/ipfs/ - IPFS Thread #3

Last thread:
>>915966 (archive.is/rQakE)




tl;dr for Beginners

How it Works
When you add a file, the files are cryptographically hashed and a merkle tree is created. These hashes are announced by the IPFS client to the nodes in the network. (The IPFS team often describes the network as a "Merkle forest.") Any user can request one of these hashes and the nodes set up peer connections automatically. If two users share the same file then both of them can seed it to a third person requesting the hash, as opposed to .torrent files/magnets which require both seeders use the same file.

It's about as safe as a torrent right now, ignoring the relative obscurity bonus. They are working on integration with TOR and I2P. Check out libp2p if you're curious.

Finding a seeder can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. It's slowly improving but still requires a fair bit of optimization work. Once the download starts, it's as fast as the peers can offer, just like a torrent.

You be the judge.
It has implementations in Go (meant for desktop integration) and Javascript (meant for browser/server integration) in active development that are functional right now, it has a bunch of side projects that build on it, and it divides important parts of its development (IPLD, libp2p, etc) into separate projects that allow for drop-in support for many existing technologies.
On the other hand, it's still alpha software with a small userbase and has poor network performance.

Websites of interest
Official IPFS HTTP gateway. Slap this in front of a hash and it will download a file from the network. Be warned that this gateway is slower than using the client and accepts DMCAs.

glob.me — dead

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you faggot OP
Newfags shouldn't create threads.

I sure do love COCS!!!

t. actual retard until your third line

Fork when?

I'll delete this thread if negative pressure ramps up in this thread. >>>/ipfs/

Ooops I'm unable to delete the whole thread

Fuck off, Either you stick with IPFS, or we will turn this car around for Beaker/Dat
beakerbrowser.com/ datproject.org

Is there a gui for windows x86? I wanna still wanna my run my old legacy programs on my ipfs box.

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What about making your own alternative?

IPFS threads are fine. I was calling you out for being a filthy newfag because you continued the gay numbering of threads started by the last faggot cuckchan OP. We've had perpetual IPFS threads for over 4 years. We don't number threads.

Why the hell is your old ass windows install not airgapped?

Nobody will listen to Zig Forums... unless it is QAnon, in that case fake and gay
I would rather hope that we can fork all the source code and integrate it into our stuff

Numbering threads is a tradition (see Gamergate and Zig Forums threads about Happenings)


Then invite him back here for and tell him why

The next threads will no longer be numbered, hopefully.



I'm a poor fag with limited hardware. My rig is so old even just browsing the chans can result in freezing. It even has problems on threads with >600 posts or >300 files, to speak nothing of anything more resource intense like even vidya from the 90s, often the results in full blown overheating in

Why don't you use GNU/Linux or BSD on such a weak system?

Partially because, to be quite honest I never imagined tech would degrade this far, that such an unacceptable level of quality would be condoned for mass production yet it's all I got, and partially I have some things I gotta windows on. I actually have quite a lot of stuff that requires old programs, yet no one ever made things to handle these applications and now-a-days all the code is so shit no one is even thinking on that level of power user anyway so I'm left mostly living in an old software bubble as it's the most technically functional and productive in the sea of nearly unusable products and services with shittastic interfaces and less and less hotkeys.

Really though the main reason I remain is this one program, Everything Search, that allows me to realtime index my drive, so useful this is that not only do I keep it on a global hotkey that I use hundreds of times a day, but it's functionally altered my whole style of using the computer. It's also functions for me as a launch bar, entirety of file search, and a lot of management too. Plus being able to access anything on my computer in

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You could just install gentoo with a ntfs drive and then run the program in wine.

For what ever reason it's not within the wine db.

That doesn't stop you from doing it though. Just run it in wine with a ntfs drive and then see if it works. Considering how simple, and old, it is you should be able to run it just fine.

man locate

it's called IPFS because even FTP over moon-bounce amateur radio outperforms it

Bump because the (((distributed web))) is getting BTFO

Holy shit, fucking savage!

