All the information you need is here
RationalWiki is anything but.
etc etc idiotarians
stopped reading there
Good Goy! Keep trusting (((Wikipedia))) and (((RationalWiki))) Be sure to share this at Reddit and Tumblr.
The only people posting that on imageboards are SJWs or fedoras larping as pagans.
If you disagree with RationalWiki, it means you're probably an irrational person. Just something to think about.
You have to go back you sack of shit
for those who find wikipedia to be insufficiently kiked
Every article they have about anything remotely right-wing completely throws rationality out the window. It's quite sad actually. Read their gamergate article for example. Full of logical fallacies. Big fun
Every article they have about remotely anything completely throws rationality out the window. It's quite funny actually.
The plot thickens.
I know this is bait but see
How are you supposed to be taken seriously when Uncyclopedia is your only source, a known satire website? That's literally the antithesis to rationality.
Sounds like an appeal to authority fallacy to me bucko. Meditate on the Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory axiomata with choice for 10,000 years and come back to me after you've solved the rest of the millenium prize problems
Eric S. Raymond revised the Jargon File to change references to UNIX sucking to MS-DOS because "the Unix philosophy is the same as the ITS philosophy" even though the "Worse is Better" article describes the MIT approach in ITS as the opposite of UNIX.
Remember that Eric SS Raymond will put you in the oven for being a UNIX/CoCksucker
Lisp machines never heh.
baste and redpilled
CoCs are a UNIX phenomenon because of how much code and how many developers UNIX and C programs need. The UNIX "design" methodology calls for a large number of interchangeable programmers. Linux is more than 15 million lines of code and has more than 15 thousand developers. They made the CoC because they need even more developers than that, or in marketing speak, "to help make the kernel community a welcoming environment to participate in."
UNIX weenies don't like Lisp machines because they're afraid that all their C and UNIX knowledge would become obsolete.
What sucks is that Eric Raymond's reaction to that GIF would be completely different if the person wearing the boot worked at AT&T.
ER, Apparently you've misconstrued my complaints. Icertainly never claimed to have personal ownership over thejargon file; I was relaying the feelings of a large number(probably most, despite whatever you wish to believe) of themembers of the community which the original JARGON filedocuments (or, used to, anyway). I don't know what thelegal copyright status of the material is, or what it waswhen it was published commercially. At least the ethics ofcommercially usurping community property were and aredebatable. I don't really have time or inclination to argue withyou about your notions. But imagine if someone took a bookthat you and your playmates had written about yourchildhoods, "updated it" to coincide with their verydifferent attitudes (which you, for the most part disagreedwith), and then published it under its original title. Ithink that's part of how a number of us feel. Most of theother MIT-AI people I've talked to seem to feel this way. I don't read this newsgroup, so if anyone wants tocorrespond about this, you'll have to send me email. Butmostly, I'm not very interested. I'm certainly notinterested in debating your confused interpretations of whatour culture was about, whether myself or my associatesrepresent that culture, nor am I interested in debating thetechnical merits of random operating systems. My intentionsin my previous posting were mostly to clear up variousstrange assertions regarding the old ITS crowd, and relay mysense of violation. Sometimes I think there's no hope ofpeople ever understanding what was going on back then. Oh,well. I think I've said all I wanted to.
Do you ever feel bad about bullying unitards this hard?
why would he?
unitards have spent decades jerking each other off and rolling in the mud, and they're proud of it too.
they deserve more bullying
Lisp fags would be right except they got BTFO by faster x86 Unix machines that cost half as much. Really they are just shitty losers for their failed inferior platform.
Reminds me of that African propaganda where they say that white men have small brain and are afraid of it.
Someone's getting desperate.
We're fucked.
It looks like you're ACTUALLY shilling when you don't use red text.
It's over. The Jews won. We're absolutely, positively fucked. Guess I'll install Wangblows 10 and cry because there's absolutely no coming back. We're done.
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.