Zig Forums uni feels

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2 pages? What's wrong with that?

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It's just a struct with some pointers, you can do it. I can't believe people doing compsci who 100% failed singly linked list operations (read, write, delete) in the first year course and get passed.

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I hope you're joking.

That's... actually pretty fucking easy. I did harder things the first day of my second year, like implementing a stack using only closures because the teacher didn't let us use arrays for that exercise. Got it in a few minutes and it wasn't even hard despite not having ever worked with closures before. Then again it wasn't what the teacher was asking for, but I was really looking to flap my e-dick around. And I studied a fucking webdev trade

This. End of first year we had to do basic stack creation and cleanup in MIPS asm. I picked the right uni, the others did Java prac exams on paper, or linked lists in 3rd year

*stack frame

Christ you fags are new.

need to make prog for final test

so this is the kind of cuckchan shit we've stooped to, huh

Bro, I flunked out of college and even I can do that.


Sometimes it turns out better than expected.

Reminds me of another friendly story.
If I would have used Dirty Cow there is a good chance I would have crashed the dev server. On the same topic, the teacher made his own system for doing daily assignments (a small challenge that was run against unit tests for a grade) and he uploaded the code to the internet. Upon cloning it to my computer, I noticed that logs for people's grades were still in the repository, they were just deleted. I did figure out the right command to actually delete the previously committed grades, but I was too lazy to tell him. Additionally posting students grades is breaking some law I'm pretty sure.

Christ, what kind of nigger unis did you faggots attend? We had to write an Algol compiler from scratch in Haskell as an end-year project in mine.

You're clearly not at Caltech or MIT. Perhaps you're at Harvard?

This is why I didn't go to uni
that and I didn't want debt for the rest of my life

I had to finish a Turing-complete AI using water and cardboard in my first year

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Just going to Paris in the nigger wagons everyday consumed me with rageand left me burnt out; I'm now looking at a nice job in an actually french part of France to recover slowly.


based quads best quads

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Those are pretty useful skills for a beginning engineer. What were you hoping for?

ok, nigger. What do you prefer?



Been in Zig Forums since first week of the board. If you are importing shitty 4/g/ memes you can take them back when you leave.

we need tariffs on memes


the absolute state of Zig Forums

I wasn't complaining. Not all feels have to be bad, you know?

Matlab and C combo is the bomb
stop complaining puss puss

Matlab is pretty gay. Their programming language is complete trash.

if these things have to be explained to you, you should not be in a computer class

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How do you deal with student fees? I want to get into a trades college to get a network security diploma but the cost of ONE course costs 0.5* what my entire family gets in a year.
I'll try

I feel like it would be a good idea to get a shit job once I'm out of highschool. then save up money for the tuition over a couple years, as I don't like the concept of taking out a student loan, being in debt, etc.

Assuming you're a fellow burger, this is just the way it is. Everyone goes into debt at some point, and yes, it sucks, but the best thing you can do is find a payment plan that works for you and stick to it. Missing payments is the worst thing that can happen to you, so make sure you can pay everything off as quickly as possible.

Get a job, no matter how shit it is. If it pays, take it. Spend your money wisely, apply for neetbux if you have to (just fake hardcore assburgers, you'll get it), and you'll be good.

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My community college is $100 a credit and there's financial aid stuff and loans.

If you family makes under x amount there's programs to help.

your post reminds me of pic related

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This is terrible advice.

Please tell me this is real.

you have anything better?

That's retardedly easy.

sick burn, sick quads

Have you read the thread? Modern college is a scam. Going into debt is usury which is a sin which is objectively bad.

Shoulda said yes just to piss them off regardless

you don't belong here

every screen I've seen in my classes (laptops, at least) were botnet 10, except for one autistic dude on stock windows 7. for class I use 7 but I'm autistic so I riced it with classic shell and changing overall icons so it looks more like win2k.

Luckily I chose some classes with less retards in them (/sec/ master race, hardware would also count). I would dubiously say its about 1/3 botnet 10, 1/3 apple, 1/4 ubuntu in those classes.
There's a chill archfag I found he's jewish and someone else who recognised qubes and got excited.
I'm tempted to run a Windows 95 rice for kicks (Chicago95 looks god tier).

