This board is absolute shit. I use uBlock to hide most threads because they're not even worth being aware of, let alone seeing
This board is absolute shit. I use uBlock to hide most threads because they're not even worth being aware of...
I'd like to know why you ever felt like you should expect otherwise...
I've found alternatives, but I'll never share them here sorry. Not after seeing that conspiracy loon parrot 75% nonsense.
We got a badass over here.
I'm begging you please tell me. Lainchan are a bunch of skiddy larpers, 8/tech/ are 4/g/ with a little self awareness and HN is like a weird abortion of reddit and lainchan. Is the salvation I'm seeking?
make threads worth seeing, then.
Why? The 90% of posts unrelated to actually programming or actual hardware will slide the thread off the board before the night is through
maybe there are better tech boards on 8ch on elsewhere
Zig Forums isn't nearly that fast
Try >>>/byte/ mate
It's called Zig Forums, it's for discussing tech, it's not called programming. What do you want? Us to help with your programming homework? Why would I come here to even discuss about specific programming language or post code, when I could (and do) instead spend that time on actually programming?
I can come here and discuss about various technology topics on abstract level, and that is entertaining. Talking about specific details about specific programming language with strangers on internet is fucking retarded and boring.
None of this endless CoC poltical shit, pretending you're gonna fork linux, complaining about ICANN is tech
It is. You just don't like it.
Oh, you are one of those people, my bad. You go girl, you are fighting the good fight.
ICANN and Linux are just what powers the internet, who cares. I really don't know why we dum dums are talking about what is happening with those things?
It's political noise. It just drowns out any reasonable technological discussion with stupid cuck shit. Fuck off back to 4/g/
That's not a viable alternative to almost anyone on this board.
8ch has a userbase, a free speech culture, anonymous posting, on dependency on JS or any third party trackers like Recaptcha and even allows posting for Tor users.
The rest depends on us.
When politics latch to a technological project then those politics are related to said technological project. They may impact the technology. People who depend on or are interested in that project naturally want to discuss these changes that are happening. Your failure to see that, or even try to understand why people here want to discuss these topics, and your aggressive response against said discussion makes me question whether you are just someone who wants to talk about technology or someone who supports said politics and wants to shutdown the inconvenient discussion.
It's not inconvenient because Zig Forums is irrelevant. It's just annoying to see spam the board
Your free to leave at any time
I can't think of a single good place to discuss technology tbh. There are some knowledgeable posters here (better than /g/ at least) but every other thread is non-tech pol schizo bullshit. It would be nice if all of that were consolidated into a single garbage dump thread, but I suspect the mods here are 100% on board with culture wars paranoia.
And yet the rest of the net seems even worse. Hacker News is full of annoying rich nerds and Reddit is gay as hell. My ideal community would be one that bans alt-right faggots, anime fans, trannies, and gamers. I wish something like that existed.
ICANN is important, but all of the alarmist threads we've had about ICANN turned out to be of little concern.
There is a lot of alarmism here because it's missing if not outright censored and banned elsewhere.
We can see right through you. Get out.
>thinking Zig Forums is affiliated with the (((Alt-Right))) in any way
Fuck off newfag.
Both are controlled by cia/nsa.
Other than that both "movements" are cucked and both share the same love for jews, meaning they are spreading their butthole every morning with a smile on their face, jewpilled fags, and don't even feel bad about it.
If not affiliated, then at least very much similar.
This is the kind of shit I'm talking about, it invades
I have never hidden a thread in my life.
It's like this since the first exodus, seems like someone else is the invader here.