New Kernel Patch Submission Process

From Linus Torvalds
Date Wed, 26 Sep 2018 11:05:24 -0700
Subject New Kernel Patch Submission Process

I am back from my break feeling _refreshed and ready_ to focus on kernel development again. 4.19 looks like an exciting release and includes more Spectre migration work for IBM power processors and a bunch of good stuff for 64-bit ARM.

Now that the CoC is in place our community finally knows how to act and communicate appropriately. However - I realized I have not done much to address how our development process *needs* to change.

Starting with 4.20 all changesets will be evaluated to ensure diversity in the kernel development process. I've extended git to support new author metadata, including ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity / expression and sexual orientation. I will be sharing my work on this soon.

Proposed kernel changesets will now be rated in IP (Inclusivity Points). Patches sent without author metadata will be rejected.

Subsystem maintainers will be required to calculate IP for changesets before submitting them upstream. They are tallied like this:

- ethnicity:
- Asian or White: -2 IP
- Hispanic / Latino: 1 IP
- Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 1 IP
- Black or Other: 2 IP

- gender identity:
- male: -1 IP
- female: 1 IP
- transgender / other: 2 IP

- sexual orientation:
- heterosexual: -1 IP
- homosexual / bisexual / asexual / other: 1 IP

- technical merit: subsystem maintainer/reviewer will assign from 1-5 IP.

[ All changesets _must_ be 5+ IP to be considered candidates for merging! ]

With this new system we should be able to make our kernel development process more inclusive and shift our emphasis from technical excellence to more of a balanced approach with community involvement an equal priority.

I am eager to begin work on the new release and hope the development process will be more harmonious and joyful for everyone involved.


Other urls found in this thread:

fake and gay


Attached: Xirnus.jpg (640x427, 11.7K)

Based Linus. White cishet brocoders BTFO.

Good grief, Linus.

This has to be a shitpost.

i actually believed it for a second

This better be a shitpost, or the real linus torvalds is truly dead and being impersonated by a faggot.


Attached: ui3q8vltvfez.jpg (730x365 99.47 KB, 61.93K)

so brave



What's so scary about this is that it's actually believable at this point. 10/10

Please someone actually suggest this on the mailing list.

That's a big one.

And people wonder why Google's shit is all fucked up.

Attached: doubt.jpg (800x450, 25.95K)

Attached: googlediversity.jpg (1500x938, 205.71K)

Allah wills it.


There's nothing more disgusting than corporate marxism.

Attached: bc4d016a8d72e8fd1c88cdae6678b41a82eb82c8b378024ed9fe85bc693fb6f1.jpg (767x960, 111.48K)

Attached: pop.png (1000x1500, 366.56K)


Confused with that comic. Shouldn't it be panel 2, 3, 4, and 6?
though Ancaps become monopolists or indentured servants

Guy in yellow shirt is pulling rope, gets helped in panel 2 by man in black shirt. His shirt turns black in the last panel as he changes his ideology to fascism.

The best thing I've seen that explains the corporate sponsorship of modern SJW mania is a graph that shows the introduction and growth of the term 'microaggression' in mainstream media as Occupy Wall Street began. It was posted on this board a long time ago.

The artist needs me to explain that reasoning, cause historically every AnCap I know has turned either way, not fascist, since they truly hate government.

This is the original, the artist doesn't need to explain shit.

Attached: opposites-attract-comic0.png (1000x1000, 85.66K)

pick one
< ackshully, that one's asian, that's a spic, and Anita is a brown Arab despite being Iranian and Iran literally translates to "land of the Aryans"


stopped reading right there.


Please don't give (((them))) ideas.

When it's political, you kinda do.

Attached: 174ecc875554a71db584895fec875a09.jpg (1200x1170, 201.82K)