> Trusting (((the cloud)))
Are you scared of P2P, Moshe? What, Torrents destroyed your business plan?

Look at this soyboy and laugh

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To all the bluepilled autists who still foolishly have hope in decentralization, read this thread

Seems to be a lot of shilling in this thread. Let's clean it up with some good news!

The increasing pushback only tells me that this thing is becoming more and more sane as an alternative to paying Shlomo Shecklestein to host your data for you.
*up to 100%, terms and conditions may apply, we reserve the right to remove content at any time. Content hosted in our BaseMentTechâ„¢ datacenters are only allowed to be accessed in select geographical regions

WikiLeaks is experimenting with hosting via IPFS

Google intends to add dweb, ipfs, and other protocols to Chrome

Guess we'll just do nothing then.


Hi Mossad


glow in the darkpill


laughing lizards.bizmet

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(((IPFS))) BTFO. We're literally stuck with Jewgle forever.

Daily reminder that IPFS users never stop winning.

IPFS Weekly #15

Google bends to the will of IPFS.
Now it is us who glow in the dark.

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It is time for us to glow
To destroy (((that fucking show)))


IPFS Simply explained

Is anyone building an IPFS Nyaa?

Dat looks good, too.

Is this real or another sketchy CIA trap like that stream alternative shilled by 4chan's /g/ a couple months ago?

Have you tried duckduckgo.com/?q="Everything Search" linux

never heard of this. give link?
either way this is a real open source project, many companies are starting to adopt it as well

IPFS v0.4.18 Is Out
This is a really big update.
>we intend to switch IPFS gateway links ipfs.io/ipfs/CID to to CID.ipfs.dweb.link

Steemit/Bitchute is not CIA, just shekel grubbing.
Neither is GitGud.tv, just GaymerGayte

I like it.

Does /g/ even use this? How safe is it? Are files encrypted and anonymous?

I dunno, why don't you ask them?
If they add I2P support, sure. In the meantime tracking peers is as easy as bittorrent.

So same as torrents then? popcorn time for ipfs when?

What are some use-case scenarios besides replacing torrents? hosting websites? storage? can compete against datacenters in terms of cost?

I don't think it is fit for any useful storage except archiving, as (as far as I know) there exists no deletion or edit function, and the system tries to bloat itself forever.
I'd rather rent anonymous decentralised storage for money, with the bonus that I have a guarantee that the files will not just be lost, and that I can edit / remove my files. Also, there is litterally no incentive for nodes to participate in IPFS, so you can expect most nodes to actually come from the NSA for surveillance purposes.

This is not to shill any cryptocurrencies that rent storage, because they are mostly shit, from a technological point of view.

I just installed IPFS. I have not downloaded anything and it has used 700 megabytes in less than 25 minutes. This is retarded.

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Use IPNS, faggot
If you upload files to a distributed storage system and expect some way to magically delete the file from all the seeders' computers and prevent them from reuploading the file with the same hash, congratulations: you're retarded.

Are you talking about 700 megabytes of bandwidth?
How did you measure this?

There used to be IPFS threads but they can't exist there anymore as a result of the spam filter changing. Almost always will the hashes trip the filter.

As the name implies, it is much like a filesystem. It's literally just content addressable data, nodes, records, and probably other things. All built on the same standards and interfaces. With networking taken into consideration.

With the ability to reference data, globally, with read and write access, is very generic so you could do a lot with that.
Hosting a static website is as simple as hashing the content and connecting to the network, that's 2 commands and anyone can see your content using their own node or any gateway.

You don't have to consider a domain, how you handle load balancing, implementing your own protocols, formats, reference system, nat punching, etc etc.

The way they handle dynamic data and peers is built on the same principles. A peer id is just a hash, that doesn't change if they change networks suddenly, that you don't have to consider NAT, or implement anything new, or consider what is the latest transport protocol being used.

