Why I Don't Dual-Boot Linux("Linux is free if you don't value your time")
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I pray to God I never develop my `UX intuition'.
Imagine being so narrow-minded you can't POSSIBLY see another way than your own. You could literally flip every accusation he's made back on himself and claim hes useless without being pampered with the point-and-click tool set he depends upon.
Also, looking trough his videos, he strikes me as the kind of programmer that's solely in it for money, jumping like flies to shit on new frameworks.
Charlie represents the normie tech culture as a whole, but we can easily disregard his criticism as uneducated NPC speak.
Artists can do great things with dirt, they dont need "high end" tools. "Hurr durr i buy commercial solutions like candy, youre unprofessional if you dont do that".
Text is the universal interface and config files and source code files are easily and quickly modified with usually much more options than any UI.
Unless the user is a retarded nigger, the user experience is 100% better on a Unix system.
This is why we must massacre proprifags
Is he seriously implying that you can't develop a website without windows or macos? If his only point is a lack of photoshop you can just pay one of the millions of art school dropouts $50 to make some graphics for your site.
I'm convinced this is bait, but good bait
Don't get me started.
You don't want to get me started on Krita and Gimp.
normies unironically believe the "art == adobe" meme
People need to STOP!!!! recommding dual boot.
This is an ironic copypasta right?
It's clear to me from the "primarily run Linux." If you primarily ran just a kernel you couldn't do anything since you have no userspace.
Nothing wrong with GIMP and you can use Blender for video editing.
No, watch the video. Ex-Google engineer btfos freetards once and for all.
did he get fired for not being diverse enough?
This guy is live bait.
What? All the node.js frontend tools (babel, webpack, postcss, sass, ...) are on Linux, if you're doing web frontend you'll have more pain on Windows. In general it is a pain to develop anything on Windows. If he's talking about Mac he's right though; I wouldn't want to work on backend what with a laptop that catches on fire compiling FizzBuzz.
GIMP, Krita, Mypaint, that other sai-like painting tool in the other thread. Photoshop was always very buggy for me.
Darkroom for Linux
kdenlive, blender editor, cinelerra (kinda shit but ok)
Buzzwords. What is a full-stack developer?
On purpose. Also, how is this the fault of Linux? Ask Apple to port XCode (will never happen because vendor lock-in).
What? What the fuck?
Nice meme, but I personally can do layouts that people like.
Your """"professional"""" tooling costs north of $2000 while my tools can do 90% of what they do for free and with freedom, if something is missing I can add it.
What's the difference from Windows/Mac? It's not like harddrives wear out faster when you run Linux. Pulling shit out of his ass.
no u
Suck my ass.
Oh shit! I'm a cheapskate!
I wonder where the $400 BitWig license came from...
Give me one good reason why everyone who has ever worked at a FAGMART (Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, reddit, Twitter) company shouldn't be sent into gas chambers tomorrow.
Nice meme, but that's where all the most experienced developers go to in order to receive $200k/year salary. You're proposing to gas all the best programmers instead of the company itself.
did someone say sage?
That's not how the world works. Superior tools are incredibly powerful and the reason why we aren't still living in caves and starving regularly.
Dude is far too smug, but he has a point: someone that can tolerate vi as the default text editor is probably fucked in the head.
Have you ever actually tried to use Blender to edit videos? Yes, it's possible, but it runs like ass unless they changed something recently.
That said, it is considerably more stable than KdenLive, at least in my experience. It's a shame, too, because Kden looks like a fairly competently made tool at first glace, but crashes if you so much as sneeze on it. It'll probably be a few years before I seriously take a look at the software again.
I suggest you join him if you suggest that ease of use of lusers translate to "more powerful".
Prove that it's true for the majority. And who cares, anyway? They're slave moralities who never developped a personality and they serve people who want us dead then replaced with apes.
Ouch. Too bad he insulted something that retarded teens associate with their identity.
Somewhere, SDL is laughing at this man
They can, not should, you moron. They can do great with paint if they want.
What's your point? You can write great programs with just notepad. That doesn't mean you'll want to.
ROFL! Thanks OP! You are the rare occasion that is being not a fag.
Saved the video. I'll be watching it some more. Then I'll show it to my friends and they'll be all like "What's Linux!?? Go away!" and they'll be all laughing at me and then I go back to my computer.
Do you enjoy being their free tech support?
Idiots are who we serve, and these NPCs need UX to function.
Nice counter-point
Well done, right out of the park!
Wow that is a new one, don't shop at FAGMART
Nope, if you help them once, then every time their computer breaks it is your fault.
Fuck, I almost punched my monitor when I saw this mongoloid rice nigger
R should stand for Red Hat.
Did Redhat go SJW/Antifa? NO.
