
I don't understand why everybody here always cucks out to gentoo. Why not just make your own system with LFS. One. It takes about the same time to get a basic system going with LFS and gentoo. Two. It is more tailored to you, only requiring you to install what is needed to compile programs, grub, sysvinit, and so on. And three. You don't have a gay package manager like portage, and can use either none, or compile one like lfs-me or another distro's.

>(((Linux))) From Scratch
linux is cucked shit, don't pretend you're superior just because you compiled a few programs from source
go use openbsd, it's the new official Zig Forums OS

Attached: 9f309606bfaabde04aead08bc97e5edffab16f211a91fa3533c25781fcd13615.png (1238x1080, 355.16K)

The system administrative workload is too much. Gentoo pretty much adds scripts to automate what you'd do by hand with LFS. You additionally have a team of people working on and keeping track of updates and security issues. With LFS you'll eventually just end up installing it and then never updating it, including not installing security updates.

I'll consider OpenBSD when they really aknowledge their performance problems.
Without joking, OpenBSD reminds me of Dwarf Fortress and Python. Both are really lacking in performance and both are intentionally ignoring the problem (not even mentioning it), because it's easier than starting to solve it.
Also, GPL hate is pretty retarded, DragonflyBSD looks a bit saner on that side.

Don't you know about leaning curves ?
Here's how it went for me over the years.
First distribution:
Ubuntu 8.
Second distribution:
Third distribution:
Debian 6.
Fourth distribution:
Trisquel 6/7
Fifth and last distribution.
LFS, Open/libreWRT
I will probably try arch and BSDs in the future for fun.
Users are dumb and I'm one of them, it was hard and no normie with the unfinished documentations that exist will try to install gentoo or LFS straight away.
Pedagogy is a hard thought process and we generally forget how it was when we didn't know jack shit.

To the bog you go.

The whole thing about LFS is to learn about the thing works, that means that in the end you can make your own portage or whatnot to automate maintenance.
It's sure is infeasible to receive mailing lists and commits from other projects, to do this we should need some sort of thing that would automate functions that we could script.

They won't. Performance is a synonym for cutting out security.

OpenBSD trades performance for security on problematic processors.

I'm not interested in doing that as I have actual work that needs to be done. I was simply commenting on how my opinion of LFS, which I deem reputable as I used LFS as my daily driver for over a year.

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Too learn how the wheel works stoopid.

how did compiling everything twice go?

Just write/edit some ebuilds, it'll be the same and not as useless.

Because gentoo honestly provides a really good toolkit for quickly editing configurations with little pain as possible.

installing Gentoo is as easy as Arch. it takes about an hour excluding compile time for intermediate users. lfs offers barely more configuration for about 10x the time. you don't learn much more from it either, you spend all your time downloading BusyBox and all the dependencies for X and honestly wasting your time.

No avatarfagging.

Attached: 1484746920312.png (600x543, 332.41K)

enjoy your security vulnerabilities, faggot
Just install Gentoo, Debian or some *BSD

installing Gentoo is even easier than installing arch because of the Gentoo Handbook (which is superior to Arch's nu-Installation guide)

Nobody here runs gentoo. They cargo-cult the echoes of long-stale /g/ memes, too fucking dumb to come up with original board culture

Bullshit, I'm running gentoo right now.

I guarenfuckingTEE that they will also cuckout. Most tech does eventually.

Theo already once told the US government (aka jews) to fuck off. He will do the same with their minion SJWs.

nah people here do run gentoo. It's priceless.

Just install OpenBSD

Attached: openbsd64.jpg (900x1407, 280.19K)

because I'm making my own OS

the things i need aren't much different than the "default" gentoo install, and i can tailor gentoo just fine where i need to.
i like package managers, and portage is my favorite package manager.