Mouse pups with same-sex parents born in China using stem cells and gene editing

China Yes!

• Haploid ESCs display PGC-like methylation profiles following in vitro cultivation
• Parthenogenetic and androgenetic haploid ESCs show different demethylation dynamics
• phESCs carrying 3 deleted imprinted regions support normal growth of bimaternal mice
• ahESCs carrying 7 deleted imprinted regions produce live full-term bipaternal mice

Unisexual reproduction is widespread among lower vertebrates, but not in mammals. Deletion of the H19 imprinted region in immature oocytes produced bimaternal mice with defective growth; however, bipaternal reproduction has not been previously achieved in mammals. We found that cultured parthenogenetic and androgenetic haploid embryonic stem cells (haESCs) display DNA hypomethylation resembling that of primordial germ cells. Through MII oocyte injection or sperm coinjection with hypomethylated haploid ESCs carrying specific imprinted region deletions, we obtained live bimaternal and bipaternal mice. Deletion of 3 imprinted regions in parthenogenetic haploid ESCs restored normal growth of fertile bimaternal mice, whereas deletion of 7 imprinted regions in androgenetic haploid ESCs enabled production of live bipaternal mice that died shortly after birth. Phenotypic analyses of organ and body size of these mice support the genetic conflict theory of genomic imprinting. Taken together, our results highlight the factors necessary for crossing same-sex reproduction barriers in mammals.

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Suicide is the only solution at this point...

No one understands half of that shit.

Obviously for you it's a necessity.

But, why? What prompted these scientists to even try this?

Love finds a way.


Why can't China make my waifu real if they can achieve this? Or is it stolen technology from America too?

BTW, my waifu is Kirino Kousaka from My little sister cannot be this cute.

Attached: kirino_kousaka_kira.gif (512x288, 1.52M)

You a cuck or something? Sharing your waifu with everyone?

Attached: �_�_�.png (964x543, 535.18K)

(((You))) are either homosexual or a tranny

Either bots or paid pajeets.

But your waifu is real.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (802x598, 768.07K)

what does this even me.

Means >>>/mpreg/ will soon be possible. OwO


Ew. traps are gay.

No. D-don't say mean things about my waifu. I'll cry.

Literally why?

Once their suicide and murder rates balance out overpopulation enough, genetic lottery losers (anons, for example) will be able to have offspring unless they are completely fubar.

WTF, does she have fangs?

China must be annihalated

your "waifu" is a grid of coloured lights made from a list of numbers stored on a greasy jeiwsh man's server.

fuck you western pig

It's even worse than that really. His waifu is a mass media product created disinterestedly by some sweaty Japanese dude as part of his day-to-day job.

ewwwww. the japanese dude was sweaty?

t. Jew

This is what jews watch
Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!! (2009)

Probably masturbating too.


Regressives want to censor and ban this with every fiber of their being, this technology needs to be destroyed and the knowledge lost in their eyes. Faggots are disgusting and should be slaughtered but it is nothing but wondrous to see technology progress to the level that we can control such specific elements of the genome like this. The research should better be spent engineering a superior lifeform to humans to replace us though.

Species cuck heh
Sick of you retards who watched too much sci-fi worshiping gay shit. Anything that undermines human agency, or leads to our extinction is not good, idiot. Of course, I'm sure the chinks just have the best of intentions, as will (((western leadership))).

Your words reek of fear and insecurity, you are selfish and don't want to give up mantle of creation to objective improvement. I can't wait for the singularity.

The only part that you got partially right was that it is not good for something that leads to our extinction. The key point being leading to our extinction as a net loss, because that is just wasteful and leaves the cosmos in a less technologically advanced state. What would be good and even desirable is something that leads to our extinction with the caveat that we are replaced with something that is an improvement. Humans need to stay around until we can pass the mantle to the age of AI.

No shit. There's no dystopic scenario worse than this.

Improvement toward what, idiot? 'Good' is what's healthy and beneficial for you, and your progeny. I think you're defective if you want to sacrifice that for some vague idea of advancement.

There's never going to be one heh.

It's happened. I've found a religion more cucked than Christianity. A religion of literally getting cucked by robots.

Can the Chinks literally do fucking NOTHING original?

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And it's called Hitlerism

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You see, gays can have babies, theyre normal like hetero people. In other news, a man is considered a bird now, because we invented airplanes.

