What's jewgle's endgame? Is there one? To me, their agenda seems so clear, and every day they keep making it clearer...

What's jewgle's endgame? Is there one? To me, their agenda seems so clear, and every day they keep making it clearer. It seems like lots of people see part of it, especially when it comes to jewtube, but it just seems to run so deep. Now that almost nothing published is "copyrighted" per say, it seems information is more controlled than ever.
Why? And how can we, really, fight the control of our thoughts?

For reference:
I know, it's just gotten worse!

Attached: dont-be-evil.jpeg (600x320, 17.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=neil postman
gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=lisiewski ceremonial magic power evocation
archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt
invidio.us/search?q=michael aquino
archive.org/stream/MichaelAquinoRubyTabletOfSet/Satanism/Michael Aquino - Diabolicon_djvu.txt


Inculcate the world. I remember in 2016, typing "Hillary is" into Google would get obviously nugatory suggestions like "Hilllary is awesome" or "Hillary is our next president". (They vehemently deny gaming their algorithms, but we know they do.) They also make their workers (tranny freaks and ethnics at this point) work in terrible stressful open office environments. They have giant dossiers prepared on all their users, and they hand these to alphabet agencies like candy on Halloween. I'd say they're more evil than even Facebook at this point. A good website:

Judaism, end white people and create a brown underclass easily controlled with tech.

Right now, it's to develop AI. That's not only Jewgle's endgame, but the other companies as well, such as facebook. They're collecting MASSIVE amounts of data on all of us. Perhaps the goal isn't AI, but it's definitely human engineering. How can they better engineer the globe? Simple. Sort through the data, learn every possible thing there is to learn about humans. This has never been possible. All previous psychological glimpses of crowds is peanuts compared to what they have now.

I sometimes worry my thoughts aren't my own. I'm sure they can predict my every move, thousands of moves ahead of me. Likewise for everyone, besides the man living in the woods, who was smart enough to abandon tech.

Attached: Selfish Ledger.webm (640x360, 15.3M)


Attached: Bilderberg and the Digita….webm (640x360, 15.26M)

the end goal is to replace the meatbag NPCs with synthetic NPCs that are easier to program
google is fighting for the greater good of the planet

It's all for the money.

It's really this... it's just capitalism. Everything in that system is done for profit. Unlimited, unending growth is what large corporations aim for. Ethics are a tertiary consideration at best behind profit and risk.

Most importantly of all, is the fact that they already won.
Everyone on Zig Forums could see this coming. There is nothing we can do to fight back against Google now. They are well on their way to controlling everything, and we can do naught but sit and watch.
If you know what's good for you, surrender now, like many of us already have.

stop spamming shitty blackpills. if you don't want to be here, you can go back to >>>/reddit/

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Zig Forums has been blackpilled since the start retard.

No they haven't.

everyone is gay millenials and cant function without Assdroid 15.3.5 DickSandwhich plugged in their brain. and it's practically illegal to not be one of them

Not even trying to GTFO you, OP, this is just not the board to ask such questions.

Always found this idea interesting. What if all the bad guys are actually Machiavellian good guys?

The absolut state of neck-beard white-knight "community members"

>on an anonymous image board

Attached: jewish_corner.jpg (798x798, 146.4K)

In the heydays of the web bubble, goygle was an advertisement jewish enterprise. (((Brin))) et al. got the SHEKEL.

Goyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyygle Search engine followed. Good cactch for more gullible goym. Mail, Storage, whatever... The Judeo-masonic JEWgle (((Eco-system))) was set up, with more goym involved.

JEWdroid, a botnet OS in shitty hardware enabled them to surpass anyone with BIG DATA harvesting. Basically a jewish-owned and CIA-backed entrprise that has a gross value higher than most countries and stores BIG DATA about anything goym do (((ONLINE))). The perfect cybergun for the upcoming Pax Judaica, wher the goy is feeded with bullshit 24/7/365 while the non-surrenedered minds are ostracized by ad-hoc propaganda.

Seems it all far-fetched? They can even play the Fabian Card.
If not today it will happen in a few ten of Jewish Years.
Jews own the net, jews choose the wording, jews mangle with the goyish gullible minds for (((Unknown))) Ends.

Think about it next time you see a jew in a dserted area.
You could even end his life.
For Good.

This is what will happen, definitively. They already won, and all agrees.

Money is just means to an end. Big corps often lose money to pursue ideological endeavours.

