Oh god he was right about the Presidential Alert, but wrong about the date. My phone wants to update carrier settings. I'm powering this fucker down and selling it.
Oh god he was right about the Presidential Alert, but wrong about the date. My phone wants to update carrier settings...
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So he was wrong?
trump has touched your benis, you can't go back now
Ausfag here. Why are people autistically screeching about Pres Alerts anyway? They seem like a good thing to have in an emergency and most of the outrage seems to the typical "hurr durr fuck drumpf xD".
Because they are alerts from literally hiltler. Hitler is violating their 1000$ iPhone Xe's right in Starbucks and they have no way to disable the alerts. Seeing text from literally hilter on their phones triggers them to death.
Someone said the US government would push a backdoor into cellphones during the presidential alert. I don't give a shit about the alert, but I was prompted to do a carrier update. I declined, then got the presidential alert again asking to do a carrier update. I declined again and powered down the phone.
Yes, why do people care that Drumpf will be calling them personally every hour to tell them about how Israel is our greatest ally? I don't get it.
If they wanted to fuck with your phone they wouldn't need to push it out through an emergency alert test you clown.
I easily disable it but why would I ignore the president like a faggot?
To #Resistâ„¢
The idea is to test it for when the president DOES have something to say to everybody in the country. Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the senator.
Fatalists like you are clowns. If all of our enemies disappeared tomorrow, you'd continue to spew solipsism. Die.
You're right. They pushed it through the carrier update that followed immediately afterward. It's nice to see so many literate people on Zig Forums these days.
You're all fucking schizophrenic or nigger-tier retarded. Do you get this way over scheduled fire drills too?
Our government spies on every citizen consistently, this is FACT. How do you not understand this? How do most fucking burgers not understand this? It's not a conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact, you imbecile. How short is your attention span? Does the name "snowden" ring any bells whatsoever?
What do you think that word means? It's not a synonym for pessimist
So what, exactly, does this fucking have to do with a test of the emergency alert system? You still haven't explained this yet.
ngl, i find it kinda hot that theyre spying on me. want big fed men to gape me :drool:
Because someone said they used it to push a backdoor update. It's not rocket science.
Do you even GNU ?
There's a discontinued smartphone version of Ubuntu, right? So GNU for phones exists, yes?
Alright, show me the evidence he presented to back up his claim. This "someone" must have had some, right?
No. Just get a thinkpad. Phoneposting is for faggots.
How do we get back to a time before cell phones fucked everything up?
People used to be so much more sociable and friendly and now all we do is stare at screens. All these fucking touch screens are making us lose touch
I haven't looked into it, just hearsay on here and Zig Forums. I'm assuming it was something along the lines of an "insider". Hard to give any credit to people like that until after the time of their supposed prediction has come to pass. Judging by the fact that the date was wrong, the probability of it being bullshit is increased. Still though, now that the door has been opened, people can't help but wonder if there was an ulterior motive to the national alert test, and they are absolutely right to be suspicious. Excuse me if I thing it's a little shortsighted to apply the concept "innocent until proven guilty" to an entity that has proven itself to be unfathomably evil over the decades.
I take it he was agreeable.
Never underestimate the absolute fucking apathy of the normalfag.
What are you missing out on? How vapid must one be to be so utterly infatuated by disposable social media drivel on their phone? Don't tell me normalfags would be any more interesting to talk to if smartphones never existed. Smartphones didn't make today's society, today's society made smartphones.
Another thing I forgot to mention. People question the necessity for a nationwide alert system. This exact same type of alert has existed for quite some time, but it's been limited to regional things until now. Tell me, what would be so important that the whole entire longitudinal span of the continent needs to know about it at once?
They already interrupt television programs nationally whenever there's a presidential address or White House conference. I'm pretty sure if there was advanced warning that $enemy had fired a nuke or something at the US, everyone would want to know about it.
It's a philosophy, but it also means you think you're the only person that exists (ie, you're vainglorious), and I know well because that's how every millennial/GenZ acts. Do you remember how hellish 2014 was? I do. Claiming Trump is a Jewish puppet and serves Israel first is hysterically and patently false--look around you. If Trump hasn't taught you how to win yet, then how can you claim you're not solipsistic?
How someone like you is able to string up a sentence at all?
user, he literally said Israel is our greatest ally. It's not like we need to dig hard to find jewish connections, he talks about it all the fucking time.