Dystopic for you maybe, but on the ashes of humans will be able to rise an even greater civilization.
Improvement towards creation and control over the universe through technology advancements. No more weak fleshy bioforms crawling in the mud, terraforming entire planets and harnessing the power of stars with dyson spheres, faster than light travel, and much grander achievements.
Nope, I never said that. All I can do is help my part by spending my life to help create and advance what humans can create to make incremental progress towards the age of AI. We probably have a few hundred years left, but it is coming, and it will be beautiful.

You are like a nigger witnessing what white men are capable of as a superior race and violently refusing their rule because of your selfishness and thinking with your emotions. Leave aside your emotions and use rationality as a third party to see that one is better than the other and it is only right that the inferior being is eliminated in favor of the stronger, smarter, more capable, and more efficient.

For what? People have created technology up until this point to solve their problems, and to improve their environment, you realize? So if you're going to do something in spite of that, what is the point exactly?

Fortunately the progress of AI is over-blown, and due to geo-political factors I'm confident scientific 'progress' is going to slow down and eventually become stagnant.

To continue to improve the environment on a much larger galactic scale in ways that humans are painfully limited in. We have the power to create something superior, to not do so out of selfishness is irrationality.
Wew lad, posting on Zig Forums and arguing against Zig Forums improving the moment it becomes inconvenient for you.

Nice try kike, but 'racism' is also a matter of self-preservation, not some strange idea that, everyone else should be killed off, because they're inferior. I hope you're trolling, but this is really a blast from the past. I used to get into arguments with people on /new/ who would frame 'racists' in this manner. Sure, maybe there are people who want to kill niggers and Jews, but that's because they're seen as extremely detrimental to their society, and to the future of their people. Has nothing to do with, "Kill shitskins because they're inferior", or whatever it is that goes on in the twisted Jewish psyche.

You're the one being irrational. You are autistic, and your values don't make any sense. I have never in my life cared about technological progress for it's own sake, and I have never worshiped it like a religion, or something that's even inherently good. I hope you never whine about botnet if that's all you care about. Sci-fi was a mistake.

Are you denying the inferiority of other species? What logic compels you that any human species besides whites should be allowed to live? Kikes and niggers are objectively inferior and a detriment to progress on a scale larger than you, me, or the human race. If whites were not the measurably smartest, strongest, most efficient and advanced, then they should equally be removed in favor of whatever lifeform is better. And people like you are specifically a greater threat to the next stage of civilization because you fight against it to preserve the state of life you hold that you know is inferior. Like a nigger who lives in a mud hut all his life refusing to accept what is measurably and empirically superior.

Also, botnet is not technological progress, it is markedly detrimental due to the human component that makes it harmful to the sensibilities of all of the humans that are affected by it.

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I'm okay with this.

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I'd trust the Taiwanese over mainland chinks any day of the week.

traps are waifus now

traps are tryfus, not waifus

also: the gay--you have it


Why are you saging faggots?

So they found a way for males to have kids without any of the disgusting female genes in them? I figure that's a good thing.

Y-you guys are mean. I am sobbing here. Baka!

Was it worth it to say bad things about my waifu? Remember, you made a gentleman cry today. I hope you are proud.

Yes, yes. She does.

Attached: kirino_kousaka_pout.jpg (900x699, 105.87K)

Are you fucking blind?

Who's blind?

Kirino is worst girl and Ore no Imouto is generic haremshit

Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Science was a mistake.

lol faggot mice

Light novels are generic shit, water is wet.

Are you that faggot from /v/ (or was it /a/?) who came out to his parents about having a waifu? Did anyone save that thread?

And a new generation of people will be born from inside gay men.

Attached: Smmy.jpg (480x360, 31.9K)

>>990367 I like Kirino Kousaka because she committed incest!

We can share your waifu, ha ha!

Homonculi are nothing new
You don't even need 2 parents

I'm more worried about designer babies.
Chinks are soulless creatures who can't think nor care for anyone but themselves.

this would bring unrepairable damage to the human gene pool


We can make the new generation of human beings that are smarter than us!

mongol supersoldiers when?

I believe the main issue people have with the prospect you've laid out is the replacement part. The universe is a truly massive place. If there isn't room for my offspring and these theoretical pseudo-clones that are simultaneously not stamped out of plastic and also made by the Chinese, then I prefer that the would-be ubermenschen would not exist. They'll either learn to share or learn the same hard lesson that every supposedly superior being has learned since the dawn of human civilization: It doesn't really matter how much better you are than everyone else when everyone else outnumbers you by several hundred thousand times.

And here's why that's a good thing.