Updates and Projects you anticipate

I cannot wait for Trisquel 9 to be released. It will have stable support until 2025 or something and then I won't have to care about my distro for the conceivable future. It's already forked from Linux with linux-libre, so I can safely use it without feeling like a cuck.

What updates are you waiting for? Anyone waiting for Haiku OS to have a stable release? Any anticipation is welcome. I would like to hear what you want to see in the future so I can gauge my own tastes.

Attached: trisquel-logo-compact.png (300x300, 42.08K)

What init is Trisquel using these days? Have they managed to avoid the dick?

No. OP is a retard for even caring about it.

kill yourself

muh freedumbz

Attached: okfag.webm (1280x720, 684.9K)


>Listening to (((Stallman)))

I used to use trisquel it was pretty gud but IDK debian and ubuntu were just too tempting.

I also used to hate systemd but the linux cert test I have revolved around systemd. (I failed once but both times I saw may be 1 question on init, everything else was systemd)

I want to see that steam play BS to get more mature over time to dual boot less often. (My friends already know to expect that I get on steam may be "once in a while" because I hate windows so much)

I wonder how the hell projects like i2pd will pan out (its smooth as butter on my server but AFAIK they still testing things, so I mainly use the java version) and if tor will ever really fix its shit after applegay left.

I also pray for projects that have been abandoned every night before night night :(

Stallman was rite tho, nibba!

We ain't being paranoid.

The only linux distro i use is windows 7 because Zig Forums told me to

Stop going to cuckchan you fucking faggot

Attached: kikes and pagans.jpg (1087x678, 136K)

So defensive you can't even handle a single sentence against your holy board ruled by the sacred trinity of faggots.


Get updated on the status of nu/pol/ you retarded fucking nigger, I'm not triggered by you saying Zig Forums might think running Windows is acceptable.
I replied because of your utter lack of reality / retarded choice of imageboards.

Attached: 252872.jpg (639x286, 30.56K)

Attached: 0ab024be6a1a6df6ac36cf8a5b5dc5341b50557a0ddb527d4c156e1879b2bd8c.jpg (600x600, 50.06K)

Librem 13v4, better have a nice CPU
ReactOS 1.0
my own projects. :(

Hi Reddit!

Any rolling release distro would do, then.

bumping that whore away

and again

What's even the difference these days. Just the removal of module loading? All binary blobs are gone from upstream.

It's made by someone who literally has said he wants society to turn into gay space communism.

That sounds awesome tbqh.

Haiku Beta just dropped!