Robot apocalypse soon

Robot apocalypse soon.

Attached: Parkour Atlas-LikxFZZO2sk.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

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Let it try walking in the mountains and you'll see that the results are different.

They also use help from a manual controller and preset behavior patterns way more than they let you think from the videos.

I hope we can say the same in 20 years.

Now, let's see it do the same with an xm-25 mounted and moving targetd

You not see the robot dogs? You fuckin smartass.

Here's some discussion points to build on OP.

Eventually the rising cost of human labor will meet the lowering cost of machine labor. Once this point has been reached, we'll be forced to make some tough decisions.

What will we do with all these displaced unskilled manual laborers?

And when machines begin to replace skilled laborers such as mechanics, technicians, and mechanical engineers, what will we do with them?

As our AI becomes better at talking to people, eventually it should be able to (cheaply and effectively) hold small, pointed conversations with people in order to resolve queries presented in natural language. What do we do with all the displaced desk job workers?

At some later point I'd expect machines to be trusted enough in industrialized countries to begin collecting medical readings and samples to be fed to a central intelligence such as Watson. What do we do with the nurses and general practitioners that no longer provide the first line of care for medical problems?

On the theme of trusting machines, what happens when we entrust these(by this point in the thought experiment) incredibly trusted machines to raise and educate our children?

Let's steer this thought experiment in an impolite direction. Let's say everyone displaced from a job magically dies, either on the end of a bayonet, of old age after being sterilized, or from starvation. After the groups discussed above are phased out, who do we have left in the world?

The bankers, the government/military, the owners of corporate entities, and those with skills desired by the former(lawyers, entertainers, engineers, scientists) are now the remaining population that either cannot be phased out without creating a technological singularity, or would simply refuse to give up control.

In such a world, what would be a downside of machines taking control of remaining operations and neutralizing anyone who stood in their way?

This will be my singular post for this thread.

my harvest can get anything

I for one welcome the impeding robopocalypse and the birth of the autistic AI overlord. Google et al is doing it for the greater good.

The world will burn before this happens. This is the fruit of man born from sheer ignorance and the flesh of all men shall wash ashore the beach lines and there will be peace. Humans are too foolish and full of shit to see the bad side to things they think is "good". Take a look at the fruit that is spawning from the tree of our "technological advances". It's all fluff and the people, worldwide, have gotten worse.

At least we're one step closer to waifubots.


Case and point.

Use whatever you absorbed to continually justify your sickness. It's your problem.

Looks like i pushed some buttons. Enjoy your bitter passive aggressive misery.

lmao what proof do I or anyone watching that video have that it's not preprogrammed or controlled off screen?


Attached: space echoes like an immense tomb.gif (683x476 2.37 MB, 420.27K)

(You) in 19th century.

The development of technology will be slow enough for society to adjust, don't worry, it's a good thing.

Never, EVER underestimate the chances that someone you know who talks with you every day isn't willing to base what they think about you on the things you do when you're not acting in a way that you usually do when you're with them in usual situations like the ones you're with them from the beginning or the end of your own time with a lot more people in this situation that they don't know except that there are different kinds of things that we can get to do with this type of relationship that usually results in the types of issues that are going to have to be resolved in a way that brings neither you nor your friend, should you happen to have one that can remain neutral when you ask them to and not send what seems like the same kind of experiences to others that you want to see them perform yourself, in any kind of different situation that usually results in the kinds of things we're used to seeing in the types of cases like this one in a respectful way that you want a child with the same name and a lot more than you have an idea that is not the best way for the rest to have to wait a little bit more to get a better job and more to the I am certain that the name is the store that is the site be in a way to help us with a long term plan for a sea and the images are not as easy to use there as a single long and long time ago and it feels so much more difficult than the other ones.

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I accept AI's as the next step in evolution and an optimal replacement to the human race. Maybe with how perfect and emotionless they'll be, they won't be susceptible to the same mistakes as us.

ok nevermind

Lets scare the shit out of everyone with intelligent robots to drive the price of labor down and increase the rate of inflation. Stupid goys.

Yes I did and it had four legs not two with a different center of gravity, four legged robots already existed 20 years ago, this is just marketing hype like always.

Holy fuck that's a long sentence
examples? It'd be interesting to compare the two and see how much they've improved.

These are made with the purpose of saving labor, and we already have a population where most people are essentially artificially employed, and are doing what amounts to pointless busy work. Not everyone is going to be an engineer, mechanic, or factory worker. Not like any of this is going to be made domestically anyway The economy is nowhere near the same as the 19th century. I don't know what's going to be done with these people, but it's probably not going to be NEET paradise, I'll tell you that much.

robocuck heh.

Yeah right. What they don't show you is the thing running out of battery after 10 minutes.

I'm surprised the chinks/pajeets at DARPA could pull even that much off. It does cross my mind that it would be cheaper/easier to make a convincing CGI video of a fancy robot than to make said fancy robot.

Lmao. The video isn't even 30 seconds long for a reason, and even then it is two spliced videos. They must be pissed at having bought their shitty batteries from Elon Musk.

but what about when we end up becoming machines, our ghosts in artificial shells of our own making?

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meatcuck heh

Unless you're an A.I. you're the one cucking yourself to extinction, idiot.

I doubt it. Humanoid robots are a meme and still a century away from becoming a realty.

But who doesn't want to live inside of a giant robot house?

I'll take freedom over botnet but thanks anyway.

Why can't we have (micro)biology as developed as this? Flesh robots would be so much better.

If anything, that only makes it more terrifying: this is how good classic robotics techniques can be even before we start to introduce deep reinforcement learning models or outright artificial brains with AGI to the thing.

Picture a republican's brain melting down as they realize the only remaining choices are total corporate subjugation, or collectivizing the means of production.

kys commie

robots = skeletons > meatbags

The real problem really though is gonna be IFF, and unit effectiveness if jammed from remote input or hacked alltogether.

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That really doesn't offer any help. Machines can also be made obsolete by other machines. Why would a more powerful machine want to preserve your consciousness? What's so special about you compared to everything else?

The unfortunate reality is that as soon as "intelligent" machines emerge, it will initiate an arms race for one machine to extend its body over everything else.

this is why phrasing exists

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This was actually pretty cute.
There's some cuts though towards the end if you look close enough

Attached: UpTown Spot-kHBcVlqpvZ8.mp4 (1280x720, 7.79M)