Libre drawfag thread

With all the bad news we've had, it seemed like a good time to resurrect this thing. This thread is for discussing open source tools and utilities for creating art, music, video editing and 3D modeling. Also free culture projects if they contribute to OSS.


AZPainter: (Use the PPA, the Appimage has issues currently)

Pixel Art (Linux port made with GNU Step)


Synfig: (more flash-like animation)

Vector Art


Video Editing

Blender VSE:

Image Manipulation


3D and 3D animation


Libre artfags and artfag projects

David Revoy:
Tyson Tan:

Morevena Project:

Attached: DSYFQ3PUEAA6KgI.jpg:large.jpeg (1024x576, 97.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Morevna deserves more attention. If only for the Marya. The Pepper and Carrot cartoon was well done too.

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Shame she's underage.

Attached: 4.png (768x743, 124.67K)

There's something very early 2000s about the new design, can't put my finger on it though.

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You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

It is though.

Why the fuck don't we talk about this more!? This is way more like SAI than Krita is.

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Probably because it's not in the default Debian/Ubuntu repo.

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I can.

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For basic doodling or using a virtual notepad I haven't found anything better than mypaint. The only issue I have with it is the undo feature isn't super accurate.

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Didn't the GIMP basically EEE Mypaint by integrating its engine and brushes?

I forgot about that theme.

Back then I was using GIMP with eh results.
But when I tried Azpainter, it just clicked for me, I have been using it since March or around and I love it.

I don't know for other people but I just have some rare/occasional sign of memory badly written, like the layer label changing itself, and rare crash. I recompiled the thing with debug symbols and no optimization and it seem to not crash, but still have layer label rewritten.

AZPainter is kind of a hidden gem. I have no idea why it's not in more repos.

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So. Synfig is basically an open source flash animation replacement?

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So how many of these things are CoC'd?

This and AzPainter look pretty rad, had no idea about their existence. Thanks for the research in the thread, OP.

I don't know but drawing is literally fascist. Did you know Hitler was an artist?

Like I said, it's a LOT more SAI-like. People used that that could switch to AZPainter a lot more easily than Krita.

Kinda. This was animated in it, and it looks pretty reminiscent of 2010-era Newgrounds:

She Qt.

GIMP got CYMK yet?

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Why does GIMP spend so much fucking time loading fonts on startup? Anyone who isn't retarded at software design would ignore all the fonts and then load them in the background after the program has started.

it doesnt anymore. install beta

Synfig is kinda shitty. It's developed by autists for autists, also "puppet animation" is the only thing it does reasonably well and quickly, and puppet animation is for pajeets who make nursery rhyme videos on jewtube.

I'm really liking aseprite for pixel art and animation.

aseprite is not really libre anymore, though.

The Pepper and Carrot cartoon was animated with it. If done right, puppet/flash animation can look good.

And here I thought GNU Step was a meme. This seems like a pretty good pixel editor.

Attached: 2018-09-25-065135_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 750.78K)

Shame you can't find it anywhere but the AUR.

That's a Mac program though. The point of GNUstep is to get compatibility with the Cocoa APIs and OpenStep frameworks.

It is in the Debian Testing and Unstable repos as ""

It was a Mac exclusive. And the original version still is proprietary on MacOS. But the GNU Step version is 100% open source and native on Linux.

Gas yourself.



Is Scribus technically artfag software?

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I fucking hate when people do that. Oh well... Piko actually seems like a really good pixel editor now that I've been fucking around with it.

That's for designing posters and fliers and books and shit, it's like Adobe Indesign. It's related to creative work though.

Still waiting for FOSS to beat Adobe CS6 Master Collection offering...

Just testing Azpainter, it seem okay sai-ish alternative, but it really need to fix it brushes or maybe add better default brushes.

Attached: azpaint2.png (400x400 96.03 KB, 34.77K)

I'm just surprised how obscure it is for how good it is. More people know about fucking Tux paint than AZPainter in Linux-land.

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It already does in a lot of ways. All I'm waiting for is CMYK in GIMP.

You mean the brushes are not working right, or that you just don't like the default ones?

Nothing wrong with LXDE

Found some basic alternative brushes that were made fairly recently:

None of Adobe's individual programs have been beat by a FOSS alternative, let alone their entire suite.

Even if you combined all the features of Krita and Gimp AND molded them into the level of Krita's intuitiveness, it still would be lackluster compared to Photoshop in many ways (despite having a couple advantages).

I don't know much about video editing but I'm pretty sure After Effects is one of a kind program that there's no decent alternative to period.

Eh, I'd say Darktable and Rawtherapee are on par with Lightroom.

Other than LXQt will be replacing it soon.

Ah shit! I forgot the photography info:



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Pretty much. It hasn't made a big deal about it though. Probably why you don't hear people talking about it much.


The Mac version is FOSS as well. Both the Mac & GNUstep versions are built from a shared codebase, which is licensed under AGPLv3:

Why would a pixel editor need the AGPL?

