So, I got good enough grades to go to a decent university...

So, I got good enough grades to go to a decent university, but I fucked up bigly and ended up going to a university that is pretty much pic related.
In the first year we didn't learn anything apart from a small bit of basic maths (matrix multiplication, vectors, etc) and fucking JAVASCRIPT.
Second year we learned a little bit of shaders, and C++ (we were required to use a bloated as fuck framework though).
Now I'm in my final year with no real understanding of computer architecture or algorithms other than the stuff I've taught myself.
How fucked am I? I am willing to self learn, I spent all summer reading books on C, algorithms and data structs so at least I might be employable at some point.
Could anyone provide any advice on how to turn this around? (other than become a school shooter obviously)

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Tell me, how much do you actually program? Because if you want to git gud at programming, then you need to actually do programming instead of reading books with hipsters in public jew centers. Practical programming experience is much more valuable than theoretical knowledge that you've never put to practice.

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ya cunt

Well at least you can get laid there :^)

I wrote just under 2k lines of C (getting to grips with concepts of the language. Plus a few thousand lines of C++ for a few small projects I've been working on. I spent the majority of my summer inside.


These people are need wiping off the face of the earth to preserve it's precious resources, not my juices.

sort of ended up in the same boat user. my solution was to switch to a math major. undergrad computer science programs tend to be shit.

fuck user, i'd write much more asap if i were you. at least an order of magnitude more.

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you should tried to go to any school that their cs program was abet accredited any degree that isnt is mostly worthless. find a comfy job at a store. maybe walmart. walmart pays well and there is room for promotion.

If you are willing and able to self-learn you are not fucked at all. People self learned for thousands of years and they managed to do engineering, science and crafts just fine. That being said, you should finish your degree because there might be regulations that require you to have one for working on some projects.

C is great starting language and implementation of algorithms is great way to learn C.

Study things from books and write code as much as you can. If you learn C you can easily pick up any currently mainstream (Python, JS, etc.) language in a week.

You should have gone to a trade school and learned a productive skill that would have earned you a decent pay, without all that student loan debt hassle.

Not at all. All the top jobs are going to be in JS. No one needs computer architecture when everything is a linux-lisp machine.

As long as it is accredited it's fine. Just learn on your own.

is botnet

I'm doing "computing studies" at RMIT. Basically a level below IT which is a level below CS. But it's great, haven't even finished first year and I've already learned basic system architecture, some data communications, networking, made multiple websites, made a standalone application, got an introduction to Python, Java, HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. They give you so much work that you're basically forced to learn a bunch of stuff really quickly. I'm pro-self-learning but university just accelerates everything so much and at the end of the day you have a legitimate qualification (for what that's worth).

kys, stop being mean to OP.

Pretty fucked. You got scammed into paying for an education when you're forced into self-studying everything that matters. Clearly you didn't do your homework before you picked your university. But you can still self-learn fine. If you want to get a decent education, MIT offers Open CourseWare where you can basically give yourself online class the MIT way:

Also, if you are completely new to programming, get a fucking compiler asap and start programming shit on your own. Here are some programming challenges to help you develop your skills:

Other than that, try making a super-basic MSPaint program (.TGA - TARGA image format - is easiest and widely supported) or shit. It'll help you develop some important experience with software development. Beyond that, participating in open source projects ( is better for this than github if you want to avoid the poz, but github is better for the resume entry - SF is still a respectable line on your resume though, especially if you pick a high-profile project to contribute to) is a good way to see how people program these days, improve your skills, and build your resume. Whatever you don't understand is basically a learning opportunity.

C is definitely a good pick. These days bullshit like JavaScript and Python is catching on but if you ask me C is best for a starter. But you definitely haven't written enough. Practice, practice, practice. Run those coding challenges I listed above. The most important quality to learning programming is the willingness to self-learn. Remember: Anything you don't understand is an opportunity to learn.

Point taken. Too much time reading, not enough writing.

Thanks, Codewars seems exactly like the type of thing I need to start writing more code.>>981367

Become an autodidact. (((Current Year))) Degrees aren't worth the paper they're printed on. You'll have to become one sooner or later.

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Coding Game is not bad either. And if you want to learn a thing or two about security exploits and shit, try:

HTS might be a good use of your time to learn how to recognize security vulnerabilities, which in turn will help you write software that doesn't have gaping security holes.

