Every single one of these fucks hanging from lamp posts would be a net benefit to software and the world as a whole.