Calling Coraline

Contact me by email at [email protected] or call me at 708-557-7287.

Attached: coraline.jpg (360x640, 90.43K)

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Whoa dude I actually did it, terrifying. Crazy shit.

i dont know why, but the fact that it is not remotely passing as a woman really makes me happy. and it knows it. every time it looks into the mirror.

DON'T. The mentally deluded eunuch WILL use that for sympathy.

She will record the calls and fund raise off of the "abuse". You're feeding the rage-victim cycle.


Fuck off Corey, we won't fluel your victimbux.

This. Perceived victimhood is their source of power, they cry crocodile tears and beta cucks whiteknight for them.

The (((victim))) card is strong with this one


she's as real as david hogg

just another government crisis actor

Attached: opisafag.webm (1280x720, 648.31K)

That is how this usually works unfortunately. The donglegate niggerjew is still a celebrity in feminist circles thanks to all the raiding it got. That said, the way things are going this creature is looking like he's going to be the don of a veritable CoC mafia regardless.

Anons, He's a victim too of military experiments. This is Google's/In-Q-Tel doing:

Even when no one took the bait, he could always fake it himself like most leftist did in the past.

Don't keep the thread bumped.

Don't blame the patsy, blame the culprit

Attached: bdb5f99f8d67c581967e9a22e9f1bfdd.jpg (792x211, 15.53K)

Call it. And record it on vocaroo.


Attached: uuuuuu.jpg (554x462, 55.56K)

Big brains here
I posted the source
Its a archive link to 'its' resume from 2015
I'll post it again so you don't miss it this time around

Attached: cringemasterx.jpeg (831x574, 111.18K)

Dude fuck off none cares bro

Don't give this pig any more reason to pseudo-head a pseudo-movement. Just ignore it and let it pretend it has some sort of a power.

It's like you faggots haven't learned a thing from gaymergate

What the fuck is this