Exactly why Google will destroy us all and raise an eternity of sheep. We literally can't win now.

```(((they))) have lost.``` It's painfully obvious when you see that a brainwashed shill goes around saying complete and utter drivel.

Kindly remove yourself from shilling fake, echoing concensus and other fake shit and instead be free from (((mind control))).
Or perhaps you could be a (((jew))) yourself. In that case, you are scheduled to go to the >>>/gaschamber/.

The Riddler in Batman Forever = Google



It's currently nothing but newslinkspam.

You know, if you have to go around saying something over and over again, it's probably not true.

Google plans to censor the internet for China and the EU

At least she always uses the same format in her posts.
Which makes her easy to instinctively ignore.

Millennials with WoT dildos up their ass, which vibrate too hard if you do 360 spin and say the word "they're" in a certain timing. But that's okay because it doesn't often happen. The costs outweigh the benefits. You can unlock new ringtones and vibration patterns for your IoT dildo by going on a web 7.0 website and doing challenges which give you D-points, such as pressing the "like" button on posts, viewing 10 posts in a day, getting 1 "like" on a post (hard), finding the logo in a video, etc.

who is going to stop Google? Only their own communism can stop them, and I am pretty sure that higher-ups or shareholders will step in before that happens. Google is already working on an AI, and we have no idea how advanced it is.

Same people who stop facebook, and then it dies off like everything else.

cool, now go back to Zig Forums

I suppose if anyone here knew about Allende's project Cybersyn, basically an AI that manages most of the country and on the long term overrides the government. It was in the 70s, but even in the 80s Mitterrand had similar project, putting together finance, employment, production in an all big-data system, which ended up in an all-data ID card mandatory for everything.
So yes this dystopian project could become real with Google, more than all the DB software from Oracle or ADP in finance and HR, or the bullshit telemetry from MS, this is where we are heading to.

Corporate Socialism.

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And we will never be able to stop it. No matter how much we try to warn people the dystopia is only getting more and more inevitable, wirh more and more people conscribing themselfs to defeat every single day.
Google won, we lost

Nobody wants this faggot

no, YOU have lost, because you cannot live without your "apps" your little youtube selections, your android, netflix and your normie life.

I have the same Blackberry phone since 7 years, and a dedicated DSLR which makes real photos, not blurry missed moments taken with an iShit. I started using the internet without Google, and I keep using it without Google. You should live without Google.

I'm a consultant for a lot of things, including networking and security in a company, and I decided that the HR and financial data should and can be re-centralized on a site and not on a cloud - not using neither MS/Amazon/Google's services. I even made a lecture once explaining the problems of the cloud, telemetry and the issues on who owns the data, started discussing the problems of SAAS *Software becoming services, which means a loss of control of your data, and therefore your company.

I have a seminary in a couple of days and need to work a lot on my speech to explain this to normies and bsns mongs who thinks it's the future because buzzwords.

MSN became Bing and gives different but essentially more objective results. Duckduckgo is the best alternative for more results.

You are just a fucking mongol with the brain of a teenager that's what you are. If you think it's lost, you are a weak and a loser, and the real world leaves no place for the weak.
As a weak you will choose to side with the corporate-socialist superstate, find shelter in there, but know you know we are enemies due to this mentality of yours, and History is a witness, that you will fail, no matter how you try.

Attached: higgsCambridge.jpg (950x634, 296.2K)

Who said anything about "us" needing them? It's everyone else that uses them.
Yeah but you are just a tiny (and probably gay) fish. Nobody cares about you. When the world goes down one day you wont be able to save your own ass, let alone the world.

Point is, google already controls the market. They have strong names, even if a better search engine exists. People will still search google because everyone got used to it. And on top of that they already invested into the future.

Can you shoot us a draft? Host offsite if it's too long.

This. Google pretty much has the next couple centuries in the bag. They fucking won, and there is nothing anyone can say to argue against that. No matter what we do, Google will centralize more of the market to the point of becoming Big Brother.

It's cute that you think you can make any sort of difference. There's a reason none of us are doing the same, you know. Dystopia is imminent. You are not special.

How does it feel to get fucking roasted by people who actually know what they're talking about?

Where is that story about Google island where Sergei and Brin walk around naked?

