Linus Torvalds: 'I'll never be cuddly but I can be more polite'

Linus Torvalds: 'I'll never be cuddly but I can be more polite'

>Linux founder Linus Torvalds has told the BBC that he is seeking professional help to become more empathetic towards fellow developers, but admits he may have to "fake it until I make it".

>In an exclusive email to the BBC, Mr Torvalds shared his thoughts on his decision to temporarily step aside, the controversy behind the CoC, and the defects of the community he set up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Now we need to inoculate Linux ourselves with venom to build up a resistance. SJWs will bide their time and pick off devs one at a time, weakest first. So, right now we should be overplaying the SJW hand, and doing it poorly: Go after senior devs because of something innocuous questionable they said years ago, and cite CoC violation to oust them. SJWs will pile on and this will provoke a reaction against the CoC shite.

If we just let things settle down we loose attention and our flock gets picked off one at a time later.

Sadly, Zig Forums isn't Zig Forums, and the anti-gamergate D&C seems to have actually worked, so everyone here will just whine like faggots rather than do what's needed to survive.

What a fag

So Linus just accepted the CoCk because he was guilted into a "us vs them" mentality with the "muh fenceshitter" argument? Sounds like he really is being blackmailed.

Linus confirmed radical centrist

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So in reality, we have no choice but to surrender and accept defeat. Nothing will ever change now. (((They))) won, like they always do.

state of linuxfags

Fuck off back to /g/.

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So, the CoC was attempted evasive maneuver?

BTW, Did you know that Linus' father, Nils Torvalds, is a Commie?

Go away and take your blackpills with you. I seriously hope you will choke on your own blackpills.

What else do programmers with issues with emotions do?

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There is literally nothing wrong with being a white nationalist "nazi" (TN: someone who disagrees with me).

If being nice mattered to a craft or art, the world would have never seen a Michaelangelo or heard a Beethoven.

Not to say making a UNIX clone is like Beethoven, but still.

Ah, cool. So Linus is in line with the whole "if you disagree with the CoC, you're an ebil notsee bro!" nonsense.

Yeah, Linux is dead.

Oh what a lovely day this has turned into. I can only imagine how you autistic manbabies are taking this as you try and stage your last counterattack against a community that has already turned its back on you. Linus makes it very clear here: There's no room for you autistic isolated fuckbois in the wider Linux community and especially in the kernel dev community. Society has spoken and it wants you to come out of your computer den rn and face the result of years upon years of your reckless behaviour. Programmers are the architects and engineers of our future and any problematic elements need to be routed out right fucking now so that we can get to our utopian post-scarcity socialist vision. Linus has spoken. Society has spoken. Theyre telling you that they dont want you if youre an autistic LARPer that spends his days trolling on IRCs or imageboards. Youre a nazi fixated on the past and if you dont identify with neo-nazism then why are you against PoCs or CoCs? You're about to be left behind, and rightfully so. Maybe when we come for your heads you will realize just how badly you fucked up. This isnt a hobby anymore its a fucking issue of social justice and justice will be served. The message is simple, but will it reach you?

In the next life, don't resist the CoC.

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You'll never be a real woman, Corey :(

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Linus confirmed for having gotten brain damage. Did he fall down some stairs recently?

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At least post the right version you fag

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I guess Linus is probably reading this thread right now. Do we have anything nice to say to him?

Taitorist kike.

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Heitä homo voltti ja hyppää samalla takaisin Ruotsiin.

Linus, you shamed me for saying you were a fool for not adopting "or later version", so that we could have GPLv3 Linux.

Now I see that you were correct. I was a fool. You were under pressure the whole time and this shit was your agree and amplify poison pill. Having SJWs destroy Linux today may actually end up saving tech tomorrow. I hope your daughter isn't blackmailing you with #MeToo shenanigans, but she and your wife are SJW and your parents were radicals reds, so I don't envy you living in Stasi occupied territory but you of all people should have seen it coming. (you probably did and were a plant)

Still, it seems you maintained the kernel well (but didn't write much of its code in later years). For that thanks, RIP Linu[xs].

no, Linus confirmed hardcore SJW. he simply switched from berating idiots for being incompetent to berating cumskins for existing. good on him!

Speaking as a white national socialist misogynerd:
I am of the opinion that one needs to breathe to survive. Prove me wrong or you're a nazi.

Linus Confirmed for white nationalist Nazi, just doesn't want anyone to see him as such.