Are you kidding? redhat.com
But even they were whites to the white fucking science, they still get the rope for systemd.
That's actually pretty good.
I think this xir can't even pull dick
...he's just asian.
adobe is bloat.
i'd rather use sai or something similar like some japanese paint software but if we're talking about making transparent linear/radial gradients and color eraser then I'd probably go for photoshop.
full cuck*
I'd agree on this one if someone's using a pre-alpha or unstable file system like that btrfs right now.
XFS is diamond solid and not even ms/mac filesystems can compete.
ext3 had issues before where people who installed certain versions were advised to complete wipe the drive due to some fucked code got into kernel upstream and if you had a fucked up kernel your ext drive might also fuck up when it coredumps
ext4 had issues during the early stages but now it is pretty ok.
one time it had issues with fucking fscking during shutdown after a certain number of boots which is dangerously silent so people tend to force shutdown then bam.
the main problem is the kernel itself defaults write cache which is pretty dangerous if you've no backup power.
the minor problem would be the lack of g sense protection for motherboards on linux which exists on most retail versions of windows or mac while on linux you either have none or install it from the repo. just pray that your hard drive have built in g sense otherwise you might wanna skip using that laptop on a bumpy roadtrip.
comparing to what linux distros offered before it is safe to assume that the moore's law curve for linux distro packages are gonna keep on getting better even surpass both mac and windows which seemingly are heading towards stagnation.
forgot to mention that systemdick coredump when something crashes like somewhere around 2016+.
it fucking writes a gigabyte of binary log or whatever fuck useless on the drive then when you had coredumps it would writeleak something all over a crashed system which can kill the drive
Reminder that this only happens because systemd is written in C.
With Rust this would not have happened.
Literally obsolete, there's nothing it can do that Gimp can't, and Gimp will do it better!
Rewriting badly designed software in Rust won't magically transform it into well-designed software, especially if Poettering and company are involved.
t. someone who is not a professional designer editor
I know a shit ton of professional devs that use Linux. I don't know a single professional designer that uses GIMP.
Coming from a caged rat that managed to escape both China and Google, I take this very seriously.
Yes, a couple of times, but I'm not good at video editing so I can't really tell if Blender is really good or really bad
That's because people don't want change! If they just learned to use Gimp they would never go back to photoshop
t. someone who thinks is a "professional designer editor"
Real work has always been done on *nix machines, flexibility that you gain with access to the source code is a major factor when you have to choose what software you'll use. Big studios have their internal software development teams that tweak applications for their needs. Waiting for pajeets at adobe to implement something is not practical. Anyone calling himself professional because he uses photoshop is full of shit and probably designs logos for wordpress websites of hipster coffee shops in san francisco.
>view my tutorial on youtube youtube.com
So basically he's saying if you use Linux he knows you're not a designer due to lack of adobe tools. Big deal, I'm a programmer and I don't care about graphical design at all. He didn't even mention krita which is actually really nice from what macfags tell me. Remote collab with google drive? LMAO! Even my normie school friends couldn't figure that out and went right back to emailing me 500 versions of a .doc file. Only a shill would call google docs a professional remote collab tool. It doesn't even have 10% of the features office has. The true professional tool is git.
He seems to be unaware that you can download "real" OSs for free online and don't have to pay. Otherwise who cares? Run linux or don't no one really gives a shit except turbo autists
you mean every time they forget their 4 character password
you still don't get it
I would rather use krita than photoshop, heh. I will not pay a monthly subscription or go through the hassle of pirating it.
Holy shit, is this Baby Duck Syndrome: The Post? You don't need Photoshop for software development, what an absolute fucking moron. I've built plenty of GTK+ and a few Qt applications and never needed anything aside from a basic paint program for icons, backdrops, and other trivial shit. UX development is done with existing toolkits. If you know C and you can read the docs it's not that fucking hard.
No, he doesn't have a point. Maybe 20 years ago but not now. Linux has evolved and come so far that it killed off basically every last Unix distro. Who the fuck uses Unix for anything anymore? Even Solaris is dying. Even Solaris and other Unix systems like AIX have been forced to adopt GNU software like Gnome because the tools provided are so powerful. Vi is there still because of POSIX, but you can choose from plenty of IDEs and editors that run in a graphical window.
This shit isn't rocket science. Anyone who claims to be a software developer of any kind and is afriad of Linux in current year deserves to be laughed at and fired for being an incompetent dumbfuck.
GIMP or Krita
ffmpeg or mkvmerge
I would choose the latter because mkv is superior. The big names are shit for this kind of work.
Any decent image editor.
The truth is that only a fool allows themselves to be locked into a single program or suite of programs.
