License War Conclusion

Licenses are frequently brought up on the board. But most people don't understand them. Allow me to explain
- All the software you write should be proprietary (or GPL3 -> BSD -> Public domain)
- All the software you use should be public domain (or BSD -> GPL3 -> Proprietary).
- GPL users are cucks
- BSD developers are cucks
Few people understand this.

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Your credibility just went down the drain, Eastern Kike connoisseur.

I just found a random image on duck duck go. Don't even know what version of ching chong this is.

There's no deep thought here, only more one-dimensional platitudes. The only thing that's cucked is your brain.

It is explicitly 2 dimensional you small brained boi

No, it's one-dimensional. All you think of is in terms of "cucked". You built a simplistic model that in your mind represents reality, even though every case has different circumstances. The only way you can tell if someone is "cucked" is to see if they're getting screwed over or not. Trying to lump every case into some all-encompassing caterogies means you're ignoring all other factors, and thus you don't care about reality at all.

Fuck off back to cuckchan an tumbler we don't have room for you

Yeah that's great. Now you're falling back into another one of your stupid models. You build these systems and you become trapped in them and then think only in terms of them. Sucks to be you.


Fellate a shotgun and pull the trigger while you're at it.

Look user you can suck cocks anywhere else. Keep it off my board please.

Wow, so much different that 4chan. Nobody over there ever said something like that before.

You have to go back

has that h* d* shit spread to 4chan?
we should've practiced ring immunization and murdered everyone involved.
if modernity teaches nothing else, it's that 'violence' and 'authoritarianism' knobs can be dialed so low that people just start killing themselves to make up the difference.

kys OP

All explanations are just a sequence of assertions anyways user.

Was solved in the redox thread.

WTFPL 4evar

Non cucked for user, cucked for developer.


no they aren't, they have starting assertions but the conclusion is reached via some kind of reasoning, and said reasoning is not an assertion in itself.

∀ you . you are a faggot ∧ this is an assertion = true

The GPL vs BSD License thing is pretty meaningless. They have different pros and cons. I think my personal favorite is LGPL


Who is more cucked. That is the difference. One the copyright owner grants more freedom, in the other the copyright owner grants fewer freedoms.
GPL is less cucked for developer. BSD is less cucked for user.

I MIT all my shit lmao.
I don't give a shit microkike uses my software, if anything I applaud them for not using broken shit like g*u.

OK user. Thank you for granting me so many rights. You are a cuck though.

lmao unixniggers r funny

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An intelligent comment is just a sequence of words, but that doesn't make your post anything. Please mind the distinction between necessary and sufficient conditions.

Ok user nice argument.

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In conclusion, people like you should only be allowed to use software you have written yourself.

No, it's pure entitlement and you're a retarded piece of shit.

There is no entitlement involved when you use software cucks wrote for free. The gaves gave you the right after all. There is also no entitlement involved when I keep the source to the programs I write in my own local gitrepo, and don't share it.

Well then cuck boi you better remove some of the freedoms of your license. I would recommend users not accept the restriction of their freedom though.

You guys seem really triggered by this basic dynamic.

You're still using parasitic morals for no clear purpose beyond calling people "cucks" on a dying imageboard, and that's weird.

As Lenin said: Who, whom? Be the cuck or be the bull.

Communist detected on American soil


LGPL is best dad.

Using hanzi only increases his credibility in my eyes. It also proves that you two are niggers. So what are niggers doing in tech board? Shoo Shoo. Go play with your homies outside.

Thanks op. You have changed my mind. I was going to open source some projects but now I will keep them proprietary.


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twitter aspies need to get their hiv medication

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Not as pozzed as u

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True nirvana is LGPL

Why is NSAposting not autobanned? Hide and report.

LGPL developers are not as cucked as BSD. LGPL users are cucks.

GPL developers are cucks everytime their license is violated by a corporation and they do nothing about it.
GPL developers are cucks for allowing a tranny to roll up and slap a CoC on their work, taking over, and then doing nothing about it.
Its like standing around and watching your wife getting fucked.

BSD/MIT is like fucking some slut off tinder and then she fucks someone else the next week. You dont care what happens after your done because you never made any sort of commitment to her.

I don't understand what you're trying to argue here.

Greedy kike shill detected.