I've seen one (1) person running debian. Well I didn't even see it, I just saw the sticker on his laptop so I assumed.

sounds pretty cool.

do it, when I was messing around on Mint with XFCE I tried chicago95 and I thought it looked pretty great.


I can do that in C++ blindfolded.


You're a double nigger through and through

I can fix the errors in my code but alas I cannot fix the errors in my soul.

yeah nah get fucked cunt
if you say something should be changed and don't justify why, you're as bad as him (and he isn't going to get better next time you program with him)

1.) scan benis
2.) put balls on page 1
3.) put head on page 29
4.) put shaft on pages 2-28

This is a joke.

We had a lecture over making a linked list class in my advanced C++ programming class in school and I had the same feeling at the time, but now something like that is retardedly easy, I could probably write it in 1-2 hours depending on how clean and commented I wanted to make the code and if I wanted to add any extra functionality to the public area.

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Grizzly is Greek

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No matter how many classes I attend at Uni, I just can't find anyone who actually cares about the subject we are learning (except the few autists in the class) No one has any sort of passion or interest in tech, they all are just niggercattle who memorize bunch of stuff to pass the tests (instead of actually learning the subject and learning how to apply their knowledge) Everyone just keeps talking about their normalnigger parties. Out of 90% of students studying CS or CE, only like 10% or 5% actually even try to understand the subject, others just copypaste from Stack Overflow. Don't tell me I am just autistic; There must be something wrong in today's Universities and students. I can't seem to find anyone with whom I could talk about Zig Forums or animu or anything else. The normies are just asking for "Help" with their homework (They want to copy from me, when they can't copypaste from the interwebs) BUT once they found out that I don't know the answers either, they just stopped talking to me altogether. I am so tired of this crap. I realize I sounded pretty /r9k/ tier, perhaps even bitter, but in reality I am pretty chill and easygoing dude.

So, Zig Forums, how did you find friends in uni?

this tbh

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Go to parties with them? What's wrong with that?

But nobody asks me (in fact, no one has ever asked me to hang out with them) I don't think I would be able to get any friends if I just showed up at some party. I am not trying to avoid them during classes or breaks, I usually try to tag along and perhaps try to join the discussion (but no one pays attention, usually)

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You don't belong in here.

If you're not social you have to be smart. If you're not smart you have to be social. If you're not smart or social there's no point because nobody will want to deal with you.

Make friends with professors and other staff. They might seem bored with the subject but that is only because they are tired of teaching the same shit to another interchangable group of retards every semester. Most of them have some kind of project they are working on or area of study they are still passionate about, and it doesn't usually take much conversation unrelated to course work before they start to sperg about it.

Alternativly, start talking to yourself, try develop a chat bot until it's able to fill the other side of the coversation, fall in love with your computer, burn your dick on the heat sync or get cut by sharp edges, cry, consider suicide, and develop a drinking (or other substance abuse) problem.

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This was how it was in my cs classes, Winfags and Macs everywhere. I was always nervous to be seen using windows it public, I just assumed I would look retarted

I forgot to mention that I am not very good with people who I don't know at all or with large groups of people.

I am not social. And, while I am pretty good at programming when compared to the others, I am not very good at math. In fact, I flunked calculus 1 last spring, so I should probably start recapping high school/precalculus math. Several months ago, someone shilled a book called "Mathematics: Its contents methods and meaning" perhaps I should start with it?

I am starting to run out of options, so I think I will try talking with my profs. Perhaps I should go talk to a Mister Frasier...

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I'm 3rd year EE and it's exactly the same. There is pretty much nothing you can do, just substitute social interactions with anime and projects.

What are you even supposed to do at those parties? I wouldn't mind LAN party where I could own some fags in Quake III, but party without computers? You just drink and talk?
My power level grants me +20 immunity to sluts and my active skill: greater botnet awareness together with blessing of St. IGNUcious protects me from any form of social media.Jokes aside, I actually rejected a girl, partially because she was a heavy social media user. Even if I took time and feed her redpills I probably couldn't change her. I don't want to waste time with someone who can't even focus for one hour on the lecture and has to check personal tracking device every 5 minutes.