It's basically whatever HTTP stack you like, but instead of URLs and servers, it's hashes and P2P.
That's all you need to know, you don't need to know the entire stack, and better yet you don't need to know the damn user environment, like can they connect to domain xyz directly, did a file change paths, etc.

Another way to think about it is probably just simply, what if instead of your OS asking your hard disk for data, you also asked the network for it, and could make reasonable guarantees that it's the data you wanted, whether it came from the disk, or someone else.

From a user perspective I think it's really convenient to have a worldwide reachable chunk of arbitrary data, in 1 command, that progressivley gets more reliable as real time goes on and development continues to add more efficient traversal, storage, etc. that is all transparent to the users and developers.
Stagnation is prevented by using the same layering scheme as IP. Components can be added and deprecated without disrupting the whole system.

IPFS as a project is basically just saying "we should do it this way, because we can" and gluing everything together so it works that way.
You should be able to say this is the address of my data, and through some means that I don't even know, my packets will get to your machine if you request them. And that's not really an insane or improbable goal. A lot of these concepts are ancient, and already tried, but nobody has really tied them all together like this.

In what way are you talking about? Locally or globally?
Locally you just initiate garbage collection and it deletes the data. Edit is just adding the changed data in and deleting any orphaned children. Like how diffs work in git, an edit should only consist of the different bytes if it's chunked, it's not like every commit duplicates the entire file that was changed.

Globally, there isn't a delete, something becomes unavailable when everyone deletes it locally or is disconnected from the rest of the swarm. I personally see this potential permanence, as a benefit.

Literally their sister project.

That doesn't make much sense to me. What would they survey unless they were hosting content for people on nodes that were determined to be the best, which probably means geographically closest and/or fastest.

At most they could determine that some peers downloaded hashes X,Y,Z from their nodes.
The NSA would likely have to act as a CDN for whatever they want to survey and be the best CDN on top of that to be chosen by clients.

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File limit.
I wanted to post the rabin chunker, but may as well post these too.

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Filecoin vs Stroj vs Sia vs Maidsafe

Yes. And it is still going all these hours later. Not as much but still a lot. High idle bandwidth usage has been listed as an issue for years now and it is still shit.

I'm not familiar with them all. I remember being interested in Maidsafe, but at the time, nothing was released. A lot of the Filecoin information was already published when I started reading about it, I forget if this was around the same time or later.
Maidsafe would have the name advantage if they changed it to maido-safe though.

Can you tell me about the others?

In any case, I like the concept, regardless of implementation.

Being able to utilize my free space and bandwidth, until I need it, is pretty appealing to me. Not even for profit per se, but the token offer alone, valid for at the very least, guaranteed storage, is very appealing to me.
Everyone should be able to participate in this market, and more importantly, everyone should have access to store and retrieve data reliably.
Having autonomous consensus mechanisms and mathematical proofs managing all of this, is what makes it so reliable, especially when coupled with all the libp2p stuff from IPFS.

On 1 side you have a system for connecting peers/nodes together through any means, and on the other you have a set of functions around verifiable distributed data storage.
I like it.

It's probably the DHT, I think there are issues with it right now. In one of the previous threads someone was talking about a new non-kademilia approach. But I forget if they were just mentioning it or if it is something they plan to implement.

Until it's fixed you could try
I think this makes it so you only make DHT requests.

I wonder what specifically is causing it to be so high compared to other networks.

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Well user knowing IPFS it will be a decade until it is ready.

Better late than never imo. As someone who has been interested in these concepts for as long as I've been on the internet, I'm glad to finally see someone producing, even if it's slow.

For years we've had nothing but speculations and white papers without implementations. Multiple projects have died without shipping anything usable. I can use IPFS today and it's been improving regularly over time.
Being recognized by Mozilla, Google, etc. and being supported in things like Firefox, Chrome, Brave, etc. make me believe that this will actually still be around in a decade.