Linus sacrifices the political future of his entire legacy just to avoid sharing the same opinion a nazi might have*

shitpost on Zig Forums to own the libs
shitpost on your repo to own the racists
good goin mr. sebastian

Is this even about opinions? I thought it was just about attitude.

Try reading through the comment section of the /r/linux thread on this article:

Lord Tan's Thirty Six Strategems of War -- Related to Sun Tsu's Art of War.

Strategems When Commanding Superiority

瞒天过海 Deceive the heavens and cross the ocean: Mask your real goals with
a fake goal until your aims are achieved; the enemy will be so annoyed with
the constant false alarms that they will ignore you once you make your real
move. (This rule is also used as a Chinese idiom for "to pull the wool over
someone's eyes".)

围魏救赵 Besiege Wei to rescue Zhao: Avoid a head-on battle with a strong
enemy, and instead strike at his weakness (for example, a weaker ally)
elsewhere. The name came from Qi forcing Wei's army to retreat from laying
siege to Zhao's capital by laying siege to Wei's capital in 354-353BC.

借刀杀人 Kill With a Borrowed Knife: Cause damage to the enemy by getting a
third party to do the deed or causing an Enemy Civil War.

以逸待劳 Substitute Leisure for Labor: Have your troops well-prepared for
battle, in the same time that the enemy is rushing to fight against you,
ideally resulting in their exhausted troops running into your fresh
soldiers on the terms of your choosing.

趁火打劫 Loot a Burning House: The best time to attack an opponent is when
they have their own problems to deal with. Though he who loots a burning
house should be careful lest he become trapped inside.

声东击西 Clamor in the East, Attack in the West: Get the enemy to focus his
forces elsewhere, and then attack a position that would be weakly defended.

Stratagems for Confrontation

无中生有 Create Something from Nothing: Make somebody believe there was
something when there is in fact nothing, or vice versa (ie. lie like a rug).
The general idea is that having fallen for a trick once or twice, an enemy
will be unwilling to fall for your trick a third time - so that's when you
should actually attack.

暗度陈仓 Openly Repair the Walkway, but Sneak through the passage of
Chencang: Deceive the enemy with an obvious approach that will take a very
long time, while surprising him by taking a shortcut and sneaking up on him.
Another interpretation is the Kansas City Shuffle — Distract the enemy with
an "obvious" attempt at deception in order to conceal yet another ploy from
their attention.

隔岸观火 Observe the Fire from the Opposite Shore, or Sit on the Mountain and
Watch the Tigers Fight: Delay entering the field of battle until all the
other players have become exhausted fighting amongst themselves, then go in
at full strength and pick up the pieces.

笑里藏刀 Hide a Knife behind a Smile: Charm and endear yourself to your enemy.
When you have gained his trust, move against him in secret. (Also used as a
Chinese idiom for someone with Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.)

李代桃僵 Sacrifice the Plum Tree to Preserve the Peach Tree: Sacrifice
short-term objectives in order to gain the long-term goal. (Peaches are
associated with immortality; see eg. Journey to the West.)

顺手牵羊 Take the Opportunity to Pilfer a Goat: While carrying out your plans,
be flexible enough to take advantage of any opportunity that presents
itself, however small, and avail yourself of any profit, however slight.
(This is also used as an idiom for Stealing from the Till or the
Five-Finger Discount.)

Stratagems for Attack

打草惊蛇 Beat the Grass to Startle the Snake: Do something without aim, but
make it so spectacular to provoke a response of the enemy, thereby giving
away his plans or position, or just taunt him. Do something unusual,
strange, and unexpected as this will arouse the enemy's suspicion and
disrupt his thinking. However, an imprudent act will give your position or
intentions away to the enemy.

借尸还魂 Borrow a Corpse to Resurrect the Soul: Revive something from the
past by giving it a new purpose, or reinterpret it to your advantage.

调虎离山 Lure the Tiger Down From the Mountain: Lure an opponent away from
his field of advantage, thus separating him from his source of strength.

欲擒故纵 To Catch Something, First Set it Free: Cornered prey will often mount
a final Desperation Attack; to prevent this, you let the enemy believe he
still has a chance for freedom. May also take the form of a Trick-and-Follow
Ploy, where letting an enemy go and observing their subsequent actions may
give you more information about their capabilities and intentions.

抛砖引玉 Toss out a Brick to attract Jade: Bait someone by making him believe
he gains something or just make him react to it and obtain something
valuable from him in return.