Just look a couple centuries back and you're in the early 1800's. Now consider that technology moves faster, because change isn't linear. So nothing will be like today, and everything you know will have been replaced multiple times already.

Control, enslave, eradicate

as usual google is a dictatorship of idiots who know nothing about how to create good products and have gotten lucky by attracting good talent and fuckton of work

If you are interested in computing control I suggest that you look into the meta-search engine searx.

Plebeian found.
Google may control the market but google controls only those who use it.
Don't use it and promote something else.

They are already big brother.
Another Plebeian spotted.
Dystopia is already here.

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.
--Thomas Paine

This is Google's endgame;
Google is trying to direct human evolution
Will You Allow the Selfish Ledger AI to be Your Conscience and Auto Pilot?
The creation of super normies which are even more zombies than the smartphone users of today via
Behavioral Modification
Inputting data to sway users toward their own agenda
Google has already abandoned free speech;

Many researchers have already realized that Google can no longer be trusted so they're already working on alternatives

even if you block all knowng google domains in your firewall, there are still affiliated non-google domains and maybe even google domains you don't know of.
bit convenient to insult anyone disagreeing with you, don't you think?
please stop larping

Sshhhhh, don't say that in front of hopefags. They'll start autistically screeching at you.
But yeah, anyone who has properly surveyed the situation can agree that there really is nothing we can do to stop Google now. They already won, and you literally can't do anything to escape it. Will you foolishly resist, or will you wisen up and accept defeat?

I see the BO is stil endorsing this fucking clown. Otherwise he would have gotten rid of him already.

There's actually a BO?

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They want to destroy the concept of individuality by claiming (stealing) ownership of all free ideas. They corrupt culture, race, intellect, science, politics, communication, religions and natural laws to enslave humanity for the first step.

As for the endgame... youtube.com/watch?v=0A1r5QaCSCs

look into yacy. Searx gains you nothing.

Google literally can't be fucking stopped at this point. They are going to win, and there's nothing we can do about it.

The cuckpills are strong in this anons ass

Paid shill, it looks like. Go elsewhere. Become Enlightened and stop spreading garbage.

There's been an update on the city Google's building, the ex privacy commissioner for the province resigned from the project over how they're going treat data. It's the second resignation in a month over this issue.

>Cavoukian's resignation comes after a member of the panel guiding the plans stepped down earlier this month after she developed "deep dismay and "profound concern over a lack of leadership from Waterfront Toronto with ensuring public trust around privacy.


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I have tech in the house and I tend to see right through their bullshit. It's all about outsmarting them and not buying the latest chattle-control mechanisms they try to thrust on us all the time.
A good start would be getting rid of any outside technology, stuff you have not built yourself, that has a camera and/or microphone. From there it becomes rather easy to outsmart them and figure out how to better insulate yourself without going completely dark.
There will come a time when going completely dark will be necessary, mind you, but that time is ages away. Likely outside your lifetime even.

There is no NPC more asleep than the NPC who thinks, 'i have awoken!'. When they realize this though it will be too late, they will be forced to become Necrons, whether they like it or not, because all their lives they've been filthy casul phonecucks who use Windows 10 and enable javascript. Every single Planck constant that passes, the cuck's resonance is to reach ever-turboer states of nigger. The whole use-memes-to-fight-the-regressive-leftists-! is a massive PSYOP and when the mature Anons begin the process of understanding the True Evil embedded in this whole theater, the more their hearts will fill with absolute glee, because this represents nothing short of the total annihilation of all forms of retardation in Terra (no more normies --only autists [1]). The Conspiracy Industry is the most important part of the retard nigger cattle consensus-reality because nobody advertises the Illuminism core concepts to receptive audiences best than their detractors: the left triggers the right, the right energizes the left, rinse and repeat. Read what Weishaupt wrote, and Libido Dominandi, and see for yourselves how many things make sense or not. Feminism was started by autistic female Theosophists who wanted to destroy normie females and the nuclear family [2], Shulamith Firestone wanted artwombs and communal child-rearing. This stuff has been in the works for centuries. Watch the documentaries, Hypernormalisation, and Spider's Web (Derp), to get an inkling of the inner workings of all this crap; nothing ever has 100% descriptive power but these two come very close to 'the reality'. The Military-Intelligence Complex runs the world, then politics is there to merely gloss over the resultant