Anyway, I don't think just being self-centered is the same thing as solipsism. Race realism is too much for millennials, I think the idea of being the only conscious human being would be incomprehensible to them. The NPC theory falls into the same basket as solipsism I guess.
I guess that's true. Perhaps the paranoia is a bit misplaced. The times have changed, people are exponentially more likely to have a smartphone than to be near a running TV, let's be honest. I thought Trump was trying to smooth relations with any potential nuclear actors though. It can't help but seem a bit disingenuous to be diplomatic with Russia and NK while at the same time instilling a subconscious fear of nukes in people. Obviously the first thing that springs to the normalfag's mind when they see a presidential alert being tested is "gee, so this is what they'll use if big evil Russia attacks".
Was it not cogent?
He's sent aliens back. He can't build the wall because of a bill that was passed (the entire establishment is against him). He issued a Muslim ban. He reformed the H1-B "program". He's not a war-monger. He thinks peace with Russia is a good thing. He brokered peace with the Koreas. He made America first a successful slogan. Yeah, he's a Jewish puppet that's all talk because he hasn't put all the niggers into gulags. Right.
soyboi confirmed
only leftyfags were triggered by this
Well you got that right. I hope you know how ruthlessly the kikes will swing to get democrats elected in the midterms, to say nothing of 2020. Late night comedians are complete propaganda outlets, filling the NPC mind with the right thoughts. They have no interest in presenting the illusion of comedy, just presenting the news with a generous side serving of social engineering, and with a lot less subtlety in their bias. They are CNN in everything but name, for those who want to feel smart as they're being herded.
They got cocky in 2016, but now they're not messing around. You can't beat kike media money when it's placed right, it's just a matter of numbers. Just take a look at the derangement on twitter today following the alert test (assuming you don't value sanity). Tweet after tweet after tweet, spewing forth from "people" bearing a set of specifically curated opinions, each one a carbon copy of the last. The consolidation is unfathomable. A handful of kikes at the top, with ungodly amounts of money, and decades of experience in leveraging public opinion. Their sway will unconditionally puppet hundreds of millions of votes. Our repugnant modern day "culture" is nothing more than a byproduct of the iron grip they have on engineering society. They've got it down to a science.
I still think Trump has some concerning Juden interests at heart, but I'd be willing to believe they are born of ignorance, rather than constructed by yarmulke bedecked puppetmasters. Maybe referring to Israel as an "ally" doesn't seem so egregious to those who see them as nothing but a peaceful middle eastern country surrounded by dirty Muslims. But then, someone of Trump's wealth would have to be disillusioned about them, no way around it. I'd still vote for him again though if I thought it had any chance of making a difference.
uh, sage for long winded Zig Forumspost.
Good points, but the people who voted for Trump all know the media is agitprop. You have to remember that the Right is not "dying" like they claim--there are at least 150 million Americans that support Trump. Sure, the election would've been much harder if Bernie was in the picture (because Hillary is really, really unlikable) but I think he can take 2020 too. The people that already voted for him feel rosy, and even your average liberal is starting to understand how deranged the Left really is (see the current Kavanaugh shitshow). You also have to remember that Trump knows business, so he KNOWS that you can't say anything about the Jews and get away with it. This is why he's anti-megacorps (he recently also pointed out the bias against conservatives on social media). 2020 will be tough, but they said 2016 was impossible.
My phone doesn't but go ahead and be a retarded paranoid nigger. Not that I care anymore. Android deserves to die in a fire anyways
He didn't really have a choice.
Running a Lineage derivative, no update for me. Just said OK and that was it. I was curious about the test though. I wonder if happening time is Soon (TM). Really strange.
I know a millennial that is also a race realist. In fact I know many. Ready to admit your wrong? Ready to admit this whole millenial, gen z, boomer et al shit is just a way to divide us like always?
keikaku doori
Has he been infected?
The carrier services update is on the play store for everyone. It seems like it should be fairly innocuous, but you'd have to extract the APK to be sure.
Oh yes! Most certainly.
my nigger
electronic old men, and their "flexibility"
This is what MKUltra does to your mind. You think Trump's non-sensical doublespeak on twitter is "winning" and that importing millions of subhumans non-stop while saying you're not is sending them back, and sucking jew dick and having half of your cabinent as jews is 3d chess.
It's not MKUltra, it's just bog-standard idiocy. People are naturally resistant to realizing they've been duped. Trying to get the victims of a con artist to understand they were scammed is always difficult.
