Another high-profile open source project eats Coraline's CoC.
Another high-profile open source project eats Coraline's CoC.
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Well shit...
W-we still have the framebuffer r-right?
whats a frame?
whats a buffer?
who is framebuffer?
Why aren't we making offensive shitposts with CoC'd software to upset the social justice warriors running them? I'm willing to bet some rainbow haired tranny somewhere is willing to push for proprietary licenses to force the evil nazis away from using their software, and this could awaken fencesitting freetards to the SJWs' true intentions.
Their next step is putting CoCs for the users right in the software license itself. If the user violates the CoC (even when not using the software), they have violated the license terms and are no longer permitted to use the software. This is in fact exactly what Lerna very recently tried to do, and the only reason the license was reverted was because there was a huge backlash. Just like everything these fucks do, they test the waters to see what they can get away with, and if they don't succeed the first time they just keep trying over and over and over again until they wear down their enemy and get what they want.
It's all so tiresome.
why dont people just tell that faggot to fuck off? IT guys need to start lifting heavy and lay off the soy ffs
Because 99.9999% of devs are faggots with no social skills so they immediately bend to any social pressure
t. am dev, not faggot
Teach. Chads. How. To. Code.
I prefer more elegant solutions, user.
Can we agree that .338 Lapua Magnum is a worthwhile cartridge?
Guns are for defending the home, user. You hunt animals with something that lets you savor the hunt.
Whoops~ Wrong picture.
That looks like something a medieval Tau would carry.
And what is the world of technology, if not our home?
Woops, quoted myself. Meant ,
Are simi-auto crossbows a thing? I mean, there has to be some way to fit a cartridge for bolts on those things...
Sounds like a plan to me.
Now that more high profile companies are adopting this freak's CoC the chances of >her Beacon becoming reality increased exponentially
Who would've thunk?
How would they draw themselves? Semi auto guns work because they use the blowback from firing to cock the hammer some of that terminology might be wrong but the concept isn't.
Apparently, simi-auto crossbows have been a thing for a VERY long time. The drawback is it makes the crossbow more cumbersome. You also trade stopping power and accuracy for multiple rounds.
Now, those are not truly simi-auto. But close enough for practical purposes. For true simi-auto and fully-auto, you'd need a fully mechanical setup with some kind of motor and power source.
is this the end?
are graphics doomed for all time?
It's darkest before the dawn, user. People in the open source community are more aware of these faggots than ever; closer to the final FUCKING straw than ever.
Do you guys really think it's just a coincidence that all these big projects are adopting the same CoC, one right after another, within the space of a few days? Or is it just ripples from the kernel adopting it? A few more of these and I might go so far as to believe it's some coordinated op.
Gotta love irony
Tyson isn't a tranny, metafag. He's a slightly pudgy Chinese furry, but he doesn't want to chop his dick off.
Don't get me wrong, gas the kikes. But let's stay in reality.
Ada literally claims to be a Wiccan who is inspired by the kabbalah.
And he got there by being a self-hating white man, probably got raped by his uncle or something as a kid.
Honestly this is some Wizard of Oz shit. The man behind the curtain is sexual degeneracy; you'd do more to fight this phantom menace by stop jacking off to kike porn. Get married, have babies, go to church. Don't give me that kiked atheist or LARP pagan bullshit either. Christendom is our fortress, you goddamn atheist Linux retards.
And even if you goodify this mentally ill tranny, 5 more will pop up. This is a spiritual battle.
It's also brightest looking back from past the event horizon. Don't give false hopes.
We may have been set back a decade in some areas, but this isn't the end of the world. Laying down and letting these eunuchs win is fag talk.
Just fork the damn thing, save and archive the unpozzed code, don't think too much about what you should do to improve it. An innefective code is better than nothing at all.
Time to hoard older hardware then.
Don't give in to despair.
A man chooses, a slave obeys.
I thought Vulkan was just an API.
These fags who accepted the CoC are the same ones who developed the software to its current state. All that changed is they became more explicit about their views. Now that they've shown their true colors, why use their fag software at all? Plus, running old versions forever leaves you open to security holes, same with using old hardware, eventually there will be exploits that simply need upgrades to fix. What we need isn't to freeze things the way they are, but to move to new software and new hardware, that will be under active development into the future. If these solutions don't exist yet, we should help to create them.
Ok, I smiled.
How's DMA secure on a proprietary GPU?
Anyways, it's BSDL, it legally can be forked.
Not that anyone would. None have even forked
This is a Christian board.
I didn't say anything about that. All I'm saying is that running old versions of software will inevitably leave you with more security flaws as time goes on.
t. sodomite
It's ok to admit naivety. A straw house execution is still a sisyphean task. You can't secure what's already vulnerable to begin with.
Heck, if you were academic, you'd know all modern GPUs are speculative accelerators.
Nothing to secure, only optimize.
I want to have tender and loving sex with Christ-chan #impregnation #happy_ending
The kikes won forever. Remember that. There is no way to fix this.