Yes please. Usually we have a lot of projects that are (in my opinion) relatively easy to solve given some time, and can have a significant impact that is publication worthy. I only wish my master students would do that.

So much truth.

You literally just answered yourself. Go talk with them.

Basically, yeah. It's gets pretty fun and interesting after you drink, though, especially when you already know like one or two people at the party. It's easy game for non-/r9k/-tier incels here.

Unfortunately they were just retaking the class and I don't share any classes with them anymore. And I haven't been able to spot anyone with high enough powerlevel.

Calc 1 is simple though. What textbook did you use?

Schaum's Outline of Calculus. But the book wasn't even used during the course at all (it was more like supplementary material) and class handouts basically contained all the material that was used during the course. The pace of the course was a bit too quick for me.

I know this is obvious for the Zig Forums students, but please, please, don't waste your time playing vidya and doing fuck-all during the 4~6 years of college/university.
It's only partially about what you're taught, even specially when you consider that sometimes, besides fundamentals, what you're being taught is just wrong/obsolete (e.g. read the thread).
It's also about meeting other [competent] people, studying about things that interest you, and applying that into interesting projects.
If you see the process as some kind of conveyor belt in which you're passively moved from beginning to end without any of your input, then you're doing things wrong! And you'll regret it later, specially if you're getting into debt for it.

It's becoming more common as CS becomes a literal meme. As time passes though, most of the 95% either become serious or end dropping out.
If you're an introvert, or just socially inept, then don't bother trying to make friends of everyone. Focus on that 5~10% that actually give a shit instead.
I would still argue that learning to deal with people different than you is a valuable skill, and that it can be learnt. Carnegie is often a good starter.

I met a guy who could only talk about anime. His powerlevel was much higher than mine (pleb taste, though) and he was also stunted when making new friends. But he lacked self-awareness and wore anime related stuff publicly (many pins, some naruto gear, a fuckload of anime keychains in his backpack... "programming" gloves, etc) so I started talking to him when I recognized one of those anime and asked about it. Then we became good friends as we started working in group projects together.
What I get from that, is that you either approach other people or make yourself approachable. I guess that if you care about programming, then maybe become good at it? If there's any programming contest or tech club or whatever... join it? I really don't know, I'm not the one who waits.

I talk to people who I find interesting; if there's a group project coming I suggest we work together, that's the easiest way. You get to know if they're flakes, which is a nice bonus. You don't want to associate with flakes too much, maybe it's fun, but often it's a waste of time.
When talking to someone, often you're able to glance some of their interests: ask about them. Pretty much anyone likes talking about the things they like, as long as they feel they won't get judged harshly for it. If you're generally cultured, then you'll find some points in the conversation where you can relate in some or other way. Just don't make it a one-upping contest, it serves to prevent the conversation from becoming an interrogation.
Also, most people are grateful that someone is trying to talk with them, and they'll cut you some slack when you do so. Specially in a place where they don't know other people (or only know a few), e.g. during semester starts.
Finally, if you're really desperate, then playing team based videogames is often an easy way of making ""friends"". As I implied earlier though, the people who waste too much time in videogames often aren't worth it. And it's very easy to get addicted to it. And botnet.

That means that you already know some people; how did you met them?

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You summed up my experiences in socializing with CS people (who you'd think would be relatable Zig Forums autists). Maybe hit up your local CCC (or similar)? I checked out mine in my area and from the website alone they seem like autists (in a good way). I myself am not extroverted enough to do that though.

I think, I come across as one of the super intelligent autists. But when people start to realize that I don't have any real skills or any knowledge what they couldn't find easily somewhere else, they just lose interest. I have been trying to be more interesting but, so far, it hasn't worked. I feel that people see me as their last resort. Ugh, I am starting to sound more and more like a soon-to-be Supreme Gentleman but I want to improve myself and my situation so there is still some hope for me, right?