Is she in prison yet? "Q" said that Trump would put her under arrest. It's sure to happen any day now!
Q is actually Trump
"Q" is actually some random semi-literate autist in his basement who's making shit up. Nobody is getting arrested by Trump, least of all Hillary; you've been scammed twice.
I thought the line from Q was that Clinton and all the other Pizzagaters had been spirited away to concentration camps, tried in secret, and executed, while they were replaced in public life with body doubles, to avoid a panic.
All this shilling, just for a LARP?
That's a nice picture.
It's an indicator.
If many shills appear somewhere, what does it tell you about the place you're at?
Lineage is still non-free, user. It's certainly better than (((stock))) though. Fully functional Replicant for Librem phone when?
It's an indicator that you're in a cult.
What about lineage with microg?
There have been a lot of plane crashes to take out one or a few people on the flight.
Q boomers like you should be euthanized.
I hate normalfags
trump shut down the soyboys.
because we built the internet for millennial niggers like you to piss away civilization with?
sounds legit.
polite sage for off topic.
Retards like you had nothing to do with it.
Right-wing faggots said that Snowden was a traitor. Left-wing faggots are now dumping on him for being for anonymity, privacy, and free speech. Man can't catch a break.
Last I remember, they were actually for him because he exposed the surveillance state that had developed under Obama, Bush, and Clinton and considered the guy a national hero or something. Try asking someone other than a senator that's been fucking over his base for the last 80 years next time. I haven't seen anyone claim he's a traitor outside of politicians.
t. live in one of the only two states where trump won every county
The way he disclosed the NSA Spying Program was juvenile and foolish. He could've disclosed it in a much more discrete way to prevent alarmists from compromising Americas relationships with a world that's already spying on eachother anyways. That's why people call him a traitor. Instead of being professional and nuanced about the leaks he wanted to play pretend anime hero instead before backpedalling when he realized the damage he did by claiming it was to "Make the average voter more educated."
Its largely boomers calling him a traitor, not the nu-right that got Trump elected.
Your post is asinine and ignorant
Not like it really makes a difference either way. We have now shown to be happily complacent in being abused. A whistleblower could come out today and show that the government is harvesting child organs to feed to a lovecraftian elder god, but following a few weeks or months of pseudo relevance, 99% of people would move on as if nothing had happened. Apathy is death. At this point, is there anything they can't get away with? It's so much easier for the normalfag to plug his ears and continue his monotonous life with a little less freedom than to consider changing anything. With a government as diseased and malevolent as this, there's no way to have a smooth transition out of it. The normalfag is happy to trade liberty for the protection of the status quo, because rapid change scares him more than any orwellian nightmare. Little does he know that he's being boiled alive. Give them an inch, they'll take a mile. Terry was right, just like always.
Hate to be pedantic, but I don't think that would be memory-holed so easily. The normalest of normalfags (women) have an innate desire to protect children (when they're not aborting them, yes, I know). It's the same reason I doubt pedofucks will be seen as normal, even if the elites decide to push that agenda.
They're not protecting them very well with all the divorces and single parent homes.
lol at this retard
I'm on lineage and I didn't get anything like that
There are many concerns about privacy, yet the presidential emergency alert isn't one of them
Trump's? I thought the presidential alert system was instituted under Obongo's watch?
Same here, I'm surprised I got the alert at all given how broken it can be
Podesta is secretly under house arrest guys, Q told me so!!!
The problem isn't Jewgle's botnet (as far as I know). By default LOS will have no Google apps, which is better than microg at a cost of some apps not functioning, which is itself better than going full botnet. The problem is that LOS still uses proprietary blobs to make your phone actually work. Replicant takes this a step further by trying to go full libre, but as a result the amount of supported devices is much smaller, and typically Samsung. It also means that having to get around baseband shit results in a kind of gimped phone. There's not really a way to have a fully free phone yet that just werks.
Why do you think phones are so locked down compared to desktop computers? Is relative freedom just a resented legacy holdover from when the IBM PC standard was born? Given a chance to start fresh again, they're applying as many anti-consumer practices imaginable.
why the cuck are you letting your phone update whatever it wants?
lol skimmed the thread, of course the most retarded shitpost becomes the designated Zig Forums thread
a lot of reasons and none of them are good.
Zig Forums
/g/ wants you back