Urmila Mahadev contributes to quantum computing

street shitting women taking our jerbs


Attached: UrmilaMahadev_Lede_2880x1620-2880x1620.jpg (2880x1620, 445.04K)

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She's a hack, as everything "quantum".

Quantum computing is a meme.

The real story is she gave head to all the guys working on the subject.

So prod. Milk truk arrive. Dhak Dhak Dhak. /s

Anyway, Indians have very high intelligence. So it is obvious that we will succeed in such fields.

Yes agreed. Many things about India is superior, for a country it is a good model. Already mostly vegetarian, BTFO'd muslims to pakistan, invented numerals, ramanujan, doesn't carry yoke of abrahamic Religions. Many good things about India.

Quantum computers scare me. Just like any technology that general public can't touch.

Every single Indian in IT is a fake plant. These people don't have the people skills or the technical skills to rise to where they're at. They're being handed your job and your money to create evil products against you. You should identify and boycott any company that has a strange fetish for Indian corporate officers because it's really just being jerked around by the Rothschilds.

There are great disparities within India.
High caste Brahmans have an average IQ of 115.
Meanwhile, everyone else has less, with Low caste people having a mean 85 IQ.

But yeah, quantum theory doesn't holds to its own explanatory worldview, so everything she did was twinking logic, just like a fiction puzzle.
Good for her.

Brahmans are of Persian stock. (Well, there aren't any "pure" Persians left, but those that have >50% admixture still exist.)

they literally shit on their streets, explain to me the genius behind that hygienic nightmare (((You))) stupid cunt


Brah, Any Indians can become Brah-man.

I'm calling your bluff. Unless they're like 5 dudes, then sure they may have that average.

Attached: poo-flirting.jpg (750x1000, 82.86K)

With pleasure sir. Drinking water is precious and valuable. Takes a lot of effort to clean water and deliver to people. Such a waste when that drinking water is thrown down the sewer just so it can carry some poo down with it. And where does that poo flushed in the sewer end up? Back in the ground ultimately. So by shitting on the ground, you can skip the middleman, save money, fertilize soil, and save drinking water. If horses and cows shit in a field, why should we not learn from them?

You see, that's because it was broke down.
India's average IQ, mixing every caste and the people outside the caste system, is 82.
Brahmans are about 5% of the population and most follow political and religious careers, not in science or technology.

If we did that to the USA, for instance, break down IQ by economic class, we would have such a scenario turbo.
Our "high caste", our "brahman", those richer than everybody, our 5%, might as well be like average IQ ~130 or more. Probably more, I'm being conservative here.

That's why when people say things like 2% of Jews, most of them very rich and high caste (about 50%), have an average IQ of 106, and compare them to the 96 of the entirety of USA population, including niggers and whatever, or with the average 100 of Europeans, you can create a very distorted narrative of the facts.

Human waste needs treatment before it's used as fertiliser. Shitting out in the open and leaving it there is both inefficient and unsanitary compared to a composting toilet.

can't take your job if you were never smart enough to enter the field to begin with. Darwin will exterminate you, your bloodline ends in failure here.

She's hot. Thot can shit on me for all I care.

Do you really want a pajeeta to literally shit on you that bad, user? You are disgusting.

Big fucking deal anyone could "invent" a protocol using a cryptographic hash as a trap door to be able to query correctness.

That'd be the Aryans, not their 2% offspring. Damn race mixing White peoples of the world!

Ha! Maybe American shit does, considering your food is full arificial chemicals and antibiotics, but not shit from people who eat normal organic food.

I've worked with a lot of Indians both in academia and industry, and this isn't true. Indians are the only immigrants who speak perfect English and the top tier ones are insanely high IQ. I think their caste system has produced brainlet street shitter ITT tech graduates (pajeets) on the one end, and 180 IQ mega-Rahj on the other. If you keep running into low-tier pajeets, you're probably in a low-tier job, friend.


This. I can bet Indians are comparable or better in some cases than whites. Why do you think there are so many Indians in IT?

Nigger, the treatment is intended to prevent the spread of diseases, not burger preservatives doing weird shit. Pajeets are just lazy faggots who use every excuse possible to shit in the open and leave it there, in contrast to other cultures which either used water closets when available or shat in private before selling their shit to composers.

Attached: 1445435719536-4.png (442x472, 327.01K)

==Tests on Delhi eateries show high level of faecal matter in street food=

Good. The faster that shithole dies the better.