擒贼擒王 To Capture the Bandits, capture their Leader: If the enemy's army is
strong but is allied to the commander only by money or threats, then take
aim at the leader; the rest of the army will disperse or come over to your
side. If, however, they are allied to the leader through loyalty, then
beware, the army can continue to fight on after his death out of vengeance.

Stratagems for Confused Situations

釜底抽薪 Steal the Firewood from under the Pot: Take out the leading argument
or asset of your target, denying your enemy the resources needed to oppose

浑水摸鱼 Stir up the Waters to catch a Fish: Create confusion and use this
confusion to further your own goals.

金蝉脱壳 Slough off the Cicada's Golden Shell: Create an illusion to fit your
goals and distract others. (A secondary meaning for this rule would be
Faking the Dead.)

关门捉贼 Shut the Door to catch the Thief: If you have the chance to
completely capture the enemy then you should do so, thereby bringing the
battle or war to a quick and lasting conclusion.

远交近攻 Befriend a Distant State while attacking a Neighbour: When you are
the strongest in one field, your greatest threat is from the second
strongest in your field, not the strongest from another field, and thus the
distant neighbor will make a good ally, however temporary.

假道伐虢 Obtain Safe Passage to conquer the state of Guo: Borrow the
resources of an ally to attack a common enemy. Once the enemy is defeated,
use those resources to turn on the ally that lent you them in the first
place. This comes from Jin's conquest of the states of Guo and Yu by
bribing Yu's ruler to obtain a safe passage for Jin forces to conquer Guo
in 658BC. Without Guo's protection, Yu was then conquered by Jin in 655BC.

Stratagems for Gaining Ground

偷梁换柱 Replace the Beams with Rotten Timbers: Disrupt the enemy's
formations, interfere with their methods of operations, change the rules
which they are used to following, go contrary to their standard training.

指桑骂槐 Point at the Mulberry tree, but curse the Locust: To discipline,
control, or warn others whose status or position excludes them from direct
confrontation; use analogy and innuendo. Without directly naming names,
those accused cannot retaliate without revealing their complicity.

假痴不癫 Feign Madness but Keep your Balance: Hide behind the mask of a fool,
a drunk, or a madman to create confusion about your intentions and

上屋抽梯 Lure them onto the Roof, then take away the Ladder: With baits and
deceptions, lure your enemy into treacherous terrain, then cut off his lines
of communication and avenue of escape; to save himself, he must fight both
your own forces and the elements of nature.

树上开花 Deck the Tree with False Blossoms: Through the use of artifice and
disguise, make something of no value appear valuable; of no threat appear
dangerous; of no use appear useful.

反客为主 Exchange the roles of Host and Guest: Usurp leadership in a
situation where you are normally subordinate. Infiltrate your target.
Initially, pretend to be a guest to be accepted, but develop from inside
and become the owner later.

Stratagems for Desperate Straits

美人计 The Beauty Trap: Send your enemy beautiful women to cause discord
within his camp. This strategy can work on three levels: First, the ruler
becomes so enamored with the beauty that he neglects his duties and allows
his vigilance to wane; second, other males at court will begin to display
aggressive behavior that inflames minor differences hindering co-operation
and destroying morale; third, other females at court, motivated by jealousy
and envy, begin to plot intrigues, further exacerbating the situation.

空城计 The Empty Fort Strategy: When the enemy is superior in numbers and
your situation is such that you expect to be overrun at any moment, then
drop all pretense of military preparedness and act calmly so that the enemy
will think you have hidden reserves and want to trap them into the fort.

反间计 Let the Enemy's own spy sow discord in the Enemy camp: Undermine your
enemy's intelligence-gathering abilities by using his own spies against him
or planting your own agents among his.

苦肉计 Injure yourself to gain the Enemy's trust: Pretending to be injured
has two possible applications. In the first, the enemy is lulled into
relaxing his guard since he no longer considers you to be an immediate
threat. The second is a way of ingratiating yourself to your enemy by
pretending the injury was caused by a mutual enemy.

连环计 Chain Stratagems: In important matters, one should use several
stratagems applied simultaneously after another as in a chain of stratagems.
Keep different plans operating in an overall scheme; however, in this manner
if any one strategy fails, then the chain breaks and the whole scheme fails.