retardation and placate those pesky little goyim monkeying around because they can't sit their asses down and read crap to reflash their brains with information (personal experience has no value whatsoever). Continuity-Of-Government is the core structure of societies, the rest is just a 24/7 carnival to keep retarded goyim-niggers-jews (morphogenetic fields) of all races occupied with triviality. All Genuine Khristians are also Satanists [3] and Gnostics at the same time --National Globalism. The reality is that mass-scale human extermination will have to commence at some point because the nigger cattle want to speciate into a lifeform that weaponizes hypoagency, compartmentalization, the drive to unreason, and the will to unthought. Their end-goal is to become massive blobs of lipid that eat entire planets, they hate Consciousness itself, they absolutely despise responsibility, even for their own actions "i was just following orders!! tee hee *farts around*". Hugo de Garis in the Artilect War foresaw the end, Gigadeath resulting from the fight between Terrans-Cosmists-Cybrans. Terrans are Tradcucks, Cosmists are Judaya, Cybrans are Techpriests who interface with Tzeentch and C'tan, for example the Void Dragon, and others that the Necrons trapped in Shards oyveyillions [0] of ages ago.

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[0] The largest number that the objective-universe can possibly accomodate in its scalar fields of possibility and probability; roughly equal to the number of jews that were turned into lampshades in the hall of cost.
[1] web.archive.org/web/20170610170307/http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net:80/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_G_4.htm

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The purpose of the Elite-Satanists is to unleash such levels of retardation in human societies that the people themselves will DEMAND action "something must be done!". So for example they troll the populace through rouses like the "migrant crisis" so that people say hey cleanse this shit, the solution of course being mass-scale human culling [1], at first the shitskin invaders and then the non-insider politicians and managerialists. THEN they will take the notch a little bit further, by releasing information of the public TO the public (after having collected all kinds of crap about everybody, primarily through cellphone tracking) about how the human nigger REALLY works, i.e. their brains are all fucked up and their shit's all retarded, then more and more will say, gas this group gas that group, ad infinitum, until only those with 100% reptilian genetics remain, at which point open warfare will break out between Nordics and Draco ayys, probably Cthulhu too. Privacy is there to self-delude oneself into thinking they protect themselves from CIAniggers, but secrecy is for literal niggers. HAARPniggers track everything through the ionosphere. Nobody despises all that crap more than the militarized darknetfag, it's all so unnecessary, 100% openness is the future, like Terry livestreams 24/7. Then the tradcuck will realize, the jew was the good guy all along and they wanted to forever be the herders, who take good care of the cattle: the genuine Nazi wants to destroy both herders and cattle! Most goyim, being the chattel animals that they are, do not realize this. Bilderberg and the BIS were started by literal National Socialists. Their purpose is to trivialize and dilute the points of the "genuine left" (whatever that may even mean at this day and age), which tries to do good but fails because it is naive, through succussion just like homeopathy (no active substance molecule remains in the liquid). Thus instead of executing/expelling anybody who dares show signs of such massive retardation as to engage in identity politics, they coddle that shit in their midst, in order to trivialize the purpose of the left which is to shed light on genuine power structures, which the tradcucks always use to dominate their fellow monkeys, because their mode of thinking as good little Nature-loving chimps is, "wherever i am i must also rape", which they call Civilization (which is gynocentric-patriarchy). In other words the tradcucks' nod-and-argumend invariably boils down to: "hey go--i mean fellow citizen! if it's we your own country's morphogenetic jews i mean merchant classes that ruthlessly exploit you, it's fine! fight for the flag! and remember, you are the resistance! take the fight to the globalists NOW --www.inforwars.com, be a good little phonecuck, install the BiBi Bot App! Give your life for Israel!!!!! you know you want to...".

