Free software is libertarian socialism.
Free software is libertarian socialism
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Free Software is ancap.
How so?
Theres no money involved.
For the most part.
Basically NAP for everyone.
You have to be pretty out of touch to think that capitalism is voluntary.
If you dont work you become homeless and you starve.
You have to be pretty out of touch to think that breathing is voluntary.
If you dont inhale and exhale you become asphyxiated and you die.
I'm so tired of hearing this crap. Is the idea of someone occasionally giving away something for free so foreign to people that the only conceivable system it occurs in is socialism? It just so happens with software, what people give away for free doesn't decay like most other goods.
This thread is shit.
If I have a fascist superstate I will make everything GPL3 to make sure no jew can make sh*t code.
free software is communism because that's the established internet joke, based on anti-intellectual satire and egghead ribbing
downvoted for a low magnesium thread
OP is a humongous faggot.
You have to be pretty retarded to think that working is exclusive to capitalism.
That drawing style makes it look like everyone has down syndrome.
Also, shit thread.
Two types of freetards:
Libsoc who also want some types of laws for it
Libcaps who want it to happen naturally as proprietary software wouldn't survive in a full free market
How is that wrong?
Yo, yo, yo, it's Okazaki
You're a huge fag OP
...yeah, uh, uh-huh
And then there is
Patently false. Free software doesn't get you the quality of programmers that proprietary software does.
See: Microsoft Office vs Libre Office.
If intellectual property law was abolished things would become MORE proprietary except enforced with physical means instead of legal ones. SaaS, encrypted RAM, etc.
Free software should transcend politics
Malware is NazBol.
Zig Forums is continually btfo by the fact that all the software they like is communist
But im a moderate
ESR has contributed far less than the legions of progs that make everything.
Microsoft Word is a fucking mess of spaghetti code that is Pajeet tier.
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
Isn't it ironic that the proprietary software developers call us communists? We are the ones who have provided for a free market, where they allow only monopoly.
yeah no
And then there's people who are both.
Proprietary software is unjust to people. People should own what they buy/posses.
I would recommend you to avoid imaginary scenarios. Thinking that user said that rms is a capitalist is itself wrong since it was not even posted as such. It's also wrong to say that rms is also a communism since rms also disagree to be one.
Humm lets see
- Green party
- Complains about corporations all day
- Hippy
Yeah no way hes a gommie. Most communists these days don't call themselves that. "Actually i'm a socialist not a communist learn the difference!".
Performs better than Libre and Excel doesn't have weird glitches with cell selection. Also, Libre Writer sucks at correctly formatting documents for view in Word (so my job applications sometimes look slightly janky).
I use Libre at home because I'm a cheap jew that won't pay $200 for simple office software.
Without IP only open standards would be affordable. Proprietary Software companies are only really held up by IP without corporatism
If you ever read what he posts he generally criticize the abuse that corporations and other entities do.
Just submit pdfs.
You don't need IP laws to keep source proprietary. You just don't release it.
You would need more than software for that, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
No you're thinking of open source.
Microsoft Office has been utter fucking trash since the ribbon was introduced. Libre wins.
libre office just randomly crashes with exceptions if I leave it running more than 2 days. Great software
Actually it's libertarian technocratism
Have you heard the good word of Ted?
Free software is neither libertarian nor socialist. It's simply recognizing the inherent truth that one can't own ideas or information. Logical constructs exist before we were around to contemplate them, and they'll be around after we die. The nature of reality doesn't care about your political ideology.
No but we also have the inherent truth that you can be thrown in prison for copying information. Kind if like the inherent truth you can get thrown in prison for taking car.
free software is software that didn't cost money to obtain
Free Market and black-box hacking WINS!
Terry would like to have a word with you
the reason that this board is shit is because threads like this aren't anchored on sight
Well that's where you're wrong
Do you have to remember to breath when you're asleep? It's an involuntary fiction of the body.
Software does not constitute property. A physical disk is property, but having created some software does not imbue you with the right to prevent others from making copies. You can sell the first copy, but whoever you sell it to has the right to sell copies as well, and so does anyone they sell it to.
And similarly you have the right to not give it to anyone, run it on the cloud only through an API, provide it only in DRM form, etc.
You're confused if you believe that free software means "profit is forbidden in software"
In that case once you break the DRM the property will be TRULY yours.
Honestly the term "libertarian" has so many different fucking variations that whenever you use it you may as be saying "political"
I belong to the political party
I only for candidates that have political beliefs
I teach a class on the history of the political party.
I'm also tired of the meme that socialism is when da guvment does stuff.
Free software is for communists.
Open software and bsd licences for lolberts.
I'll just leave this here. The mark of ultimate freedom, freer than Free Software, freer than Open-Source.
Okay, a semi-serious not really post coming through about this topic, and probably my first and last post on this board in a long time.
``Is Free Software, as defined by Richard Stallman, Socialist``
In order to illuminate what socialism is here is a $$meme$$ quote from Karl Marx in ``The German Ideology``
Here is Engels also on Communism in ``Principles of Communism``
Communism is the circumstances in which we find the working class liberated from the current sociopolitical relationships in present society.
In order to illuminate what free software is here is a $$common$$ quote from Stallman.
I think Toni a little bit below here can elaborate in better words then I do on what Stallman means.
