Is Cody the new weev?
Free Cody Wilson
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3D gun guy.
>>>Zig Forums
all guns are 3D you silly goose
why are normies such faggots? he made a fucking gun or something, anyone can do this shit and the only reason it hasn't been done before is because most people are too much faggots to do anything theirselves until it becomes necessary
Information freedom advocate. They got him for paying a 16 year old for sex through an 18 plus site (legal age is 17 in texas).
Turn on first party scripts retard
He probably deserves to be wherever he is currently at.
If she showed him a fake ID saying she was 18, he would still be legally responsible. Statutory rape laws are stupid.
That's the price you pay for 3dpd.
Swartz died for nothing
Q: why did they give him bail?
- they know he has several million in the bank
- they know he already ran away to taiwan once
Why do they believe that he'll stick around?
So Cody is a Jewish troll and infiltrator?
t. /anarcho/
No, because Cody is a goddamn American cowboy engaged in battle with FedCorp, not a skeevy jew who ran curl once and trolled some people.
Cody Wilson, unlike Weev, is not a jew that's been hired by the federal government to LARP as a nazi.
He has good lawyers.
He is disassociating "Intellectual Dark Web" fag
He's a faggot for running away.
Yeah, he should have just let himself get arrested on bullshit assange-tier charges.
You're a faggot for blaming him for that.