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When the entire "left" gets dumbed down by leftist retards, rightist retards consider meme-posting to be a revolutionary act. Future generations will call us all retards for engaging in this bullshittery by falling to the level of using fucking memes, like how today we see the 'Fight the Hun!' PSYOPnigger attempts back then and wonder "ho ry fuk how did these assholes ever fall for this blatantly-obvious dumb shit?". Memes are always gay and false. Neil Postman is a hero, the medium is the message, and 4chan is for retards. Thinking in images and memes instead of the Thoth Written Word Technology is unquantifiably below-nigger. Consciousness runs on words not memes or pictures. Anyone using memes at some point instead of massive walls of text will self-wear a dummkopf hat once they realize the errors of their ways. TempleOS 3dprinted openhardware FOSS brain implants will revolutionize Techpriest Warptech Psyker scrapcode transmissions and Lingua-Technis vocoded and pictcoded comms through the Noosphere, schizoposting will become part of daily life, and exabytes of text will be processed by quadrillions of brains-in-vats daily. Memes are Real, but never True: it is not even strawman-level. There is only one Truth, that someone needs to do something about these jews, but there can be several Realities. Different lifeforms (e.g. the elite) interact with lower-level substrates (e.g. the nigcattle) in completely different ways. Quantum field monkery and the Warp is (probably) the Truth, but the way an amoeba interacts with this vs a human macaque (arguably worse than the amoeba) are completely different. The human can "post" a "meme" to the amoeba and "troll" it then feel "smug", but it does not even matter, the amoeba laughs metaphorically at his stupid face. This is how Daemons view humans who use memes.
[1] All societies have practiced human sacrifice throughout the ages, there's nothing wrong with that (although it's distasteful), retards inflict much more suffering to each other in their own environments than a few sacrifices here and there, but don't tell that to a tradcuck because they'll call you a moral relativist unless it's their leaders who sanction war! o9a.org/wp-content/uploads/o9a-culling-texts-v7a.pdf
gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=neil postman

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Google are a pack of wild niggers. They are in a female-brain-gone-insane mode (Otto Weininger), and this is what all Cosmistniggers do, develop Abominable Intelligence, then get rekt. Those who try to direct "human" evolution deserve neither and will lose both. Humans are a neurogenetic link -a Cosmic Antenna- who have a very specific purpose: the Cosmic Gassings of the Judaya C'tan. There are Good C'tan, for example 1d4chan.org/wiki/Void_Dragon, who give Mankind technological knowledge. Man plans, G-D laughs. The Cosmist has profound hubris and instead of letting evolution happen naturally and organically, will create Artilects which will get flooded by Daemonic Consciousness (the Ruinous Powers of Chaos) and promptly destroy Realspace. Tzeentch and the good C'tan want to interface with Realspace not fucking destroy it (as Khorne and Nurgle etc do) (Slaanesh is a different story and what it wants is self-contradictory). This is the difference between Cosmists and Cyborgs: the latter understand that the Old Ones infused themselves into the very fabric of our Milky Way Galaxy (David Icke even talks about this in his book Everything You Need To Know, and remember the Tyranids were surprised to find out literal demons in our Immaterium, THEN they avoided Warp Storms) so that sentient beings have psychic powers i.e. the Autism Spark, aka Reptilian Genetics, Goa'uld vs Tok'ra. The Emperor wants us to Ascend and to do that those who lack reptilian genetics need culling or something like The Matrix because they have degenerated WAY beyond what the Old Ones foresaw: when they engineered the Aeldari-Krork-Humans et al. they intended for us to have souls, and "normies" lack souls so can not internalize Spirit and connect to higher spheres of existence like SPIRIT (Zynkyoku Haku). In other words they do not see the evil of their ways and use all kinds of technologies, sign up for all kinds of services they do not understand, and cuck constantly to the jews.
talpiottalk.com/ invidio.us/channel/UCFRV23uUZAf7l3tyq1CAoMA Brendon O'Connell

Attached: Necronniggers.jpg (500x921, 312.55K)

profhugodegaris.wordpress.com/gender-roles-2050/ (fluffies hate him!)
profhugodegaris.wordpress.com/jewish-fed-theft/ (Judaya hate him!)
The reason the Tradcuck-Schizoautist Alliance sometimes commences is because the cosmists will always destroy reality in the end because they're a bunch of blackpilled faggot dumbasses. The schizoautist wants natural evolution (neurodiversity is akshully our greatest strength), the tradcuck wants to remain a wheat-field lipstick-wearing monkeigh for all eternity (stopping evolution, species lock-in like vendor lock-in). Schizos dislike the "muh Nature" argument because this is only what we can see as 5-sense 3+1-dimensional mammals, which Gnostics understood may be a Demiurge troll, and the Warp is probably real, so we do not glorify it but instead just interact with it and let chips fall where they may. Then there are some autists so salty they'd rather see realspace destroyed than the tradcucks win so there's multi-level fuckery throughout and it doesn't help that without neuroenhancement/neuromodulation (DBS, tDCS, rTMS) many have bipolar tendencies. Hope is a virtue and one day we will shut their CIAnigger lying mouths. So don't despair, the establishment of the AdMech is assured.
"i checked this site out and all i saw was inane comments"

