MSDOS open source
Seems like a joke pr.
any reason to use this and not free dos for learning (d)os dev?
These are the earliest versions of DOS, so probably not except as part of a retrocomputing hobby.
No doubt that this is the coolest PR I've ever seen.
Only if you're completely braindead.
To be fair, Kyle shouldn't be using a girl's pic as his avatar.
Those ASM files are small as fuck and easy to read. FreeDOS is more complicated shit.
ARACHNE runs on MS-DOS too. So does 4DOS. I have no clue why they are listing shit like they're FreeDOS exclusive features when they're obviously not.
is she a she (male)?
learning ASM, legacy code.
OK Kyle, ace. I know you use[d] 8ch, and the reaction you got is exemplary.
Anyone here, and elsewhere know not to take Microsoft's bait. They can at anytime relicense their DOS, worst, Apple Inc. reclaim it from the CP/M hack:
is every "woman" in tech a tranny?
These days you never know.
< Opens Github
< LOL!
< *fork*
< *git clone*
open source =/= free
license bot saves the day. apparently comment bots are allowed on jewhub now.
Copyright License. You grant Microsoft, and those who receive the Submission directly or indirectly from Microsoft, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license in the Submission to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute the Submission and such derivative works, and to sublicense any or all of the foregoing rights to third parties.
Patent License. You grant Microsoft, and those who receive the Submission directly or indirectly from Microsoft, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license under Your patent claims that are necessarily infringed by the Submission or the combination of the Submission with the Project to which it was Submitted to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell and import or otherwise dispose of the Submission alone or with the Project.
What I really hate is that these tight fucking cunts couldn't even be fucking bothered to release the later version, like tossing this bit of useless shit out there is something we should be grateful for. This could really improve Dos emulation but fuck you, right?
How goes your LinuxFoocked?
**Strange that Microsoft wouldn't use Jacobsen v. Katzer to argue any and all charges made to their DOS woi*
Would belong to them, even if the copyright belongs to Novell now
Ya 1.25 is completely shit. No hard drive support and it's floppy system is some weird 320k on 5.25 format and some other odd size on 8". No 3.5" support.
DOS 3.x and later is what most people consider "dos compatible". Anything before 4.11 is fucking useless on anything but a XT.
like thats ever stopped anyone
Open source projects have the tendency to become bloated.
It's a joke. Get it?
Harhar. Now I explained it. Now it's not funny. But of course, given the state of this board, this has become state of the art content. But of course, the discussion has devolved into idpol, the same discussion normal techfags had deried historically. Of fucking course.
At least gets it.
My coworkers are massive lefties and they don't get it either.
You do understand that you are arguing about a staged propaganda photo, right?
I'm not sure how I missed this. Hopefully they do the kernel for Windows 95 and 98, too.
Will this mean anything for FreeDOS development?
Someone should compare the source code to see what Microsoft did differently vs them
No. FDOS is way past msdos 1.25.
1.25 might as well be a different operating system. Just about any dos program will need 3.x or better to run. 1.25 is before many common standards where set.
is it too autistic to think that if they released 98 source code we could actually make it into a good modern OS? IMAGINE:
-muh boomer GUI and muh feels
-it's not linux so it's not utter trash
-not botnet
would it even be possible to update it to work with modern stuff?
Probably. Apart from HD video streaming and vidya, there's not a whole lot that's changed since then. IIRC you can do the former and some of the latter on 98 if you use KernelEx. The only issue would be security and lack of EFI support. x86 is also pozzed so that's a showstopper for Zig Forums
It's literally nothing. I want Windows 3.11 and NT3.51 and their graphical shells open sourced.
They released the source to Windows 3.1's File Manager at least.
Baby steps, user.
Why? The whole Windows 3.1 package is so trivial when compared to contemporary "bloated" systems that any CS college student should be able to recreate a clone in short time. This includes a full recreation of Windows DDE and Windows COM of Windows 3.1.
Why the fuck would you want to learn 8086 asm in 2018? It doesn't have much in common with modern architectures. Yes, including x86-64.
1. put "R" in front of all register names
2. replace "int 0x21" with "syscall"
there, you're done
I remember hosting that shitty Tokumei instance for people on 8ch couple of years ago.
Possibly the most retarded thing I've read on this board, and that's saying a lot considering what a dumpster fire this place has become.
Wew. Not even the retards here are as retarded as you. >>>/g/
So you can write echo in 153 bytes
And that's the reason I want this world to burn.