We were doing some group work and we ended up in the same group (mainly because we didn't fit into other groups. One of them dropped out and the other guy was just retaking that class (I think? We haven't shared any classes since then) I haven't had any real friends outside of school since the first year of the junior high (I lost all my friends after I moved to the other side of the country)

Thanks for the tips. I try to figure out something.

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Yeah user you should just be a degenerate with no wife, no kids, no money, no job. Shitposting on cuckchan all day.

Or you can just live in a cheap rural area that isn't going to rape you with living expenses. Citycucks are on an endless treadmill.

False Dilemma logical fallacy. Try again once you've learned the basics of debate, child.

When semester starts just take my advice and make a move within 4 weeks. Identify who the 5-10% are and drop into a conversation while they are working and go from there. I nearly left it too late. Leave it too long and you will be alone for the rest of collage

Sorry user, I didn't know you won a debate on chicken tendies at debate club in middle school. I'll be more considerate next time.

What are some projects every CS student should have done in college? My school was catering to literal retards and I was too lazy to get out at the time.

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If you only knew how well this actually works in reality

I was like this too once. Then I wanted to be popular and took steps towards it. It worked and I hated it. All the people who began to like me, I wished they wouldn't. Time to lonely walk the yard and listen to music ony headphones? No. Someone would disturb me. Just going he, getting drunk and watch porn? No! Someone wants to go out today. And if you tell people you'll pass this time, you bet they'll be pissed. In the endit's a waste of time and I'm glad my skills in being antisocial are slowly recovering

I dropped out because of this. The industry is full of retarded niggers and I can't even make any friends let alone any who give a damn about tech or anything else I give a mild crap avout. Its all so pointless, there are too many oxygen wasting retards in the way of actual academics. I hope they are all shot.

Trust me, user. I know.

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So he is.

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can anyone brainlet-frendly explain of how reading and writing in 1Kbit RAM werks?

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I didn't mean to suggest that you (or anyone) should aim "to be more interesting", not at all.
What does that even mean anyways? Different people look for different things in other people and in their relationships with them.
What's "interesting" to some turbonormie may seem unbelievably vapid to you, and viceversa. Likewise, some people just expect to get some laughs out of friendship, while others also expect emotional support, and some others also expect to grow together with their friends (aka "flying with the eagles").
I'll also state the obvious here: nobody gives a fuck whether you get good grades beyond to know if they can ask you for help or not (this doesn't mean that you should just give yourself to academic mediocrity though).

Then you'll follow the advice that's already given to you. I believe the most important one is to take initiative more often. As said, group projects are often a good excuse if you're too self-conscious. And nobody is saying that you have to limit yourself to interacting with your classmates, or even only with people with the same major.
I do have an issue with "caring too much" though: it's probably pointless.
That's because your real focus should be placed in yourself, working in your projects, and eventually in accomplishing your goals. Not in getting some dumb niggers to like you. You may call it the Law of Attraction, The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, or whatever. But one thing is true: when you really apply yourself to some goal, people and opportunities come to you. Or were they always there and just now you notice them?

I'm sure you're a good person, user. Just stop wearing that stupid fedora.

Anything popular with a low barrier of entry is always full of retards. That's nothing new. Seriously, what were you expecting?

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CS is a broad field. What do you like? Hardware? OS? AI? Security? Graphics? Web?

I made a large group of friends in the first year with some luck and putting effort into meeting as many people as possible (its well known that groups are hard to penetrate the longer you leave it). Now that I'm into the second year I've started refusing their invitations, and only meet them about once a week to stay sane.

Honestly, virtually CS undergraduates I know are as thick as pig shit, drug users, sex addicts and alcoholics. None of them are goal-oriented. Some of them are loving and nice to unwind with for a few hours but I get far more enjoyment going to the gym and reading books.

If you get twinges of loneliness, get into the habit of praying to God every day, reflecting on your destructive desires and weaknesses. Remember that in all likelihood this is the most free time you'll have in your life before your mind shows signs of age, so just try to learn as much as possible and ignore the transient people around you.