
What are your thoughts on lainchan? The people on their seem like scriptkiddies but are very knowledgeable of computing. I like this place, but it gets slow sometimes. I use both.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Their owner is a commie faggot iirc

Explain. Kalyx used to be the owner but now he’s gone. It’s under new management.

Retards, kids, protenous faggots, literal niggers and no opsec.
All of the above are true.

Arisuchan is marginally better. A lot of people complain about staff being left leaning but in my experience it has been the opposite. Just another place to me. has a better hook (the radio)

but only trees could be satisfied by the activity levels of /cyber/ and /foldr/

not sure about the owner, but the zines they made had a very left leaning rhetoric to them

We don't need you here.

Fag runs a shit ton of other services on his site aswell.
Things like an email, booru, search proxy, stream service, some gentoo distro.
shame it's all cuckchan shit

apple man is a pedo
kalyx is non-euro
all lainfigs are socialist or norse, there is no space for wholesome christian boys on either imageboard

Lainchan is pretty good just for programming-related discussions. All the Zig Forums and /r9k/ bullshit is cringe-inducing.

Arisu is even more cringy than Lain at it's worst. It's also slow as fuck.

lain is love, but all the lainchan faggots are gay commie niggers

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Total faggots. I found that place years ago and was excited to see a community that looked to be into cyberpunk stuff and one of my favorite animes from back in the day. I ended up discovering it was populated with a bunch of retarded teenagers and had a very left leaning slant. I can deal with that is the content was good but they didn't post anything of value. They have a low-effort zine that reeks of trying too hard combined with being high on their own farts.

All of them namefagged on IRC and seemed like the type of faggots that would eventually move on to using discord. They LARP as programmers/crackers but never talk about anything related to those subjects that I would find interesting. Their OPSEC is terrible and they don't even post good cyberpunk. In fact the board seemed like it was barely used at all.

You won't learn anything there. It seemed like Zig Forums with more LARP to me. They've had a lot of drama I'm not that familiar with but when I briefly read about it I remember it sounded like that type of retarded drama you'd always associate with namefags from reddit.

The anime is really good. Shame they've ruined its good name.

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The owner is a nigger who jacked off his 3-inch cock on stream.
I saw the whole thing live for five seconds then questioned my existence as a whole.

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Technical conversations are usually higher quality than here or 4. The share threads are pretty good too. That being said some criticism mentioned is valid. If you don't like the sound of it then simply leave it be. It exists for a particular purpose and serves it well. You don't like halfchanners coming here either, right?

friggin this, I love lain, but why do lainfags have to be so autistic?.

Their IRC is absolutely horrible to me now. It's mostly tech people on there, but most people there have nothing interesting to say, they're basically good at tech but are complete dullards otherwise. My biggest dissapointment about the IRC and some of the boards is that it is basically /g/ 2.0. Lain is about much more than just tech, like philosophical and psychological themes. I expected to find more people who liked such things and were interesting and could think for themselves. In the past I would find more often a few people on their IRC like this, but it has gotten worse I think.

People on the IRC are really dense when it comes to humor to the point that someone I knew would always go there to troll people because it was funny how oblivious they were to him making fun of them. Most imageboards in general have gotten much worse at this over time, there are more people who can't pick up on satire.

On the boards a lot of the "deeper" discussions I've seen lately often boil down to cliche things like "I am so depressed and fucked up" or "I did drugs woah universe". That said the imageboard is a much better than the IRC, but still has some of those types of people. Like on Zig Forums it is easier to find serious discussion, well thought out posts with lots of text written instead of someone just going "no ur mom gay".

Wanted to change some things so redid the post.

We need a lainzine that is actually good.

they're all pretty young so it isn't a worthwhile place to post

a bunch pedo tard commie fags doing drugs and have no opsec. They occasionally have a good idea but totally lose their shit if you point out the flaw in their autistic rambling and your speech lands outside their safe space.



Most of people who go to Lainchan/Arisuchan are either chuunibyou but Zig Forums or retarded teen """""Commies""""" BUT there are some anons who make actually very good posts (they are in the minority sadly)

I have not seen anything related to communism since I have started using it.

lain anything is a bunch of niglets who are into "cyberpunk", which has nothing to do with actual computing aside from assembling a PC

It was quite a while ago so I don't really remember what I posted, but I remember being completely surprised to find out that I was banned and saw that it was some ridiculously harmless joke that got me a perms ban so I just stopped bothering with that place.

Anything built around anime is full of retards. Lain is full of left wing retards because Lain is exceptionally retarded even by anime standards.

there is nothing inherently wrong with anime

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There's many many things wrong with anime.

They are absolute faggots and this is coming from someone who loves Lain.


You are required to have a nick on IRC. People having nicks is not unusual.


>>>/hydrus/ >

prove me worng

It's full of dirty Russians.

christian is a cancerous meme. Atheism is the default (and correct) presumption. No crypto son-of-god died on an oversized stick for you. Just a (((lie))) used to exploit the minds of Romans, who dominated (((them))) for hundreds of years prior to infection.

Fixed that for you.

Besides you have a whole panthion of gods to consider outside of Yahweh and all the Abrahamic BS which did consume the holy roman empire.

Also fuck Constantine on that note.

I used to use it more often a while ago. It's horribly slow, and after a while I just couldn't handle the absolute cringe that is the lainfag. I think some people there are not retarded, but it seems to me that most of them are just autistic LARPers.

the IRC used to be pretty okay and I had some decent conversations, but now something's been changed and you need to ask for voice to talk in the chat, every single session. This really doesn't work well since the mods aren't always online and if you just come in to chat for a short while occasionally, you'd need to be voiced every time. So I gave up talking in there, I don't have time to ask for voice and wait around for 3 hours. Also, it seems like there are too many faggots and other mentally ill people there. too many times I've tried to talk in the IRC and couldn't get a word in edgewise amongst the fags talking about how they're sad and want to take kike hormones and turn their genitals inside out or outside in.

I remember talking about how I raced someone on the highway, in the IRC and some people actually got very butthurt and told me I'm a horrible person, that I am bound to kill someone "soon" and to stop posting. What a load of bull. It's sad because in many ways lainchan and its IRC were pretty nice.

and for the record I haven't killed anyone yet with my driving.