The Arch Meme

Why is Arch spreading like wildfire? Is there a coordinated effort to propagandize the distribution? I’m honestly curious why Manjaro is so popular, as well as why I have had Arch shoved in my face for the last year or two.

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Manjaro is idiots wanting to larp as using arch when they can't figure out how to install it.

Luke Smith said in ones of his livestreams that he recommends Manjaro for GNU/Linux beginners. Shortly after, its HPD skyrocketed.

Also, I wouldn't put it past OS devs to artificially drive up the hit rate.

What the fuck are you talking about?
U r an idot

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Ur a faggot

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Manjaro isn't arch, faggot. It's a derivative.
Might as well say Debian is number 1 because Mint works off Ubuntu works off Debian.
As for Arch itself: It's a minimal (not counting systemDick) OS that, unlike Gentoo, is actually usable for production computers that you can't afford to not use for half a day every time some bigger program updates and lower-powered computers that'd take a week to compile gcc.

Installing Firefox for the first time is the worst. You've got to install rust and clang before you can even start compiling Firefox. I have an fx-8150 and it still takes for fucking ever. I wish a non-shit browser would come along. If I wasnt a pajeet I'd try writing my own.


Bullshit it uses the same repos and everything. It's like Ubuntu Mate is to Ubuntu, not Ubuntu to Debian.

Everything is either Ubuntu Debian, Arch, or Red hat. Any exceptions are irrelevant.

anything but

Wat r u talkin about?

Compiling firefox requires rust.

slackware,void, lfs, gentoo... and the shit ton of other independant distros.

Wasn't he talkin about arch though? arch is a binary based distro.
Also, if your too retarded to use one of the hundreds of firecuck forks you're beyond hope.

Like it or not, Distrowatch is a good indicator of popularity, if trendy, of distributions at a given moment.

Debian is king. I say that without irony. So many distributions depend on it, it's not going away anytime soon.

Ubuntu has not depended on Debian for years. Debian is almost irrelevant now.

nice bait

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Do you hate manjaro because it works unlike your shitty gentoo/arch system?

I run gentoo in production. First off, your production machines aren't the ones building the software. Secondly, you don't need to watch it compile. You can do other stuff on your computer while it compiles.

You do know Google and NASDAQ use gentoo? You damn arch brainlet you.

You are a pajeet.

I have only met 1 person running Gentoo that had an actual job. Well actually he used Funtoo.

Not exactly but they use Portage and a customized gentoo.

manjaro does not use the same repos as Arch. it's just a hackjob and at some point they had to tell users to set back time when the devs broke ssl something. You can't even use AUR since arch pkgbuilds aren't compatible with manjaro since.
They different naming of other packages - meaning dependencies get fucked and mixed up with name collision.

The only advantage of manjaro would be having mhwd xorg generation for brainlets those molested by arch meme before, just werks nvidia/amd gpu install, kernel managers, available stuff in repos you'd need to compile/repo on arch (like octopi).

manjaro isn't fully compatible with arch. if you literally change your pacman.conf to the one arch uses your system shits itself.
and I think manjaro still can't set up a dmcrypted installation though haven't tried yet.
manjaro is surely much more convenient version of arch but without AUR/trizen and with octopi installed by default.

They may have made mistakes in the past but that's during unstable versions. At least they're killing the (((Mint))) cancer right now.

Replacing dick cancer with ball cancer is even worse.

Because they add an extra repo. It is literally copy paste otherwise.

That's the whole point of Gentoo though, it is a meta-distribution after all.

top kek. Debian is more /comfy/ than (((Fedora))), (((Red Hat))), (((Manjaro))), Arch or OpenSUSE. Only Gentoo is better than Debian.

If by /comfy/ you mean bloated.

I literally just used trizen to install an aur package on manjaro.

Because some users like to customize their OS to the same degree as their desktop?

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Yeah, that sounds pretty cool. Too bad there isn't a distribution that enables that.

What do you customize in Arch? You partition at the command line, chroot, install the pre-compiled system, and boot up into it. They're not customizing anything but their desktops. Linux From Scratch I could see this being the case but Arch? Bullshit.


Ummm??? No????

until pacman bricks everything

I remember hearing something about Debian being subverted awhile ago.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was trie.

nah, I just wanted to use some AUR stuff but still have it as easy as I had with Ubuntu.

dead meme is dead

ChromeOS is based on Gentoo

Arch was one of the last decent established distros, but it has been infected with systemd malware for years now. Artix and Parabola are the decent forks of it now. They are really the only Linux OSs that can compete with Devuan and Gentoo.

Linux From Scratch.

because it's both relatively lean, pretty fast, and just werks. until it hits the CoC version of the kernel it's literally the best desktop OS for anyone who cares.


Come on, not everyone has the time/experience/knowledge to sit down and start building their gentoo system.
I for example am currently just starting to learn how to use a gnu/linux OS after years of being a wangblows brainlet user, and having some distro that just works installed on my machine while I gather the expertise to jump into something more advanced is really convenient and useful. Why all this fucking hate? It's like you faggots don't even want people to start using some OS that's neither wangblows nor some shit from Apple, yet you complain and scream when Linux doesn't get the support it deserves.

OP here. I don't use Gentoo. I use Ubuntu. Curious about why Arch is so memed. Ubuntu is memed too much too.

no, it's actually the best desktop OS atm. get fucked.


ive had the least issues with smallpinus gnu/systemd/shitnucx honestly

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Why did $currentyear have to be like this?!!

also, it has had the sickness since 2013:

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I'm pretty sure that MX Linux is being artificially driven up.

>(((linux))) CoCold distro

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It's just a common netiquette, though, not talk about gender and other bullshit.



It is, it gets funding from some pro antifa/commie group. They even help developing shit If you wanna use Debian usu Devuan.

Slackware hasn't been relevant for over a decade.
Gentoo is only relevant because of ChromeOS.
Void and lfs are completely irrelevant.


Gentoo is relevant because you should install it, faggot


What the hell is up with the incredibly regular oscillations in search interest? Some yearly conference?