Everybody here is right on the money. You go to college or university for the paper, but you teach yourself. I learned fucking nothing at college. In 3 years, I had:

* A bare-bones algorithms course that could have been covered in a week
* An intro C++ course that covered nothing beyond functions, basic datatypes, and basic IO (didn't even cover classes, multi-file programs, compiler shit, anything)
* A followup C++ course that went as far as building your own linked list, but taught nothing about memory management.
* A shitty C# course (which was supposed to be the more advanced level of language-oriented classes) that just focused on building UIs the whole semester.
* A shitty game development elective that went through FPS Maker, RPG Maker, and Game Maker. (Though I actually learned something in the latter two, because I was the "scripting guy" for RPG maker and did a bunch of Ruby, and the professor let me make a game in C++ instead of using GameMaker)
* An assembly language course using a stack-based virtual computer. This was actually a good one, and taught me a lot about reasoning around a program stack and working with stack frames. The professor sucked, though, and gave me 50% on the final, because it specified that we were to write a real assembly program for any OS and assembler, but he didn't tell anybody that he would simply fail anything that wasn't written for his specific Windows assembler.

As a professional programmer, I'd estimate that roughly 1% of what I do day-to-day was something I actually learned in college. Everything else was self-taught. You're going to have to work your ass off just doing it. Reading is good, but you need to actually program.
The good news is that anything you need to learn, you can teach yourself. Your degree will get your foot in the door, so as long as your actual skill can carry you the rest of the way, you're golden.

OP, I hire guys like you all the time. Don't be bothered about what you learn in school (even top tier, yes even Cal and MIT unless you are PhD) because engineering in the real world is much more like firefighting. Many in the industry are completely self-taught.

The best thing you can do is get an internship. It'll put you on real code, in a real team, with real responsibilities. Too bad capitalists are stingy shits and likely won't pay you much, but it'll also show you all the drama and stupid shit that is the corporate world. Likewise, near the end of your schooling you should be lining up interviews with companies for junior developers. Get your github/website/whatever updated with some stuff.

My high school taught Visual Basic, and uni taught Java. The lesson is that you are going to use technology you hate and do work that isn't fun or rewarding. But you build a reputation for putting in the work and delivering despite that. You will spend a lot of hobby time with your favorite tech before it becomes remotely payable.


I wish there was a giant banner at every university that said this.

A year into my first job out of college, I feel like I've learned far more than I did with four years of homework assignments. Granted, my current job wouldn't have hired me without a piece of paper. Hell, I think I learned more about programming from doing a few side projects than I did from the shitty exercises and exams.

I keep telling people not to go to uni, but does anyone listen? No. They just cry about debt, their degenerate oneitis and how they can't get a job.

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Yeah, I feel like this will be my future for a bit after university. I'm doing as many advanced side projects as I can to make myself marketable and was hoping that that may help me avoid some bullshit.
Java was my 2nd language and I fucking hate OOP but I might have to make do. I suppose I could try to get into embedded development; that might be the way to go.

You want a secret? You won't be hired to be a programmer. You will be hired, and paid, by taking in requirements and delivering on them in a timely manner. The guy that pays you literally doesn't know, nor care, how you do that. Doesn't matter if it's an elaborate AI WizzBang, or a lowly bash script and a prayer, or the latest BuzzTech the sharp-dressed consultant bedazzled in front of your CEO.

Go get yourself a copy of Being Geek by Michael Lopp (look for it on for a navigating the business side of software. It'll prepare your expectations and help you with navigating it as a career.

as if that ever works

Over-opinionated idiots like you should get the fuck out of Zig Forums, honestly. Go back to 4chan.

When it comes to getting hired, skills and qualifications are only one half of the equation. The other half is networking.

I can implement a TCP/IP stack in my sleep.

Very funny. But obviously I mean social networking here. As in, knowing people who can get you a foot in the door and get hired at the right places. Making connections that translate into job opportunities.

Incidentally, this is another avenue where working for open source projects can help you. You get to know people who are working in the field.

Internships, dude. Internships.

You begin a sentence with 'So,' and then try to tell me you're smart. Repeat grade school.

ABET accreditation is not important for Computer Science, at all. Some of the top tanked CS programs in the world are not accredited; they don't bother because software engineers generally don't have to obtain a professional license to practice their trade (and hopefully it stays that way).

Also, don't worry too much about which language you're using. Make sure to take the language theory class; it should give you exposure to a healthy variety of languages. A CS graduate from a decent program can pickup new languages as needed, which is an essential requirement so that you always pick the best tool for the job (rather than being the tool yourself).
Polite sage for double-post.

I'll take the one-word "So," opener before diving into your situation over the meandering messes people usually shit out when they are trying to avoid "So," while getting around to their situation. If you believe he should've written his opener better, then what's your suggestion?

Omit the 'So,'.

Fair enough. I guess he didn't really need it.

I sympathize with you, OP. Know this: you will never learn more from University than you will learn on your own.

Zig Forums - Technology

My school was about as bad. In my formal languages and algorithms class we used a textbook that steered clear of any "scary math symbols"

Asian women are cute.