Distributed internet

Are you guys excited for Urbit?

Attached: curtis yarvin mencius moldbug.png (640x480, 161.51K)

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will it magically give the White Man free speech on platforms like: facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram?

how do I buy these "Spark" tokens? I legitimately want to buy this shit and I know it's an ERC20 token.

It's a total meme that is going nowhere in a hurry
T. owns a planet

Say I hypothetically had a star, wtf am I supposed to do with it?

Would be fun to write a pythonic language that transpiles to Hoon, just to fuck with moldbug


So moldbug is a kike... does that mean the tech can be used against them?

On Urbit you are your own platform and can control what data is used by foreign services.

Charge planet peasants for routing access to the network.

With urbit, IPs, DNS and identity are all the same thing, there will(probably) be no such thing as a facebook or twitter, there will apps that provide an interface like facebook or twitter.
On these apps you just have an agreed upon messaging system where you simply store a log of who you're following and will be given updates directly from each other.

you don't yet, an urbit ERC20 token is just there to decentralize PKI, a single token will be a single identity.

It's slow but I have hope, the biggest reserves I have are the oddities in Hoon which could destroy adoption. mandatory dots in numbers is an example.

Read the Urbit paper, the proposals there are pretty much:

Either they have a super secret new combo of hardware/software beyond our imagination or it's just hype shit.

another step closer to total machine domination. nice

Attached: 2e1.jpg (500x334, 23.97K)

Did Urbit get a release or what? Also, this should show you how cucked Google is breitbart.com/tech/2018/01/08/conservative-bloggers-visit-to-google-hq-triggered-security-panic/

Urbit's been going strong for many years.

I'm learning Hoon and Nock right now. Moldbug is /ourguy/ for sure. If you want to see some of the tightest c code in the world download Urbit, I guarantee you'll learn something from it.

Ok, cool. What are some good galaxies, chats, groups to join? I am still getting used to the lexicon.

He's looking down on the absolute state of Zig Forums. Arguments about AMD, ARM, intel, and nvidia. arguments about gnome, kde, xfce, w3m. editor arguments.

he knows that the problem goes back to that fagot turing making stateful machines while church faded to obscurity.

isn't moldbug a Jack Donovan homosexcult member? His writing sounds typical of them. Ask him about Iran/Syria/Israel to confirm.

Moldbug's mom is jewish but I don't think he's a homo.

My project is an urbitchan which will be a text only board so the CP spammers won't be able to shut it down. I'll post an update here at a later date. It will have a reputation system and allow each user to permaban people they don't like, comets will have to build a good reputation among normal users with good reputations to even be visible by default.

The idea is to kill off throwaway shills posting over VPN and Tor like we get on the rest of the Internet, making them painstakingly cultivate a reputation, so they can be banned only after they have put significant effort into each shill account.

You might want to look into Retroshare's reputation system and the issues they're having.

No. Moldbug falls under techno-commercialism, and Donovan falls under ethno-tribalism.
They may agree on certain points of praxis and observations of human organisation, which is why they are frequently grouped into the kind of label "neoreacitonary" (against liberal democracy, against equality, etc.) but have totally different paths for that. Since Zig Forums and Zig Forums would both hate neoliberalism/90's third-wayism doesn't make them same (although, if you are a NRx then you probably do see them as descendants of some common root. Perhaps citing fascist anti-aristocracy and communists anti-aristocracy)
shoo shoo alt-right
but yeah moldie would just oppose them on a theoretical basis because they are {liberal|democratic|kleptocratic|etc} states. like how rothbard opposed israel

Given urbit's population by SSC/LW/HN types, you're basically just going to make a fancier reddit.


HN makes fun of Urbit, it's really /ourguys/ behind it. Regardless, the system looks good.

They don't make fun of urbit they just cry at the terseness of hoon and bitch about Curtis being a racist.

Neat. Keep us posted for sure.

So it seems YC and HN are Thiel's favourite children over TIon.
Also, I don't know what counts as /ourguys/ if you're still talking about tech-comms. Aren't there a lot of atheo-constructivist "optimise everything and take ritalin" types there?

Curtis could easily have made the language spec sensible and easy.

But that's not the point.

He wants to totally reconstitute the understanding of how computing is done right? So you need to have that barrier to entry or the project gets eternal-septembered from the start and before you know it, someone has grafted a Django and node.js electron framework npm addon XUL binary Posix TCP/IP XML/JSON/SAML2 PHP/SQL ObjectFactory template Fucktext transfer protocol tumour to it.

But if you design your spec to the point where you might as well toss 2's complement, then you're going to get the autistic creatives who pick up your esoteric runes and actually make progress without being hampered or CoC'd by modern software world.

