What is stopping manhacks from being a reality?

What obstacles are standing in the way of a psychopath making unregistered diy solar powered assassin drones by the dozen, loading them with human and facial recognition software from github, giving them a target, and setting them loose upon the world to smite their enemies?

It seems like it should have already happened by now.

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Don’t forget having them fly in swastika formation

CIA niggers will break down ur door before u finish the project

fucking kek

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Rapid re-stabalization to avoid crashing after making contact is the biggest hurdle. It's kind of a stupid idea though since it puts the drone in harms way. It would be better and easier to equip them with a .22 zip gun, or better yet, have it do bomb runs.

solar cells don't produce nearly as much power as you think they do.
and quadcopters--while being entertaining toys--are pretty much the least-efficient type of heavier-than-air aircraft you could have.

It could work for some of the wall-hanging drones. It would hang on a wall around a place the target regularly frequents without having to worry too much about the camera and computer depleting the battery while it waits.

The laws of physics

As I said, it does not need to fly 24/7. It just needs to get to the location and not run out of power while it waits.

most people are mentally retarded that's why. Retards still going around thinking the goverment is omnipotent and that you can't be anonymous on the internet(you can and it's easy for anyone to do). Retard propaganda has spread far and conditioned the average person to be braindead smartphone buying fad chasing degenerates.

shitskins already do this

Shotgun tbh. Maybe a suprise attack could work but all these quadrotor drones can be taken down at 100 yards with some birdshot. A large spread could hit 3 or 4 if they fly in a close formation. Armour would make them too heavy, it has been a problem for aircraft since they were first used in war. You either fly really fast and pray or skirt around and hope for an opening in the defence. Terrorists could probably pull something off against an unarmed, unsuspecting target. But there are better ways if someone is defenceless.

Where would your endless legion reload from? I like the idea of Skynet as a hobby, though. It's like an arms race between you and DARPA and China. Who is going to eMurder us all first?

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The reactions would be funny to watch.

How would you even weaponize consumer-grade a drone? I cannot imagine attaching a gun to a flying object to be very accurate. Not to mention the weight of the gun. Maybe you could rig the drone with some explosive, have it drop on the target and blow up? That would also destroy evidence in the process, but your drone would be destroyed. There is also the problem of facial detection accuracy, it would be too easy to kill the wrong person. And of course there is the chance that your drone will get shot down before it reaches its target, especially if it's in an area where it is not allowed to be in.

Why do you need a whole gun? Why not just a single muzzle loaded barrel with electronic ignition? Barrels by themselves are pretty light and can be made even lighter if they don't need to withstand high pressure from larger cartridges or multiple uses. Couple this with the fact that the drone could be programmed to compensate being bucked as part of the aiming process.

Fighters in the middle east are already using them to drop explosives. A modern hand grenade only weights about a pound which is within the payload range of any drone that normies would strap a go-pro or a smart phone to.

Follow your dreams.

lithium batteries are not infinite
just use napalm bats

Why have it fly? Just have it drive up and detonate.

What? Drones can carry small firearms quite well, after all any decent camera will also come in at a pretty weight.
And since you already have to know a lot about the current movements to keep the thing in the air nothing prevents you from using that info to stabilize the gun.

The same things stopping you from making explosives in your backyard, plus coding experience.
Most people have no desire and many other people go far enough into watchlists to get caught before finishing.

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For the same reason there hasnt been a madman that created a biological weapon for the hell of it.
Lack of technical expertise.

Or you could just glue razor blades to any civilian drone/rc helicopter and fly it into people. The reason it hasn't been done yet is because the blades would just get stuck in the victim,

being indoors

People with technical capabilities do occasionally go over the edge and the results are usually catastrophic.

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By designing a bomb bay based around a substance that explodes on impacts and with high enough explosive power to kill people if they're hit semi-directly even in small enough quantities for a single drone to carry a dozen or so loads.
IIRC, there was a liquid like that, only problem was that it also explodes when in contact with metal. Or air. Or light. Could probably get around it by putting a few drops into tiny black glass ampules.

So basically the government has a vested interest in keeping the population as dumb and ignorant as possible in the interest of keeping the peace. Knowledge is forbidden.