Might be true
I belong to a Brahmin family, my tested IQ is 117


Yeah that's wrong
Brahmans still hold most engineering, administrative, technical, and medical professional positions in India.
But its not wrong to say, a sizable number also go for priesthood, but politics? That's not a very popular field for brahmans afaik

Because there are many Indians.

I'm also Brah, man. My IQ is 711.

Yet you discard dead body in it.

Stop lying, webm related, you just have scat fetish because it's the same color as your skin.

Attached: Indians_dip_their_kids_in_shit.webm (1280x720, 12.43M)

God damn country bumpkins do retarded superstitious shit like this and spoil all Indians name

Cowdung is antiseptic. Cowurine is antibiotic. Did you know that? Learn something before opening your stupid mouth.

No, average is 100. How do I know? Because IQ literally fucking calibrated so that 100 means average, below 100 means "below average" and above 100 means "above average."

Saging for shit thread.

That depends how the test is made, if you're comparing two populations, say gorillas and niggers, the average of the two will be 100 but gorillas will score above 100 and niggers below it. Several comparisons define someone as 100, usually England I think but I may be wrong on that.

Thanks for admitting you love bullshit, literally.

Wow, I had no idea it was possible to be this retarded.


In our village, people walk behind the cows. When the cow pees raising its tail, they bend down, join their hands and drink the pee. I have seen many people get cured of tough diseases in this way. You are just ignorant about our vedic miracles.

Man those kids sure don't want to lie in the cow dung, they're crying and their parents are literally pushing them into it. What.

This board is the designated shitting board

Reading this thread reminded me how thankful I am for not being Indian--I'd rather be an Asian male, and that's saying something.

lmao brainlet

Probably bait, but in case you really are this dumb:

IQ is recalibrated yearly (in most cases) for the average IQ to be 100 among all people of a particular age group. The average is not calibrated around 100 for particular subgroups like Brahmins, Jews, or blacks though, so it is possible for their average IQs to be higher or lower than 100.

sage for brainlet

100 IQ is based on the average of something something British people.
They'll always be 100.

If they increase, everyone else decreases, if they decrease, everyone else increase.

Now comes the bomb: This British thingy standard has fallen 15 points since the Victorian era.

This is something I like pointing out--the typical redditor cosmopolitan thinks that we don't need religion, tradition, (borders, money, laws...) because "we know so much more now, science tells us so". The reality is the people before us were much more intelligent--knowledge has not increased dramatically like they claim.

Attached: never.png (955x74, 3.31K)

she looks more manly than most indian men

She looks to be around 5'6", which is taller than the average Indian "male" too.

I'm sure that has nothing to do with the pajeetisation of bongland. Btw is it correct to call a paki pajeet or do they use some other name?

Attached: World_IQ_1950-2110.png (720x1480 47.92 KB, 626.06K)

Pakistan was historically always a part of India.
But then, some couple dozen Muslims conquered it and brainwashed the people there to think otherwise and to think of themselves as this separate Muslim entity in Central Asia, descended from Arabs.

Of course, genetically speaking, this Muslim conquest had basically no impact in the inhabitants, and they're genetically similar to your average North Indian, but with a bit less of Dravidian blood.

Some exceptional minorities there in Pakistan still retain high percentages of Aryan blood, such as the Nuristani, Burusho and Kalash, but they're all lost now one way or the other.


If you leave a street in India it exists in a state of being shit on and not shit on at the same time.

India is a lot cleaner than US.

Yeah, and it'll be a superpower in 2020!

I wish that were true, then those street shitters would leave and I wouldn't need to hold my breath so much.

Attached: this-is-what-a-superpower-in-2020-looks-like.webm (640x368, 8.01M)

Beef is the best food source ever. Even better if sous-vide cooked for 6-24 hours and then browned on a skillet at least 600°F in temperature, one minute max on each side.

Why do you hate India so much? We don't hate you.

Dog is also a good sourse of food(farm raised ones) , if you boil it at right temperatures and roast with some spices it almost tastes like ham+crabs.


Speak for yourself.

Chink detected. Get out.

You are an Indian and hate whites? Don't. They are our allies.

Aryan masterrace beef eater here, dog and horse are on my list to try. Meat is meat and in a starvation survival situation I wouldn't be averse to eating homo sapien meat so long as it was adequately cooked (like pork and poultry).