It's not like we have any alternatives anyway. I don't trust any of the proprietary BitTorrent Inc. projects and I haven't seen another project like this, that isn't strictly for experimentation, unsupported vaporware, or practically useless.
We have Zeronet which people point out the flaws of every thread.
Or things like "dat" which say they're decentralized but then rely on you to connect to a custom DNS server that they host for content resolution. And custom browsers like beaker.

I still need to look into urbit but that may serve a different purpose. If anyone wants to give me the quick rundown I'd like that.

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Don't bother. IPFS has been considered useless to those who truly know what is actually going to happen.
Read for example. More and more people here are taking the blackpill and accepting that nothing we do will make us able to escape the eternal kikery.
Don't bother fighting back anymore. You will either take it up the ass like the rest of us, or take your own life. We lost. We're done forever.

Gives a whole new meaning to asses and elbows.

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don't listen to the blackpill jew, the future is not yet lost
only the people themselves can bring it back now
do whatever you can to act and make the world a better place!

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By default, there is a web gui at, where 5001 is your ipfs api port. Note that localhost is hardcoded into the webui, so if you're trying to use the webui remotely I'd recommend ssh tunneling ports 5001 and 8080.

Also please move your old windows boxes as far away from the internet as possible

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Could we replace Tumblr and all those other lame blogging platforms with IPNS sites and RSS/atom feeds?

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Also, since there's no documentation for this, I'd like to point out a peculiarity in file chunking. The default chunker (size-262144) tries to split the file into pieces

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Yes, but the entire reason people use lame blogging sites is because they're too lazy to run their own websites. The technical know-how required to set up a /comfy/ rss-ipfs system is astronomically greater than "log into _, then use the wysiwyg editor."

Honestly, my main hope is that ipfs displaces torrents as an easy means of redistributing content. The whole "I changed a letter in one of my filenames so now there's two separate swarms of seeders" retardation needs to stop. All the different chunking options give me pause though, as they have the same effect.

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With some normalfag-friendly application or web UI, you could boil it down to "log in with your key, then write a post/attach files and upload." Popular content would load faster as more people view and reblog it, and you wouldn't be limited to a centralized, proprietary platform's whims.
The big disadvantage to this over Tumblr and other blogging platforms is the lack of a search function or asks. This does mean pedophiles couldn't flood service-wide tags or search terms with CP, but it would make finding blogs outside word of mouth or a future IPFS search engine harder. It would also eat up precious data for phoneniggers and other burgers stuck with data caps.

And how is IPFS going to fix this?
On bittorrent I just update my RSS feed and let my followers update. The RSS article is OStatus compliant, so it's self-contained, containing multiple checksums and signature.
*Nix, do simple things well.

You just described Scuttlebutt.

Read the OP, faggot. IPFS really, really hates file duplication and changing filenames doesn't change file hashes.
I'll look into this.

I read IPFS Golang, and JavaShit. It's kike software.
They have no solutions, only begging implementations.

I'm not sure how ANSI C code in libtorrent can beat Google Spysoft.


Swarm deduplication should be automated in the standard by default, not left up to clients to implement (or not), like in the case of Bittorrent.

Going through the trouble to automate 90% of the work seems like a waste of time when you can just have it 100% automated in the majority of the network rather than the minority.

There's no circumstance where it makes sense not to do this. If you're trying to get a hash, why care where it comes from as long as it's valid?
If you're publishing data, the intent is already to share the data with random peers.

Like this or do you mean something else?

Why not separate the specifications from the implementations?
There's multiple implementations on github that are written in C. You could probably re-use a lot of existing libraries because of how they separate systems

This is like people claiming i2p is somehow bad because the reference implementation is in Java. Despite a functioning C++ varient also existing.

You'd better spend your time writing the implementations you want, rather than complaining about the ones you dislike. The specifications are there. The designs are already done and you have multiple reference implementations.

You're not a nodev are you?