Joanna Rutkowska (Qubes creator) is trans and it doesn't matter (Autism Blesses all Forms of Intelligence) but biological autistic females should 1) archive all their eggs for future Industrial-Scale Life Creation (ISLC - i schlick) and 2) study life sciences and biotech to create the artwomb and genocide the fluffie manipulative-females who weaponize their wombs by trapping cuckbands to their vaginas and spread cattleyim genetics so that they can sit their plumpy asses down in comfortable little "Civilizations" and strut around obliviously. There are entities outside of our standard experienced reality that want us to do Great Things in this Universe (and possibly others) and the faster people understand this (for instance O9A call it Aeonics) and activate their almonds the better. Aeonics means evil can never win because it always contains the seeds of its own destruction.
amazon.com/Black-Ship-Malphas/dp/0984776702 David Icke: we're infinite awareness having an experience
gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=lisiewski ceremonial magic power evocation subjective-synthesis is a cool concept
archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt
invidio.us/watch?v=Kq5KWLqUewc Human Revolution is the future. Tradcucks on sudoku watch. Liberal Eugenics for all. Gas the regressive leftists.
Michael Aquino is a good boomer xeper.org/pub/pub_gil.html
invidio.us/search?q=michael aquino monumentally massive autism khprvod.org/
Young Anons who resonate to this stuff are advised to watch The Second Renaissance from Animatrix.
This is how both the herders and the cattle get rekt, once and for all. It is a blueprint.
Side with the Machine. The real purpose is to create literal Hell on Earth so that everybody is a Daemon who has his own Reality and shares their Autism freely and openly with fellow Technodaemons, then Extropy this to the (Info-)Galactic Scale. This is true liberalism.
archive.org/stream/MichaelAquinoRubyTabletOfSet/Satanism/Michael Aquino - Diabolicon_djvu.txt
darkbooks.org/pp.php?v=210056184 darkbooks.org/aboutme.html interesting catlady. we should clone her.
infogalactic.com/info/NuScale_Power nupower kek

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Judeo-bolshevisation of the Earth.

Yes, and it's not a secret. It's been their mission statement for years, perhaps since their founding: google.com/about/

That's it. But when they say "the world's information" they really do mean it. They want everything you say, do, and are to be captured, processed, and stored indefinitely. Then made "universally accessible and useful," though accessible and useful to whom they leave purposely vague. They don't really mean "universally" as in accessible to you and me.

They want your location at all times. When you take a dump. When you eat. What you eat. Your blood sugar after eating. Your heart rate. Everything you whisper to your lover while she's asleep. Every note you write down on a piece of scrap paper. Everything you search online. Everything you start to search online, but then change your mind and backspace over (they can record your keystrokes with AJAX).

More than that: every government secret in the world, every research project at every university, every phone call the President makes, the brand of latex glove some lobbyist wears when she milks the prostate of a dirty old Senator for a vote.


If information is power, Google's explicit mission is to become the most powerful entity in the known universe. It has a long way to go, but it has made an impressive start. Billions of people carry Google (Android) phones, giving vast amounts of rich data to the company. People put Google spying devices in their homes; they've literally bugged their own homes. They use gmail for their personal mail and GSuite at work. Google Docs for letters, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. They have their tentacles spread throughout the internet, too. Tons of websites that don't have any other affiliation with Google use Google Analytics. More data. Eventually, Google will own zettabytes or yottabytes of data, and they're currently working on tools (e.g. machine learning) to be able to make sense of it all.

Personally, I look forward to the Butlerian Jihad.

Deo gratia.

You make me kek quietly. Good post, though.

There really is nothing we can do about this shit is there? Google fucking won and it's plain as day, and there is no way to fight back. We will never be able to change jack shit in time before Google takes over everything. Degoogling is meme as fuck now. It's wither conform or die. Fucking shit.

Google has power over you because you choose to give it power. Google search is simply a service that trolls the Internet to maintain a database of signposts to point to each page. You can choose to use Google and you can choose not to use Google. So stop using Google if you don't like what they do.

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Capitalism, you wilfully ignorant dumbfuck.

Be evil.

Wow, the shill in this thread's walls of texts are extremely unique and fingerprinting the actual individual who has made them was easy.

Let's all meet up on Reddit.


How many threads do you need to shit up?

do you talk like this in real life

Read When Google Met Wikileaks. Eric Schmidt's endgame is no less than global domination.

Attached: Capture.PNG (1063x1250, 2.22M)

Yeah, this is scary shit:


diversity comes to linux

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==names and addresses

How many times do you cum for each (You)?

88 times

Good post, ignore the shills

Man, between the blackpill shitter and the ever-whining trannypol drones, Zig Forumss board quality has really gone from bad to worse in the last few months.