It just happens that people who get into that level of technical knowledge usually get a nicely paid job that keeps them happy.

This already exists at least for bombs and a not specific target. I know because I was temporally on a team in college where one was made for a competition. "Drop a water bottle to a lost hiker" my ass

It's illegal to shoot down a drone as it's an aircraft.


lol typical higher education project. why not drop them a cell phone so they can find their way 1km back to their car
LOL. plz be trolling


fucking this.
one bad opsec and you're fuck't

just dock it on airforce one to replace battery

Just use some frog poison and magic smoke. facial detection is gay, just put a camera like a normal drone does and do your job like it's videogames.
Then of course a microbomb designed for self destruct for assurance in case someone captures the drone.

This. put batteries all around the metro.


Nope. You will need to contact law enforcement and have them deal with the rogue drone.


yea, maybe for something that mainly just sat in one place...

how about this (pic related)
--quadcopter blades look like leaves
--quadcopter frame is made to look knarled like branches
--blue flowers in the center are made from broken pieces of solar cells, to collect solar power while stationary
--fake pot (empty, with no bottom) on the bottom, to serve as landing gear

I could see where this thing could land a lot of places and as long as you couldn't get close to it, most people wouldn't ever think much of it.

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Inaccurate and expensive is what it is. What would be more practical is to have something that would absorb the recoil enough to prevent shit breaking. Maybe something like having the gun gently held in place, but also suspended on a string. When the gun fires, it's released and the energy is dissolved in a pendulum-like swing and easier to manage.


"what the fuck why is that houseplant flying towards me"

If you came up with that idea, 10 points for creativity.

If it's not automated, they're going to notice your radio, unless you're right next to the thing holding a controller like an idiot.

I like it though, it is crazy enough to work.

Nothing. It'll happen eventually.

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Forget the facial recognition, all you need to do is pre-program a flight-plan and fly the thing (with explosives) into a target location. VIP will be at X at time T? Boom. The key would be to make it capable of flying in radio silence, that is, without relying on GPS or RC control signals. I'm surprised Israel hasn't started using this on various targets. From a security perspective, I really don't know how you defend against this. Especially if you get right above the target at a high altitude and either drop the payload or descend rapidly with it.

Wait, you mean there are people here, on this site who AREN'T making airborne aids/ebola hybrids in their garage?

have your security personnel carry 40 ft high poles with nets attached to them

your drones no faster than a clay pigeon is. One guy with a shotgun could drop almost your entire swarm.

Your guy with a shotgun took 20-50 years and a few hundred thousand dollars to build and train.
My drone airforce came off a 90%-automated assembly line.

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Teens can shoot clay pigeons out of the air. Doesn't take decades to learn how to shoot.

He's counting the entire cost of raising a human being from infant to adult.

That's dumb. They would just get paid a salary or hourly wage. There's already plenty of humans around, many looking for jobs.

Nice try CIA, baiting so someone actually does it so you can arrest them and not appear as useless agency to the nation once again...

There's no reason a 15 year old boy couldn't use a shotgun effectively. 20-50 just shows he's clinically retarded.


I think his point is that human soldiers can't be mass-produced on even 0.01% of the scale that a robot can. Reminder that Germany was defeated using human-wave-tactics by a country that was only ten times bigger.

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Kek, I remember this fag and his 'dozer. Hilarious.

Who led the greatest lasting legacy, Terry or the 'Dozer fag?


Drone hunting jobs when? Or would it be better to put a bounty on certain drones?

Birdshot is like 25 cents a shell. I want to see what happens when it perforates the lipo and the drones go pop. That's the weak point in mass production, the cobalt and whatnot in the battery.

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I'd have to say killdozer, because even if Terry is eventually confirmed dead he hasn't been for that long.


Blades are made of metal, and metal is heavy, which requires stronger motors, which are also heavy. Theoretically it's possible sure, but it'd probably be pretty big, bigger than the manhacks from HL2. Not to mention that without something to gain leverage from, once the blades hit something, they'd cut a bit at first sure, but then they'd just kinda bounce off, lose stabilization, and fall to the ground and break,