KDE Neon Based & Redpilled Shadilay

*crack, siiiip*
"Where are my KDE boys?"

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haha epic XD

i was almost nervous i wouldn't get to see a quality thread today

still looking for it

IceWM is the official wm of Zig Forums.

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Based and redpilled

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This looks like CDE or any motif DE, though.

This thread is now about software/user interfaces found in anime.

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nice boomer. i know you

KDE just fucking dominates GNOME and all other DE at this point, GNOME, XFCE and all GTK+ piss is just some soy tablet DE

Go back.

KDE is a lot better than GNOMEME, but Neon is a shitty distro. Use OpenSUSE, Debian or Gentoo like a white person.

KDE Plasma is a lot better than it used to be, bloat-wise, but I still think I'll move to LXQt when LXDE is fully depreciated instead.

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just use dwm tbh fam

If you want flashy, gaudy shit, Aqua actually does it well in a way that actually looks nice.

If you want something that looks good, then NeXTSTEP and WindowsNT and CDE-themes are the way to go.

Attached: cde aesthetic.png (2732x1536, 2.19M)

You're all wrong. That is NeXTSTEP 4.X series with an X11 Motif app running.

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So is KDE good now? Loved 3.5 back in the day, hated 4 and haven't used it since. Or maybe Trinity is the way to go?

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I'm using 5 and I cannot complain. Other than the retarded defaults that need to be changed first. I don't have much of a frame of reference though, but I certainly like it better than Unity or Gnome.

Wtf. Real Zig Forumsnicians use a custom DE that they've riced the fuck out of.

KDE5 is good now. I hated 4 too and liked 3. Plasma can be heavily customized, if you don't like something you can almost always change it.

Okay, thanks. I've been using Salix XFCE for all this time, but I need some KDE apps too much. Let's try it.

heh, I miss it. I distro hopped to something with kde.
KDE is the best "modern" DE, but that's not saying much.

Attached: Sat May 19 00:57:08 EDT 2018.jpg (1024x768, 176.63K)

Now THIS is epic.

Fuck yeah.
OpenBox, PyPanel, and SpaceFM here.

You are like a little babby.

What the fuck is happening in that image?

have we stooped this low already
please kill this thread before the 4cucks come

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Desktop meme collages reveal the subconscious desires of individuals in a technocratic individualist capitalist society.
It is ironic post modern art signifying a change in the perspectives of disillusioned autistic anime memelords to a more aristocratic evolian archetype expressed through abstract impressionism.
Though you might not understand the historic importance of desktop threads.

I imagine you were in mid ejaculation as you typed this

Samsung Galaxy S8's are for fucking faggots, kill yourself.

frig off you cheeseburger walrus

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NeXTSTEP/MacOSX officially the best Operating System ever made.
i3 terminal-only faggots MIA.

LXQT is built on the KDE frameworks, you could think of it as "KDE lite".

Op is a nigger...
Op is a nigger...
Op is a nigger...
Nigger faggot

OP has such feminine hands

How did you make that blur effect?
I'm new to kde.

It's an option added to 5.13

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KDE = bloat

It's fucking trash. OP, you're a faggot.

I like KDE but it lags my netbook bad.