This looks like it might be that

Thankfully the default is a fixed size and not "auto" like in most torrent clients, so it shouldn't be an issue unless people intentionally change the chunking method when adding files.

Pick your poison

This TBH github.com/ipfs/py-ipfs

After seeing
I take back what I said here

What I should have said was, we shouldn't diverge into language wars. It's not really critical to the concepts and can change at any time if people find enough merit in the concept, to warrant the effort of implementing it.

No Jai, no buy. Obvious trash.

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Ah, you have no respect for security or privacy.
Seems you've never installed your own tracker.
I don't sell projector screens.
What's your github account? I don't use Social Networks, esp. Microsoft ones.

I'm fine libtorrent.org/projects.html

Sell me IPFS when we're making history:

I get the impression you're being insincere for the sake of attention and are not actually interested in discussing this. Maybe you should use social media instead of trying to do that here. Or try /g/.

Renaming a filename without changing the hash is disrespecting your security and privacy?

Attached: mfw you're still using jewgle botnet.png (606x248, 1.58M)

Renaming a file*

How is swarm merging in concept a breech of security or privacy?
Security is completely irrelevant and privacy can be maintained in the same way you would if swarms where not merged. It's exactly the same as BT except automated.
If you want privacy, use anonymous routing or a private network.

What do trackers even have to do with this and what protocol are you even talking about? KAD, Bittorrent, and IPFS all use DHT for this, not trackers. Merging is handled clientside for all.

IPFS seems to have actual implementations for a lot of these concepts. What are you trying to say by posting an advertisement to a conceptual "Future internet".

If something does come out like that, what difference would it make since it's content addressed? All the IPFS developers would need to do is figure out a way to resolve NDN hashes and fetch content from their nodes. That's the whole point of IPLD
There are already implementations to add support for native hashes of various other formats and networks.

I'm not really confident in some research project that hasn't yielded anything since 2006 suddenly being relevant.
As for IPFS you can already work with git commits over HTTP, and ethereum blocks over whatever their network is. And Bittorrent is on their planned list.

I love the idea of having 1 program handle all my hashes/magnets. It's much better than having multiple different clients open, connected to multiple different networks independently.

If I request data, I want the program to get that data, through any means, over any network ,using whatever URN is considered optimal that day.

The whole benefit of IPFS is that these things can change.
How routing is done, what hash algorithm is used, what chunking method is used, what encryption method is used, what transport is used, etc. but the interface stays the same "ipfs get URN", "ipfs add ~/dont_click/boku_no_pico.xvid"

Maybe someone sent you a bittorrent hash and they're only hosting over i2p, the IPFS program should eventually be able to resolve that. Maybe a fork already does.

What's so great about NDN and why should I wait more decades for it when this exists today?

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Full automation: misleading bit, download the whole repo.
You want semi automation, the more you can control the better, even if it runs mostly by itself.

Yeah, I concluded from you as much.
A windmill is also automated. Does it work like a windmill?
Does it not need my intervention if I made the typo?
A lot. It's what you are claiming trackers don't have: a way to publish updates, even for typos.
We have prototypes, empirical evidence, and scientists working on this. Not hobbyists that wrote a thesis paper.
Nodev, got it.
It's ok to ignore the 10 years worth of work in CCN, and working implementations.
Reminds me ZeroCoin.
Be sure to run it in ring 0, so you can't expect any breaches.
This is the systemd of statements.
The same question Linux have in Desktop adoption, and display server support: lack of support.
Bittorrent works here and now, and a proven solid track record, while IPFS still begs to complete it's not so sound ideals.
It's snake oil, and you don't even see it.

IPFS already has the openBazaar fork with TOR/I2P but it has not been mainlined as the development is slow as shit.

Yeah, that's what I thought of IPFS when it was announced, and thanks to you, even more refined.

Anything IPFS says it wants to do, Bittorrent software already provides, and more.

