Daily reminder that if you unironically believe in (((intellectual property))) or government surveillance you don't belong on this board.
We need to clear out the cancer that's being imported from 4/g/.
Daily reminder that if you unironically believe in (((intellectual property))) or government surveillance you don't...
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>(((intellectual property)))
Give me all your data, it doesn't belong to you.
>Daily reminder that if you unironically believe in (((intellectual property))) or government surveillance you don't belong on this board.
So you believe intellectual property and government surveillance is a myth?
Something dreamed up by hollywood?
Assuming you're implying that (((intellectual property))) is not property, how then should we deal with intangible good?
(((intellectual property))) is just another idiotic capitalist invention. Same as private (not personal) property, for that matter.
Too late, the commie shill brigades have fully infiltrated most of 8's most active boards, and Zig Forums as well, see
>(((intellectual property)))
Nothing wrong with communism. Free software is essentialy anarcoh-communism. The capiatlist "hard work" and "private property" etiquette does not fit in here. The place for the dystopian suffering movement is >>>Zig Forums
I unironically believe in government surveillance. You will too after reading webnovel.com
Libertarianism doesn't make your points stronger -- it makes them weaker, by forcing you to argue about basic shit that every already disagrees with, when you could be talking about specific complaints that everyone already sympathizes with.
Code is not property, it is a fart in the wind. Banning farts is a violation of the NAP
It IS property, capitalist America defined it as so. Same how the Neolithic revolution invented private property.
what america thinks doesn't change anything
Then why do you believe private property isn't a fart in thew ind?
hey I oppose crime
wow nevermind you convinced me. crazy how you can't win an election anywhere.
>>>Zig Forums
This is true though
epic strawman
that's not a straw man. That's a mirror positioned to reflect the image of a straw man.
Libertarianism - specifically, the rhetorical urge constantly demonstrated by libertarians, not their actual political belief (singular) - is so self-destructive, libertarianism may actually really be a Jewish trick designed to teach people to share this urge.
If some jerk punches you in the face, don't run and tell people that the jerk "doesn't respect self-ownership and thus favors slavery", tell them he punched you in the face for no good reason. One of these will get people sighing and arguing with you; the other might get them to help you get vengeance, and thereby teach other jerks that some faces aren't safe to punch.
Specific complaints > airy principle. Even in principles people already believe in, but especially when no adult believes in the principle anyway.
oh yeah. If you oppose the operation of a black chamber, you're either dead and living in paradise, or you're retard.
If you want the black chamber to show some fucking restraint and not join the entire rest of Big Tech in Big Data boondoggles, then say so. People can support "fucking restraint" and "no don't do that thing".
My ability to keep secrets doesn't depend on the existence of intellectual property in law.
Intellectual property and government surveillance are two things that should not exist.
Private property is tangible, intellectual property is abstract so no commie they're clearly quite different.
>Oy vey you can't use the resources you worked hard for that way that's an (((intellectual property))) violation
>N-no goyim you need (((intellectual property))) to keep secrets. Contracts don't exist.
Well if you ever needed proof glow in the darks are on fullchan there you go.
wait what?
What is Palantir? What is PRISM?
Is that... A SHILL?
Communists are almost entirely responsible for pushing idpol. If I met you IRL I would beat your face into a bloody pulp.
No it's a lack of reading comprehension on your part.
Then explain me, because I still don't understand what's the relation between government surveillance and intellecutal property. If he's not talking about regular government surveillance, but about government monitoring of intellectual property violation, then I still don't understand, since it's the companies that have to accuse the one who's in violation. The government only passes the laws.
The relation is that they're both things that Zig Forums used to be ardently against before the 4/g/ cancer came along.
Says Zig Forumsyp while masturbating to anti-non-white idpol.
i can't parse that sentence but you'll find plenty of people who can over on >>>Zig Forums
(not guy you're replying to)
That's literally what I said. The anti-"communist" claimed communism (an ideology that is against all identity and class division) is based on identity politics, while the board he frequents (in this case Zig Forums) is entirely based on identiy politics.
Is this bait or are you retarded?
Ideologies are so great that they actually beat out writing software.
Couldn't agree more. I'm glad people are finally seeing that communism actually makes oligarchy inevitable and are understanding what's gone wrong with the internet.