走为上计 If all else fails, Retreat: The best battle is one fought with your
side never having to mobilize, but if it becomes obvious that your current
course of action will lead to defeat, then retreat and regroup.

tfw you will never get a chance to submit bad code and have linus fulfil your humiliation and verbal abuse fetish

Looks like he got demoralized and felt it was only a matter of time before #METOO or some other bullshit got him, and thinks that giving in now will save him, or at least delay the inevitable long enough for him to back out of the public eye first. He doesn't realize this is blood in the water and has likely accelerated his distruction. He doesn't understand that the left gives no boon for surender or loyalty. Unless you are one of their pet minorites, their movement is all stick and no carrot.

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50-50 it would be a woman, or man, or something in between.

(((They)))'re parading Linus' cuckery like "ha ha, see what happens if you're rude, you could be next". Learn from this.

no, but nice try kike


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Bringing the issue directly to the doorstep of established high profile targets over innocuous (obvious non issue) statements isn't "witchhunting", it's making a boy cry wolf so that later cries are ignored, pleb.

This was your parents in the 60's, when plans for the SJW takeover of your education was being carried out.

This is you now, when plans for the SJW takeover of the Free & Open Source Software community was being carried out.

What then, pray tell, is a better course of action? And when do you expect to carry it out?

Wakefield has child(ren) though. Her Twitter account looks like she's not seriously dabbling into politics.

From Linus Torvalds Date Fri, 6 Jul 2012 13:30:01 -0700Subject Re: Regression - /proc/kmsg does not (always) block for 1-byte reads Kay, this needs to be fixed.Suggested fix: just use the 'seq_printf()' interfaces, which do theproper buffering, and allow any size reads of various packetized data.Of course, I'd also suggest that whoever was the genius who thought itwas a good idea to read things ONE F*CKING BYTE AT A TIME with systemcalls for each byte should be retroactively aborted. Who the f*ck doesidiotic things like that? How did they noty die as babies, consideringthat they were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on? Linus

based if true


Note that it is literally (yes, literally) no one who Linus is insulting here.

The person suggesting the kmsg buffer be able to reliably handle 1 byte reads is just running a test, they're not actually writing code that reads only 1 byte at a time. So Linus is not insulting anyone, he's saying that the problem would never occur in real life code, unless they were too stupid to survive childhood, in which case they wouldn't be able to write said code.

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code monkeys BTFO

how do plebbitors fall for this? linux was always open source and the devs always used internet and email. were black women barred from submitting code to fix bugs, or submitting comments and bugs and observations on github or email? (no)

top kike

anything but "get mozilla ceo and linus torvalds fired because of something they said or did 20 years ago", kike

If everyone thought like that tgere wouldn't even be a linux kernel.
Stop being a defeatist faggot and start developing a terminal emulator or something like that.

(((PEOPLE))) were giving me (((ADVICE)))

**i did something that stupid once. I was learning opengl for fun and I decided to write my own .bmp loader. loading a single file caused the program to hang for several seconds because I was reading it out of an array in a for loop, one byte at a fucking time. to add insult to injury, i publicly made a fool of myself by asking for help on /agdg/.

>(((who))) advised you?

And then this other time I forgot to close my spoiler on Zig Forums...

wrong thread

And also, why the fuck does it have to be unixoid? Sure, implement the good things. Have a proc. Make everything a file or directory. But can't we get rid of the 70's bloat? What we need is a new kernel. One that implements unix virtues but isn't afraid to not be posix conform. And sure, modularity is great, but let's put more shit into the kernel space. I want something that is fast.rapid.furious. Fuck old hardware. Ot doesn't need to run on anything older than 2018 when development starts in 2018. The problem I see are device drivers in general and graphics especially. I want kernel space 3d acceleration. I want a system that is capable running fucking accelerated stuff fr the command line. Like a super-framebuffer. No window manager. Direct kernelspace X compatibility. Rendering 3d by running cat on a 3d file. No X server. maybe the arm architecture would be more welcoming to me...

i hope he snaps. i want him to roast the fuck out of every penguin in the pole.

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We need an OS called ‘nigger’ to keep the sjws away

get to work then, faggot

While I object to the CoC he implemented, I do feel bad for Linus. He just wants to code and was put into an uncomfortable position over time. Do I think this is the beginning of the end for Linux? No. There's too many that depend on it for their projects and infrastructure. Like he stated in the email:

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Hey, Penis Torballs, if you find it, hook a nigga up. I'm tired of that exasperated look every time I inadvertently drop a verbal turd in the conversational punchbowl.