NPCs can't truly use a computer because they don't understand that all man made things share common interfacing methods; therefore, they cannot interface with programs that differ from what they were taught.
Take M$ Word, OpenOffice Writer, and Libreoffice Writer. They have minor UI differences, but they're functionally identical.
An NPC would have to be retrained for the new program anytime their forced to change after becoming comfortable with any of the three.
He worked at Google. This has to be a failed troll post.
Look you idiot you are seeing the output of the live render. They DO NOT USE BLENDER / GIMP / ANY OTHER FOSS SHIT involving Linux to make any of the textures or models. They use the standard shit everyone else uses.
They do all their editing with Maya and Photoshop. Renderman is just for (as the fucking name says) rendering and some basic shit.
this tbh
redhat is the best and most stable linux though
I heard that about Pixar or Dreamworks where they used popular open source software and they modified it heavily, I also heard they used Linux distros they modified themselves for max rendering speed.
Of course not, GIMP is perfectly enough for shit. For good images though, you need photoshop.
Unless you're a photography business you really don't need photoshop. If you do you should hire a pro, which the vast majority of software entrepreneurs aren't.
friendly reminder that you can run photoshop on Linux using WINE.
This guy is either a failure as a troll or a failure as a human. Either way, he's worthless.
he's right you know.jpg
there is simply much more higher-quality software available on windows and mac than on linux.
"but linux software is FREE!!"
yea but if the best software only costs a week or two of your pay (even every year!) and you will use it every working day, the amount of money you save by using the shittier free option isn't really worth the frustration involved.
but-but- gimp! krita! inkscape! ....yea, those are all low-quality copies of name-brand software. They are constantly trailing in features compared to the good stuff.
I've read of lots of digital artists who tried out linux, and their exit report usually centers on two things:
1--there was lots of bugs that linux enthusiasts never mention
2--there was lots of missing features that linux enthusiasts don't even know about
GIMP is nice for free, but it isn't equivalent to Photoshop. If they put the same price tag on it as PS, nobody would pay that much for it.
the main reason to use linux at this point is that you are free of the forced-update cycle that consumer versions of windows get (and that's why he said linux is best for operating web or other file servers).
And if you dual-boot, then you can't have your linux server running all the time--so there is no reason to dual-boot, either.
You can use photoshop on Linux baka.
lol actually he's a multi-millionaire with japanese and english sites featuring over 2 million users everyday with a peak of 100 million users
Not only do you seem to know a lot about this guy, you seem mighty defensive over him. Interesting.
And he doesn't even have the basic human decency to not sperg out when a cashier doesn't have the register open yet because he showed up early? He's (you're) the worst kind of human and should be shot on sight.
As someone who works for a multibillion multi-national VFX studio, 90% of our computers are Linux. A small percentage of specialized departments use non-Linux workstations because we have to deal with awful software companies that can't port their shit to linux. There's a ton of creative software for Linux, the main assholes who refuse to cooperate and have a native Linux port is Adobe.
Yeah my dad works at Nintendo to user.
This ruined my day.
Why are you trying to deny the fact that they do use "FOSS SHIT" in hollywood, not just for rendering? Are you perhaps an adobe shill?
CinePaint a fork of gimp has been used in production of:
Elf (2003)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003)
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
Duplex (2003)
The Last Samurai (2003)
Showtime (2002)
Blue Crush (2002)
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
The Harry Potter series
Cats & Dogs (2001)
Dr. Dolittle 2 (2001)
Little Nicky (2000)
The Grinch (2000)
The 6th Day (2000)
Stuart Little (1999)
Planet of the Apes (2001)
Stuart Little 2 (2002)
Spider-Man (2002)
Blender is being used more and more in hollywood for vfx
Just admit that you were wrong m8. Me providing just one example of use disproves your bullshit claims.
Photoshop compatibilty has always been ass in Linux and only passable with the earlier versions.
While the following example doesn't directly have to do with Hollywood, it also bears noting that OBS is basically best in shop for livestreaming, even among paid options.
Waah Im a manlet and hitting 'install' is too hard for me
This is the Absolute state of google cucks, lads.
So you're telling me that Pixar, the company that's been running Linux on all their workstations for well over a decade now, does not use any "foss shit"? Fascinating, tell me more. Can you explain why Universal Scene Description, one of Pixar's in-house tools, is available on github under the apache license: github.com
Because that looks suspiciously similar to "foss shit". I especially like the "supported platforms" section of this github page.
Saved for later distribution. This is funny af.
Embedding or using memeplacebo#1242352 doesn't prevent it from getting views. The only correct way to post youtube videos is to create a webm, and if you can't do that then you shouldn't be posting in Zig Forums.
Holy shit look at this video the guy is a total retard