Facebook just announced it was hacked, and almost 50 million users have been affected
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Facebook just announced it was hacked, and almost 50 million users have been affected
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This timeline fucking sucks.
and now for an actual link:
sounds very webscale
typical code malreuse from webshotters. i wonder why they still brag about how retarded they are
Don't forget this:
What would those look like? Unless you are hosting your own server or using end-to-end encryption, you should assume that the server operator is keeping everything you send to it. Even if the service is running Free Software you cannot be certain that what the server is running is the same.
Normies don't care about these things. Judenbook can get hacked 6 million times and nothing will change.
Don't forget normies literally have the mind of niggers because of the negrification of culture in most countries, and one of the behaviours present in nigger villages is that everyone knows everything about everyone.
Completely decentralized: there is no company to violate you privacy, because there is no company. Your information is cryptographically only accessible to those you give permissions to access this information.
Scuttlebutt/Manyverse seems to be private by design, but in order to get any use out of it I'd need friends.
Get the fuck out of my house
So, how might the secure alternatives become mainstream? As I see it, advertisers/etc would then have no backdoor to people's info.
Your TLS is correctable transmission, or random faultable continues stream?
That you still have leaky metadata? How is that "private".
It took Chuck milliseconds to break your Node server because JIT on ring 0, thus encryption is bypassed by design.
Dan Germany*
Try writing this post again. It's a complete non-rebuttal but you sound like you're trying to communicate a message
yes, i also believe everything the mass media tells me
That's illegal goy! We are suing mr. zuckerberg for causing us to lose money.
People still use this trash?
They don't. And they will never be, don't even fucking bother trying. Zig Forums has already come to the unanimous consensus that the kikes will win this one, like they always do when fighting against us sane people. NPCs will never, 'ever''"' learn from this. If you think that there will be any alternative to FB in the future, you're delusional.
This. One thing that we have to remember in all this is that the jews always win, and the NPCs will never learn. It's over. We lost. There is no option but surrender.
Can I keep blackpill-user as a pet?
Cool. Hope it happens more often.
It's ok to admit Alice&Bob games weren't taught to you. It's worst to believe Retroshare can save you from one bad actor in group, when everyone outside the network can see everything as plain as day.
If your neighbors and ISP can identify with who in retroshare you are communicating, when, how much, what version, where, etc., claiming "private SNS" is as good as locket mail.
ssb/dat guy needs a slap into two for forgetting TCP is a vulnerability.
If you send physical mail on a cipher, everyone that delivered your letter knows when, where to&from, how big, what font ink paper printer fibers & residue, to dear old Bob, including your stalker neighbor.
Before someone rebuts this user with 'we kill people based on metadata', I would like to point out that my adversary is targeted advertising and other mass data harvesting so this would constitute an acceptable level of privacy.
The best alternative to social networks is real life.
literally 2 days ago:
Just like Windows and operating systems.
Can we cool it on the anime-tranny-monster porn?
Let me get this straight: the attackers got control over the accounts, but no leak of passwords happened? If so, revoking the session keys should be easy and fast enough.
Phone numbers, posts, friend lists and emails are already public information in most accounts, so there shouldn't be a huge leak of information. Unless I'm misunderstanding what happened.
yes they only got the session. as seen by your post infosec for the last 20 years has been so retardedly focused on passwords that they don't understand the implications of 50 million sessions being stolen
And now yoi realize that this will never change. Facebook is eternal as fuck and Zig Forums knows it. Nobody will fight back anymore. Eventually you will see Zuckerberg become the 46th POTUS because NPCs are that gullible. There will naver be any more mother fucking escape from monopolies. Don't even fucking try fighting back.
Pic related, the people who are the bane of our existance and an actual based cuckchan meme for once.
Fucking FB alternatives will never be a fucking thing you fucking autistic bluepill fucking niggers stop fucking trying to fucking escape stop fucking guaranteeing your mother fucking death you dumb shit ass noggers
Based Hitlerget
Screenshot this fucking post to remind bluepill nigger fucks that nothing will ever get better and that fighting back is literally fucking impossible.
go die in a hole then
why do you even post here?
stop avatarfagging.
Your average user only cares about their password and their personal info (which is mostly available publicly on Facebook anyway.) As for the fix, it should be easy enough to do.
I admit that I don't get why so much fuss about FB sessions being stolen. Besides sending spam and automating likes, what else can be done with a stolen FB account?
How am I avatarfagging? I haven't even posted anything in a couple days.
So, retroshare fails here,,,,,
Wasn't Microsoft Google Cloudflare et alter joining forces to "save bandwidth"?
Someone intelligent!
What was that phrase? What put on the internet stays forever?
What's that?
I read the report days ago: Facebook has a "View as" feature that only privileged users can use, it was set on for everyone, so anyone could see any account as anyone else, and extrapolate more data than usual. "It's been fixed".
Check out my new avatar.
Could you please justify your claim by explaining how a corporate adversary (ISP, data harvester, whatever) would feasibly be able to intercept and decrypt a RetroShare transfer to obtain anything more than transfer metadata?
Even with mediocre OPSEC, it doesn't seem obvious how this could be done.
A good reply could provide some healthy skepticism towards the common claim that RetroShare is a great platform for privacy (advertised by sites such as privacytools.io).
Nothing can stop the eternal FaceJew now. NPCs will never, EVER learn.
4294967296 / 10 , would not pen test
Well that's because no-one is teaching them. Not rocket science.
Man you are just incapable of posting less than two posts in a row. Here, have this (You), I know you love them.
It's your ISP, it sells your network traffic to ad agencies:
They easily know you use Retroshare, they know you contact Bob using Retroshare, they know when you connect, they know how big the messages are, they know where you both live, esp. if Chuck/proxy sells your traffic as well, they know what version your Retrosharr client is, what OS you're running, and your neighbor gets paid a discount to fuzz your connection to know when you really are using retroshare or accessing TOR.
This isn't about decrypting the contents of your message, but how much Alice&Bob talk to each other on a meme network.
An ad agency will send you ads knowing you both like to use the meme network. Maybe some hardware or software ads, maybe archival media, hdd discounts, newegg one time deals, maybe that pregnancy kit, who knows:
Your contacts with Bob aren't private, the contents maybe (if you really trust the crypto), but every with just two servers know Alice&Bob use a meme network.
You really are naïve. Common claims like yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and blood took centuries to reach consequences of myth. A person that doesn't test claims on their own, are not worth the trouble.
In these discussions, none mentioned Bitmessage, I2P Bote, URC, mixminion, sneakernet, etc.. Shows how low intel Zig Forums is.
, but everyone with*
reach consensus*
Yah see, truly unworthy of the trouble dismissing criticism.
How are your NIST RSA const working out for you?
Your lack of understanding of both networking and encryption is boring me, user. Post something mildly worrying at least. An NSA flaw, flagged by Microsoft of all people, isn't it.
The only person citing encryption is you:
How'd that HeartBleed worked out for you guys?
Deja vu, I thought they had a View As exploit back in 2010.
Samefagging in this thread is out of control, this board really needs IDs.
There's people in this board right now whose entire political knowledge comes from anonymous posts on the videogame and/or politically incorrect boards of anime-discussing websites.
social media is inherently unprivate read mcluhan
kill trannymayposters