The free software community also forms a sort of collective governance that models political systems such as direct democracy and is similar in soviet type democracies. (``Governance in Collective Production Communities``, Siobhan O'Mahony, April 7 2007)
To express partially the Idealism of Richard stallman and how that resulted in the stagnation of the movement here is a quote by Toni Prug in ``Free Software`` in which he expands on the concept of "Freedom" and what it means with Stallman
how it is desperation, the lack of any other options, the urge to act, to do something that otherwise might seem totally unreasonable, that defines his notion of utopia. In that sense, Richard Stallman is one of the prominent utopists of our time. When pragmatism and neo-liberal fundamentalism seem to exclude all other options for development of human societies, such utopian acts of desperation are to be celebrated and supported.
Irrelevant comment: I personally don't like Zizek, but I do share the same interest in Baidou's works with this guy.
Free software is Radical. It directly challenges the Status quo of Proprietary Software of the Corporations and the bourgeoisie. For that reason the free software movement is still stuck on the ground, only the distorted and bourgeoisie subverted version that had derived from the movement, open source software, was able to be picked up and is abused by the very system it sought to usurp. Open source shows no opposition to Proprietary software and is perfectly in line with the ideology of the ruling class. The current owners of the means of production sees open source a sedative to the class consciousness of the proletarian programmers. Social democracy is to Communists is what Open source is to Free software advocates.
I'd like to end in ``another`` quote that more or less expresses the sentiment why the basis and groundwork that the free software movement reinvigorated the communist mind into acquiring this aspect into its political economy.
Wrong, socialism is compelled by force.
Just like all property.
Working is mandatory under communism, too, leftypol. Except instead of starving on the streets like under capitalism, you would just get shot in the head by the party's secret police for not doing your assigned job.
Which is the way it should be. Society needs less leaches. If communism gets us that i'm all for it.
That's where you're wrong, bud.
Now I know why you're a communist, you never went to school
fuck off back to reddit you language cuck
Did they seriously have Jared Leto take that photograph, thinking his character is at all comparable to the actual fucking Joker from The Killing Joke? This is almost as bad as when they were going on about him becoming the Joker because he changed someone's cell-phone wallpaper.
Neither RMS or ESR are communists. As far as I know, they are both capitalists of one form or another. At most, you could call RMS a social democrat, and he has disavowed communism and the such multiple times. In fact, Free Software is the only real free market. It just so happens that duplication of software costs little, so you cannot make your money with copies unless you have a government-sponsored monopoly. ESR is definitely more of a libertarian, but even he understands that having a community of friendly neighbors making software is not the same thing as communism.
What the fuck are you smoking. ESR is obviously a libertarian, and RMS is obviously a communist.
So would I, but it's hard to put a guy back together after a train accident.
Except he's disavowed such things multiple times. The only ones who strawman him as such are faggots like Steve "Chair Throw Gold Medalist" Ballmer, and other clowns that love to push proprietary shit. As I said, you could accurately describe him as s social democrat, but that is hardly close to communist, and completely compatible with a capitalist economy. RMS does not fit any definition of communist that I'm aware of, and my grandfather was one when the USSR still existed. I think I fucking know what communists believe.
literally noone in the entire world ever thought this except the 3 Zig Forumsniggers on this board who posted this shit. how is he a communist? because he wants to see the source code of something he's going to run?
Humm let's see his personal site:
No, but I've actually talked to him, and what it meant to him to be a communist, something he really believed in. My grandfather was never in a war, for the record. He was an engineer.
I don't think Trump is a racist either, but in either case, RMS has never advocated for anything approaching communism. Communists believed they were creating heaven on earth. RMS just wants people to be left alone by governments and corporations.
Last I checked they do not advocate the abolition of private property, end to class distinction, or destruction of the upper class.
Is a real thing. This isn't a political question, it's a scientific one. This shows how uneducated you are.
The song is older than that and it has no ties to the communist party, other than them adopting it. Stallman's version is about an innocent guy kept in Guantanamo without due process. The parallel's are obvious.
You don't know what communism is:
You appear to be politically and scientifically illiterate. Go read a book, God knows you need it.
yeah no way this guy is a fascist, he did not specifically yell Hitler!
It takes quite a bit more than that to be fascist. He might just be a racist, if that, or just xenophobic, or he may even have coherent arguments for complaining about the 3rd world people he complains about, and just so happens to have an iron cross tat because he's an edgy kid. You don't know that. However, if this person proposed that a state composed of solid hierarchy, erasure of capital and government distinctions, and rigid laws and strong police enacted to promote the interests of "the nation", then I would say that person is a fascist. To be of a political ideology, you kind of have to agree with those political positions first, not just be perceived as such by uneducated morons such as yourself. You have also still not shown how you arrived at the conclusion that RMS is a communist.
See above.
Which RMS does
Hurr durr i'm so reserved
did you just assume my educational status ? this man just sexually assaulted me.
I did, and it's wrong. I explained why. Are you also illiterate in general, or just as relating to science and politics?
You haven't shown that he does, and you don't even seem to understand what communism entails.
No, I just know what fascism actually is. I went to school and paid attention, then I read all sorts of books. I even talked to people that adhered to these positions. That's how you generally learn things.
I don't have to assume anymore, you've just confirmed it. You've gotten so triggered over being confronted on your display of ignorance, that you've resorted to using memes. Nice job, user. You sure showed me.
wow user you will showed him with your normie opinions