According to PikoPixel's developer, AGPL prevents an app-streaming service from making a proprietary version:

Maybe it'll get an HTML5 or webGL port in the near future? I've seen it happen to some FLOSS projects like Freeciv.

fixing 404

Reminder that you can fix 404'd threads by logging in with the username "Anyone" and password "0" and then posting in the thread.

Oh, that makes sense. I should have considered that.

Thanks, it really help.

It working, just the defaults is crappy.

As I drew this, the software really stable, no lagging or crashing, color blend nicely,the UI placement kinda suck.
Its stabilizer or correction kinda working but below average compare with others,
But hey, Im just a hobbiest so it okish for me, I wonder if sai-fag have tried it.

Attached: wrong place.png (1430x1430 92.63 KB, 315.29K)

Saifag has tried AZPainter, but he was trying to use the AppImage, which has a bug that breaks the UI.

Have anyone tried this?

Attached: serveimage.jpeg (1024x560, 63.51K)

It's the best OSS for traditional animation. Nothing else even comes close. But the learning curve is a tad deep. Not Blender deep, but expect to have to get well acquainted with the OpenTooz way before actually making animation.

Now if there was only a good music composing program

Composing? Lilypond has a lot of GUI frontends.

Attached: display7.png (1920x1080, 217.26K)

LMMS is decent enough, if you want a turnkey solution.
Otherwise, things are pretty bad with music production on linux, as far as I know.
I just stick with schismtracker (plus audacity) novadays, even though its maintainer came out as a tranny and is already making a noose by the looks of it.

Any decent tutorials on LMMS you could point me to?


I love Krita and Blender!

We all love Krita, user.

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Yiff in hell, furfag.

Hi newfag~

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AZPainter is good shit. Needs a mascot though.

Saifag's gotten better at drawing mascots.

What for? Just use 16 bit srgb and print that. CYMK is a subset of that.
You can preview how it looks in CMYK btw:

This is so utterly and completely wrong that I don't know how to respond.

Actually, "yiff in hell" refers back to old imageboards of 2006 where there was a power struggle and the mods were heavily pushing of a "furry lifestyle"
This is widely known terminology and has existed far longer than krita mascot.

If you mean writing sheet music, use musescore.
Otherwise, use ardour or lmms, but watch those audio volume levels, a simple chord on default settings will peak the audio.

Well, technically aseprite has a fork of when it was still libre, but I'm not sure if it's gonna take off.

Bitching about Kiki and Libbie is something only newfags do HERE, however.

Do you have any proofs?

Attached: Martin_Luther.jpg (800x450, 93.11K)

Go look at the archives of the Krita and LO threads going back to 2014.

Since nobody else has had the balls to say it, I will.

She looks better with the flower buns down.

Go back to 2006 and lurk 50 years, newfag.

Oh? You're saying you're not fresh off the boat from Ralph's?

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I'm seeing Libbie in Zig Forums and /v/ and nobody gives a shit. You've lost this war, metafag.

Turns out that handheld is a real thing. I want one.

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I'm sorry to break it too you, but this kind of shit is exactly what causes people to call you furfags in the first place.
The nessecity you feel to spread your fetish and turn others, awhile constantly trying to make it something more than it is.
This is exactly the manor a furfag acts on.
If you just posted kitty tiddies and been done with it, all would be alright.
But you nessecity to call others newfags and tout around this, mostly unremarkable r34 character and proclaim it as oldfag culter is beyond retarded.

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So, you ARE a newfag. Listen, newfag, if you're going to be hanging out here, your GOING to be seeing Tyson's mascots from time to time. Try not to sperg out every time it happens.

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/g/ have another purge or something. These guys have been kvetching about Kiki and Libbie all over Zig Forums for the past few days.

Attached: Miyabi_Smirking.png (1440x1080, 899.92K)

That... Actually doens't look too bad.

Forgot about Denemo. They ever upgrade to GTK3?

wasn't there some archives that shows libbie being mostly halfchan rapefuges? I think you got things backwards

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What part of Kiki says 'cat' to you, dumbass.

Attached: la_mascotte_de_krita____by_sandra_moreau-dbdpfvf.jpg (541x700, 44.2K)

Two of the drawfags were from halfchan. Most of the OC was posted here first. You're just being a contrarian faggot at this point.

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How would an archive show that? Do you know how any of this works?

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I know that the Libbie stuff started with the contest debacle, and it was pretty active on Zig Forums.
But you seem to know that something similar happened on halfchan.

This activate my almonds.

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Checked~ Seriously, this guy has sperged out in at least three threads over Libbie and/or Kiki. Same exact posting style.

Attached: Youjo senki comp you mean smug anime faces comp _64301bf9353a99b6677a028d4fe94417.jpg (440x203, 25.04K)

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I thought it was mostly suppressed on /g/?

It's not over libbie/kiki
It's over the fact he attempts to push it as a meme when it's just r34 of some random chracter