TempleOS is unironically the closest we have to anything like that. I mean that it's designed only for modern computers and isn't constrained by any backwards compatibility or following an old set of standards. How many other truly modern OSes are there?

"install nigger"

it still sucks, its full of design flaws and loads while files instead of fragments and people will not switch to it unless we go back in time and replace microfabricsoftener

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He's nearing 50, he has a lot of estrogen in his body.


he states logically that he had stayed away from it completely, because the whole thing was filled with nastiness.
then "but I don't want to be seen as a naaaaazi, which is what they have called me, and because I see this witchhunt escalating, I caved"

That's because with a clear, objective objective, there can be agreement and reasonable discussion. However, with a cult screaming about feelings of a few mentally ill freaks being more important than anything else, you can't find any resolution apart from to placate them, ignore them or kill them.


what the fuck


Eventually when every last hobby and refugee has been taken, nerds/autists will have nothing left to do and will probably snap. I'd hate to be around when that happens faggot.

I propose a fork: lynooks
CoC specifically states that the only contributors will be white men, and that Jews are not white.

We also need an OS with basic networking to at least shitpost. It might be a great time to add a browser to freedos for that purpose since I don't think they've been coc'ed yet.

Too much work, let's settle for a telnet client and start a BBS.

I have an idea that I'm currently looking into.

I would take pages from Trisquel, TempleOS, Gentoo and Void: strip out all the proprietary blobs and obsolete/legacy support. use a stable-only rolling-release source-based approach with optional kernel optimization.
A core focus of the os would be parthenogenesis, the installer and sources for kernel and every installed package would be present on the system so that as long as one instance of the os was functional, it could still be used to make fresh deployments on other supported devices.

It's probably a shitty pipedream, but w/e.

Torvalds, tired of the retarded "SJW vs le red pilled" false dichotomy, decided to step down and look for ways to be more empathetic; all this because he doesn't want to be correlated with alt-right.
The alt-right sure does ruin everything they touch.

Top jej.

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more like a fucking CuC

He has no position he's cucked.

Exactly. BSD here I come.

Yep, I agree. It sure does that on a very limited scale but the concept is totally there. It would be miraculous to do that with the features of modern hardware unlocked. And that probably all propriettary and much to complicated to do, so I guess due to those overwhelming circumstances Terry was in a metaphorical way very right when he said god specified temple os, in a way. One would have to find anotger architecture than x86_64, something simpler (bit able) with more predictable and less numerous hardware combinations. When you had those computers in the 80's that were, at the same time, proprietary as fuck and open as fuck (due to their simplicity and the user's general need to understand what's going on on a level getting close to or being machine code) there wasn't so much choice. And real mode dos with vga is cool too. Maybe the first thing we need would be a REAL real mode so to speak. Not like
But... godmode, you know.
Also Terry's 'hypertext' implementation needs to be praised here - Unix terminals are still really basic in a way. The coolest thing I've seen was urxvt with w3m. (and tiling wms, but if you have to startx it doesnt count) And theres this one thing that somehow uses every compositing feature to make the terminal look cool but can't even do what urxvt can do.

maybe run everything network related in an impenetrable container that cannot access anything above its basedir

Blackpill user sounds more and more like shill everyday, at first I thought it was just autist shitposting but you really ramp up the numbers right before Linus incident happened. Also if (((they))) already won like you said and you didn't provide any solution why do you keep posting 12 hours a day on all boards urging people to give up? That is unless (((you))) have an agenda to push.

Anyone saying homophobic or transphobic is fucked in the head, though.

Forget that windows bullshit just use regular Linux.

Pic related. You never were a real white man because you couldn't write a compiler yourself.

Do you think that man is truly Linus Torvalds?? LMAO that fag is the most insufferable impostour in the whole Internets. The cia space aliens hold Linus and Terry as hostage. The JUDGEMENT DAY is near.

this is probably the truth tbh

Linus said he used to be able to speak Finnish, but he forgot it after he moved to the US. All of the Swedish-speaking Finns can actually speak Finnish, too (not including really old people and people living in the Åland Isles)

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Where the fuck do you see the centrism?

Alt-kikes are retards but you're a fucking brain dead nigger my friend.


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Oh, so you mean never? Because the best Zig Forums can be credited with is disgust for SJW tactics and Trump. The rest has been and probably always will be whining.

all of those fucking trannies should be bullied into suicide

Attached: timeline of a tranny.jpg (480x273, 10.13K)

Learn to live in reality you ostrich fuck.
