Just curious, what OS do you use
I'm looking for some private OS like devuan, trisquel etc
What OS do you use ?
Other urls found in this thread:
install gentoo
well thank you, i see this advice everywhere but can I install Visual code studio in it ? a gui firewall ? icecat ? i'm most familiar with debian based distro
>using (((linux)))
install openbsd
i dont need ultra secure potato
but can i install any ubuntu package that i want in openbsd ?
No, you retarded nigger
You can install the same piece of software but you can't use poobuntu packages to do so
I use Devuan ASCII since it runs on my ARM devices too. I just finished installing Devuan to my Chromebook Snow, the ARM one from 2012. Runs great.
Fuck systemd.
what other distro you use ?
Fuck gentoo and install haiku
Last I checked openbsd do not support trimming, do they now? If not I'll just go for netbsd or freebsd on my next rig.
I only use software that respects my freedom as a user. As such there is no GPL (very little) allowed on my system. Freedom respecting OpenBSD only.
A nice thing is that the >cuck license faggots got eternally BTFO by the fact that loonix adopted a CoCk and OpenBSD didn't.
Are you the faggot from /v/ that uses lain in every post? Please go back. I went there a single time and every thread was full of your bullshit.
Or maybe it was /b/ I don't fucking remember.
ok pedophile enjoy your internet loli
GNU with Linux kernel
back to >>>/tv/
I'm using Slackware at the moment, it's treated me pretty good so far but I'm a little annoyed at some of its funny little abstractions like the "xwmconfig" script when it promised me it's the most traditional, beginner-unfriendly, bare-bones UNIX-type OS out there. On top of that, I just can't get 32-bit compilation working. Does anybody here use GoboLinux? How was your mileage?
I couldn't get into the installer, and the default WM looks like total garbage, but all of that crap could probably be adjusted pretty quickly. I think when the main selling point of your OS is using an alternate directory scheme, you shouldn't package in a bunch of useless crap like X and your shitty pre-configured rice WM on top of that.
Anyway, I can imagine how the response to this question might go, but instead of looking into that, should I just install Gentoo?
If you're looking to do some learning and actually getting practical shit out of it you should install openbsd
Linux doesn't look good in the long term tbh
Are you retarded?
Installing an os doesn't help learning system internals by design.
If OP really wants to learn about loonix which is an interesting topic, then OP shoul go ahead and read some articles on kernelnewbies.
Also you fucking annoy me with those lain pics.
Depends on the OS. If you're just installing poobuntu, sure it doesn't tell you anything.
But if you're installing gentoo or setting up LFS, the installation procedure forces you to know the basic components of the system. Sort of how putting together a PC tells you what the basic components of the computer are. Sure, you won't learn exactly how a CPU works at the transistor level, but you'll get some idea of how the overall system functions.
OpenBSD is also similar. Its installer doesn't hold your hand, and it helps greatly to learn some basic shit such as what all the daemons and programs are called, and how disks are named etc. Sure it isn't a complete understanding but it's significantly better than systems that hand-hold users.
Too bad. Lain is a permanent fixture of this board now.
I mean you can just copy and pasta the shit from the LFS book for the most part.
But what I mean by learning is not how the cpu works on the transistor level, but at least knowing how the syscalls work.
Or basic understanding of how user space -> kernel space works.
Because knowing how daemons are called and shit like that isn't really something knowledgable, sure it is still know worthy but it's not something that would greatly improve your understanding of computers.
imo if you install ubuntu and reverse engineer software with it, you've been way more productive and learned more than anyone who installed gentoo because it is in the end just compiling software and passing arguments to utils.
Also I gotta admit that lain pic is cute.
I'm not too interested in putting the entire OS together step-by-step and learning about each and every single component I install, that's impractical and you should really learn more about that kind of stuff casually as you USE the OS. I just don't like it when an OS pulls hacky shit like this that stops you from doing things the traditional, universal way every guide will tell you to do in the name of "ease of use" as compared to another UNIX-type OS that does it as a deliberate design choice reflected in the design of the entire thing.
but you do have to admit though that gentoo has some distinct customisability advantages because of its install process
less bloat is installed, user can choose between systemdicks/openrc, alsa/pissaudio, choose the type of syslogger and crond, C compiler flags, etc.
Maybe for some people it isn't worth it, but for me, if Loonux wasn't pozzed I would definitely have kept gentoo installed. My only complaint about it is that portage is written in slow-ass python.
It really is karma, for years average linuxcucks have been spreading FUD about bsd, now they're the one stuck with an unauditable init and corporate backed bluehair trannies, plus the CoC as a weapon to prevent future devs from pointing out potential obvious backdoors. The year of linux desktop IS coming... but in the form of microshit and steam, loaded with proprietary bloat worse than old windows, becareful of what you wish for, it's like pottery, they rhyme.
openrc sucks as much as gentoo.
sorry m8, I misstyped
OpenRC doesn't suck ANYWHERE as near as much as systemd. This is how much systemd sucks:
You do realize that openrc basically tries to reimplement systemd, and that these functionalities are useless to a normal user.
I unironically and unapologetically use Windows 10 on my main machine. Yes I've seen every single image and read every paste and every link that every freetard post every fucking time they see the very name "Windows 10" appear on their screen and they go into an autistic panic. I honestly don't fucking care. I still support free software out of principle though and I am glad free software exists because its importance is simply impossible to ignore. But as far as actually using free software as a daily driver my support only goes so far.
Show me where openRC includes a network manager and binary logger in the init.
Show me where its maintainer tries to get it included as a dependency on random pieces of software which don't need it.
Show me where it mounted efivarfs as RW so that firmware bricking is easy.
Kill yourself.
kys with that pic you posted.