After that's done, then you can build a sensible LISPish AST syntax or C-like syntax or really whatever you want that transpiles to the underlying nock/hoon language. But unlike the other normal languages that these transpiled langs will look like, the underlying constraints of the Urbit system will be baked in.
Like putting the bucket under the faucet before turning it on. So if you make something stupid, the language plain won't let you. I don't know much about Ethereum, but I imagine it something like DApps.

what's that even mean?

He thinks Thiel prefers HN over Tlon despite not even being one of the YC partners, and literally being a Tlon investor.

Can you follow people on urbit? Or just chat in your gay little chatrooms? I'm a comet right now but I want to join some communities.

There are other rooms but you don't know them :^)


Yeah I know, he's just nuts. What's with these obvious disinfo shills, does Urbit scare them that much?

Moldbug aspires to be Court Jew to the restored rightful king.

How does this work with anonymity? If you are going to have usernames and make comets invisible by default, you are building a forum, not a *chan.

No, but you can finger them.

the problem with all of these decentralized shit projects is that it boils down to turning shitty consumer laptops into a substitute for AWS data centers. it's not industrial strength. it's never going to be usable when the superior alternative is freely and cheaply available due to economies of scale.

fucking vomit

this is straight trash

Attached: c1be3670487d83ebf0ee42f0f28b5e1c.png (602x518, 37.65K)

look faggot just because you can't read it does not mean it does not make sense. this is the same shit everyone says about everything when they don't know jack shit about it.

To be fair, prefix notation + sigils is a bit weird.


So how do you keep the place from turning in to just another reddit-tier hugbox where people only say what they think will help their rep?
The problem with human influenced karma is that humans will downvote people they disagree with.

maybe I got it all wrong but would this just make us more isolated and easy to control? We are all here now and we are here together but if was all decentralised to the max we would only be served an individual custom tailored version of internet that they see fit.

Chans aren't anonymous though.

That and how do you prevent getting reputation bombed?
Just hope that you never post anything any group would not like?

Reputation systems do not work with anonymity, and are prone to sybil attacks. The only thing you can really do is whitelisting identities, and via this form groups. But that's very tedious. Just add spam protection, I'd recommend simple proof of work, or, if you feel a need for environmental protection, tinker with proofs of space.


Urbit addresses this via keeping a set amount of identities.
Wasting identities are expensive.

Maybe Tor, I2P, Freenet are better than Urbit.

Interview with an Urbit engineer.

If control of the physical infrastructure isn’t changed then all of this P2P/Decentralised bullshit is meaningless. We need a distributed wireless network to replace our current infrastructure.

so-called distributed web is the next stage in total control of human beings

if you support it, I hope you find yourself in a gulag under the coming police state

This is probably one of my favorite tech project so far, I am always looking forward updates on their end, but I am a bit anxious with their web stack that is totally the kind of glue they were meant to avoid. I am worried they are already corrupted by theirs backers and advisors.

I may grasp what you are trying to convey, but it would be nice of you to elaborate for the sake of entertaining discussion and providing good content on this board.
That being said, I thought Curtis Yarvin is somebody who advocate for structure, order and control, so it is not really surprising that he would build something that fancy what he believe in.

Moderation will not be anonymous, and I will be the benevolent dictator as it's all happening on my chan. If the JIDF or JTRIG or whoever creates and deploys moderation botnets those botnets will be perma-banned. Then they get to start over with a whole new set of shill accounts, painstakingly cultivating reputation. Comets will never be able to moderate. Maybe there's a perfect automated technical solution for everything, but I think certain functions can be done manually until it is developed.

The only thing the hierarchy does is distribute updates and work as a NAT system. They don't host any information all communication is peer to peer. A galaxy cannot ban you from a chat room or ban your twitter. At best they can say "lol you don't get updates anymore" in which case you transfer your planet to another galaxy.

I know how this all works user, I've been into Urbit for a really long time, basically since the first public beta.

Then why did you get the entire structure wrong in your explanation
So you are a newfag

You're fundamentally misunderstanding my whole project. I'm not relying on Urbit to enforce bans. I do rely on Urbit for authenticating users and attesting their messages. You'll find that ID's (comets or "ships") aren't free, that's the idea going forward. Shills will be loathe to waste resources for throwaway "Drumpf will never build the wall" shitposts.


Where is the wall? Where is the funding? Nowhere. It isn't a shitpost Trumptard.

Urbit is creating artificial scarcity where none should exist and will fail for that reason.

Christ, why even make a new language if it looks worse than Assembly?

Every single time.

People who can make up new programming languages aren't concerned with your inability to understand what's going on.

fuck me I hate Ethereum