But we're done with conversation Nodev.
In the next ten years, we'll see Bittorrents on post quantum crypto, making it impossible to spy and tamper, unneeding TOR & I2P.

Well you are now the nodev.

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I feel like you're being dishonest on purpose.
If you're going to pretend to be an expert here you should know that security is a separate layer irrelevant to peer management in practically every P2P system that still exists. It just wouldn't work any other way. This isn't even IPFS specific, as you should be aware.

Please be direct, don't try and use analogies, or you're going to make things more convoluted.
There shouldn't be anything confusing about the automation of swarm merging, if there is, just ask directly.

My claim is that it's implementation specific, and requires coordination from multiple parties (tracker and client devs as well as users choosing to use those extensions), to actually see benefit, as opposed to it being implicit.
I see no reason this shouldn't be the case.
You had concerns about security and privacy but there isn't any reason to be concerned, those are irrelevant to distribution. Security around these systems is basically a solved problem and we have multiple anonymous networks to choose from to handle that, with i2p probably being the best example today.

I'm disregarding this as an appeal to authority.
These people are getting results and pushing out usable products, not siphoning academia funds while putting out whitepapers every few years.

That doesn't make any sense. You're the one interested in NDN, not me.
It would literally just be a matter of detecting NDN URNs, so I could probably do it if NDN existed.

I'm sorry but this is just inane garbage.
A single program is not a single component, and your CPU analogy isn't really relevant.

What point are you trying to make?
I'm having a hard time believing your whole argument is based around being content with the status quo while simultaneously pushing a conceptual future internet academia moneypit.

More importantly, it doesn't have the distinct advantage we've been talking about.
Bittorrent clients, are bittorrent clients. IPFS is a set of interfaces around distributed data publishing and retrieval. Nothing prevents you from using Bittorrent as your exchange instead of their native exchange and torrent files instead of the IPFS internal format if you wanted to.
That's the entire point, that it's flexible. Again, if you think NDN is such hot shit set to deprecate Bittorrent, nothing would prevent IPFS developers from using those concepts and networks.
IPFS itself is nothing but a set of specifications. The reference implementations are not bound by anything other than those, and they're intentionally designed to be modular.

I don't see how it's snake oil or harmful in any way and you're not doing a good job of demonstrating how it is.

We're all already 100% aware that this isn't done yet, but that doesn't invalidate its merits compared to the current software out there. What has been finished is good, what's not yet finished looks good. You can't just say that the good parts are bad because the rest isn't finished.
If anything it should be a mark of embarrassment that these people are pushing out the most robust thing while others do nothing, all the concepts of IPFS are unashamedly taken from "proven" projects, most of which are older than BT itself.

Not to mention the comparisons to Bittorrent are so secondary.
In the scope of IPFS that's literally only the exchange layer. Long term they're competing with HTTP, so it makes more sense to compare it to that in functionality.
The nice thing here is that you shouldn't have to focus on the exchange layer since it can change. All you should be worried about is what the URNs look like, and that you can issues a get request to it and somehow it gets exchanged, maybe over IPFS, maybe over HTTP, maybe over BT, or as we've talked about, an aggregate of everything available to you.

I'd appreciate it if you gave me legitimate reasons to avoid this project. I've spent a great deal of time looking into this and am only trying to see and prepare for what is coming next. Right now that looks like IPFS and for years of people posting these threads, nobody has convinced me otherwise. In the meantime several of the projects people shilled have fallen into unmaintained irrelevance, or had actual flaws pointed out AND exploited.
Nobody is doing that for IPFS and they've had more time to do so.

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you're missing a couple of zeros

Doesn't tor get slow when people torrent over it? How would this even be implemented?

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So this currently isn't released yet, but look at what they have planned for v0.34 js-ipfs. The ">" indicates a check, while the "

So when the DHT Implementation is complete, does that mean JS-IPFS and Go-IPFS can finally pull data from each other?

you forgot the nocopy bug

IPFS is bloat, just use DHT+bittorrent