When I first realized there was a weapon community on thingiverse that futuristic crossbow design was the sort of thing I was expecting to see. Instead it was a lot more of the second design as non functional props for cosplay or Halloween costumes.
There are still some interesting models like this one that can fire 3 shots per pull either simultaneously or one after the other.
Well the good news is that the basic Vulkan standard is pretty much done and works well, so even if the project were to drop off the face of the Earth, it won't be a disaster. Same can not be said about Linux though.
That's not how it works you fucking idiot. See . We're stuck with DirectX forever, whether we like it or not. There is no more escape now.
Doesn't surprise me, lots of Rust and Mozilla cucks have been loitering around Khronos last couple of years.
Not an argument. Unlike Linux where there may be some viable alternatives in the future, Vulkan has no such thing.
Vulkan is just a protocol, like OpenGL. The part that is actively developed as new hardware comes out are the GPU drivers which implement Vulkan. It's like if the development of IPv4 suddenly went to shit; it wouldn't really matter because its already a fairly complete protocol. Everyone would just stick with the current stable version.
Now drivers (for Linux anyway) have already been fucked by the Linux kernel getting CoC'd. So really, the problem is solved once the Linux problem is solved.
Enjoy your security holes.
Why don't you go back to >>>/vg/, I hear they're pissed that you're doing the same shilling over multiple boards. They thought you were their pet autist.
Nice meme. The NSA is already inside everything you own why do you care about someone running a harmless botnet with your spare cycles too?
These people are socially inept. They don't understand what's happening to them and they don't see a problem with the document because they don't involve themselves with these issues. It's like asking an Eskimo how to deal with extreme heat. They're not stupid but they're not going to know.
Resistance is impossible.
>better update to the newest botnet goy. it's the only way to be (((safe)))
I'm not saying I like the CoC, I'm saying if Linux itself gets unfucked, then this Khronos group stuff becomes a non-issue.
A fucking satanic communist tranny gets to dictate what is morally right in 2018.
false flag the shit out of it. Fill their inbox with accusations which obviously can't be true.Every person who signed off on it gets accused 10 times an hour and see how long it lasts.
Which it never will. You just proved me right.
I love it when one can customize a httpc tailored for imageboards, so you can regex autohide posts.
Smart people already filtered "secur[e,ity]" on a thread discussing DMA hardware, like it even matters for something that interpolates instructions from one standard to a proprietary instruction set a hardware manufacturer already set.
If it's not your own designed verifiable GPU, it's already in the hands of your vendor.
kill yourself with your furry bullshit.
Wew, someone does read trends.
forgot pic related
Erm, close
You are correct, its the drivers themselves which actually do the work. Kornos group is little more than a SIG where they define the standard and write the interface.
Drivers for Linux have been fucked for a long time, writing complex drivers for Linux is an exercise in trying not to kill yourself while you wish you were able to use something other than C89.
You can kind-of secure a DMA device like a GPU if you pass it up to a VM and lock it down via the IOMMU. Sure it can fuck with whatever is in the VM but you just don't put anything you need secure inside the VM.
It's rare to find people with intelligence on this site.
Let's see, where in this methodology is there a gapping caveat. You have the intelligence to form a simple vector to this theory.
You hinted yourself:
How so? I mean other than the "we need smart pointers" meme.
That's because I have actually had to write Linux drivers.
I wasn't meaning to imply its properly secure, its just something you can do to provide a little amount of security. At the end of the day breaking out of VMs isn't hard but they can be used to provide a little security against rogue DMA devices.
Just off the top of my head
Ok, thank you.
With that threat model in mind, with a shit monolith kernel, security should be the least of anyone's concerns.
Now, if manufacturers would honestly report everything and honestly about their hardware, we wouldn't have several incompatible versions of OpenGL
But what if you have rogue firmware? (not driver)
Poor/incomplete/incorrect implementation of specs is a big one, followed closely by false advertising about the implemented specs and by the tendency to keep quiet about security issues.
For fuck's sake, I need to stop visiting this site before going to sleep. This has to be a coordinated effort, no way that these high-profile projects are all caving in all of the sudden at the same time for no reason.
Interesting read right there:
One dev already got targeted and it's the dev who resisted an (((Intel backdoor)))
Would you stop posting your drivel Gregory Smith?
What was that, newfag?
The OpenGL thing isn't a result of AMD and Nvidia not releasing documentation because AMD does, the issue is that GPUs change frequently (the entire ISA can change between two generations) and there is no certification system for Linux drivers like there is for Windows. Combined with the fact that writing drivers for Linux is harder than Windows and that there is a smaller market for Linux the manufacturers just give less of a shit which leads to the OpenGL shit.
Doesn't matter, the IOMMU restricts the regions of system memory the device can access to the memory which is allocated for the VM.
He just called you a furry, that doesn't really expose him as a newfag.
You really are new. Alright newfag, keep it up and things are going to get increasingly cute and marketable in this thread. Comprene, maricón?
Wew, them digits!