Like try to do something with your life, don't go ahead and say "I don't care to get buttraped by microsoft"!
Like for freedom you have to not care about certain things and you can do cool shit in your life.
Don't try to be that cuck who thinks he is super smart and doesn't care, it gets you away from shit you could do.
Dude, literally all you need is sinit lol.
Like just look at openrc repo and how much code it has.
You are right about the dependencies but I talked about features.
Systemd has features which the normal user DOESN'T NEED.
openrc is great for a sysadmin even though imho even that would be too much but it's understandable.
I'm not trying to promote openrc as some sort of super magical minimalist init system, it isn't.
What I'm trying to say is that systemd is still miles worse and orders of magnitude more cancerous than openrc.
True systemd is more cancerous but openrc still sucks.
With systemd sucks as much as openrc, I meant that there is no real benefit for the user in choosing openrc or systemd.
To be fucking honest with you lainbro, I actually use windows 10 for reverse engineering and debuggint the NT Kernel at work.
Was nice arguing with you and I'd like to talk to you on a messenger of some sort but I gotta return to work.
That pic was describing my attitude towards operating systems actually. Which in case you didn't realize are supposed to just be tools and not time sinks. I don't think I'm super smart because I don't care. I have my priorities in a different place, that's all. There are more important things in my life that I take care of.
I multi-boot Windows (for muh games), Gentoo and NetBSD (I might replace Gentoo with *BSD at some point)
Lol, no. 2-D can't be pedo. kys faggot.
If you don't want to use *BSD or Gentoo, try Alpine Linux or Crux.
But OpenBSD just werks out-of-box (In fact, Slackware and *BSD are very similar in this regard)
I guess this is the future we chose.
SystemDick is worse in every regard. OpenRC is okay but RunIT is best init/process supervisor atm.
Bend over and enjoy your Botnet and seamless OneDrive integration then, faggots.
RMS only thinks that because he still thinks its 1988 and assumes that everything he does on GNU, which is mostly basic shit like email and minimalist programming environments, is really all anyone else does. In this context no shit he thinks Windows users are suckers because GNU is free and can do these things. But unfortunately for RMS it's not 1988 anymore and people expect more out of their OS' now. RMS hasn't even installed GNU/Linux by himself in his entire life.
for teh lulz?
Sorry for the Jewtube Link, I forget what the other website was called
Not the first person to post of a webm of this but I don't have the original webm someone else made
Stallkike is really fucking retarded
I was in the same boat as you during the windows 7 days, but windows 8 came and I couldn't take it anymore, so I save up and build another cheap apu rig initially for experiment with various distros, but it end up being my daily driver, I still keep that same win7 machine up until today, I just treat it like console for gaming. Everything else I do it on my debian machine, which I plan to move to bsd next year.
I honestly don't get why people act like they only have one computer and have to choose between OSes, computer parts are so cheap and open source os require so little resource, just use both and get the best of both world.
such an asshole right now itt
CIA nigger fuck off.
he's making some loose analogy/example and niggers who haven't finished college can't understand PhD humor.
more like high school
I identify as *BSD-curious
Your meme is out of date. Here let me help you:
Kek go ahead and install CoCBSD you fagit, OpenBSD doesn't want your potato dumpling-hole shitting the place up.
Poorfag luddite here, newer ssds don't need trim anymore? I'm using kingston v300 (i think), it's been two years and it has 97% wear level remaining. I hope it can last for the next ten years but I'm afraid if I switch to openbsd without trim it would shorten it's life span.
using debian testing in two laptops and stable in pc from past 5 yrs.
probably going to start using openbsd, but don't have any energy nor motivation
give me some motivation, guys
install OpenBSD!!!!!!
heres some advice
x11 includes and libs are in a separete dir so compile with -I/usr/X11R6/include, you need g(nu)make for most makefiles
I wish that guy would stop posting Lain. He makes the anime I like look retarded.
Android os :^)
Mint Xfce. It fixes everything wrong with Xubuntu.
He's a tranny, just remind him that he will never pass until he kills himself.
OpenBSD doesn't support Amlogic SoC anyway. Guess you're stuck with Armbian.
Enjoy your proprietary ARM shitware. Don't jump from one proprietary POS to another and call it progress.
arch linux because it just works
Install gentoo.
macOS Sierra, skipped High Sierra but I'm gonna install macOS Mojave at some point
Thanks, I will!
yeah no
Yeah it does have more errors. Pretty much all the ARM chips have much less vulnerabilities than Intel, but you can also pick relatively recent ones like Cortex A-7 and A-53 that don't have any vulnerabilities. For the same situation in x86, you have to go back to 486 machines at least. Well that's fine if you have one, but they can't take much memory, whereas you can easily get a bord with one of the two chips I mentioned that has 2 GB memory, and all modern peripherals, at under $100 total cost. So it's a lot more practical like this for me, although I'd rather use m68k machine in an ideal world where I don't ever had to use any (((Web 2.0))) sites. So this is the best option at the moment.
As for whatever Android is doing, that's their problem. You can buy boards that give you full control over the firmware via U-boot. But that means you have to do some research first instead of buying a meme RPi with the Broadcom and its closed firmeware (just using RPi as an example, as with anything there's better and worse).
Absolute bullshit. At best it is like OpenBSD where the moment anyone actually looks they find shit everywhere.
Parabola GNU/Linux is pretty good if you want something fully free and up-to-date.
No don't just give up you faggot. But don't jump from one botnet to another. There ARE systems that can be used and respect muh freedumb / well engineered, they just don't have features. Cutting out the botnet has a cost.
She is the cuck or her bf?
Yeah sure, I could use my old TI-82 calculator for everything. Thanks for making everything clear now.