>Having been (((encouraged by clients))) to adopt a written code of conduct
So you want us to have a CoC?
Other urls found in this thread:
Lordy, lordy. This is going to cause a mass triggering amongst the blue-haired demons.
I was once joking of doing something like that and the madmen actually did it. Glorious!
< Deny oneself in order to follow Christ.
it was added back in February: sqlite.org
but I only found out about it randomly looking through sqlite3 docs
my guess: the (((encouraging clients))) realized they really didn't want copycats and went quiet
pretty funny tho. if i ran an open source project i wouldnt have code of contact at all, i'd just run it like an autocrat. like theo, or something.
Great concept, if I ever start a project I'm putting it under this CoC.
Zig Forums btfo
First I saw the SQLite logo and then CoC. "No not the SQLite guy! What happened to him? Why do they need a CoC? There's only three developers on that project." Prepared to be distraught I read on...
Turns out he's exactly the kind of man I expected him to be.
More projects should follow this example.
It's a cuck religion, but I'm just happy to enjoy the show when the freaks lose their minds over it.
How's worshiping Odin going for you? Still a virgin?
Praise Jesus.
now this is something i'm willing to follow
Now that this is shared we will be able to spread it and tell triggered fags to stfu.
Probably. Now spread it like wildfire.
Reccommend this healthy choice of coc to your nearest git suppository today.
Have you heard the good news, m8? Laziness, impatience, and hubris are virtues in the Perl Republic.
Lovely homepage, too: hwaci.com
Yet, that "cuck religion" went on to rule the world and created science and technology as we know it today.
Subjugating non-white countries is showing them love.
if this doesn't qualify as a minor transgression then fuck this oppressive CoC
Is cuckoldry a sin?
Botnet religion
More like impeded. Do you know how many geniuses were killed by churches? You thought they would learn from what happened to Jesus but no they just did the same thing to people who disagreed with the churches model of the uinverse
His wife's cute. hwaci.com
The sanctimonious athiest rears its ugly head. Do you know which area was still was advancing science during the Dark Ages? I'll give you one guess. Most of the savants throughout history were religious--you'll also notice a pattern of people converting to Christianity when they're about to die (Von Neumann for example). The reddit-style "WE'D BE ON MARS IF IT WASN'T FOR THE CHRISTIANS!!" ideology is risible. Even Dawkins has rescinded his stance on Christianity, he realized it's incredibly beneficial to society--and he's also one of the few people that admit Islam is a deathcult. Also, please do tell me how you've disproved the Five Proofs.
Absolutely based and I'm not even a christcuck
No that was Islam.
Ancien Greece and ancient Rome are responsible for this.
I agree. All of my projects have a CoC poking fun at the tranny one, but none of them are as funny and appropriate as this one by SQLite!
May God hold them in his palm!
The idea that christianity made europeans great and no the opposite is just a joke. And in any case, it's not a european religon promoting european values.
Just like Africans and Egypt, Muslims love ascribing Mesopotamian/Zoroastrian/Assyrian/Babylonian inventions to ragheads. The truth is that (aside from some flukes during the purported "Golden Age" of Islam) the deathcult stymied the Middle East. They'd have been able to trade blows with Europe and China if it wasn't for Islam.
Oh, you're a pagantard. Look at your people--Nordics are the most dickless "men" on the planet, and during the viking times, all they accomplished was plundering like apes while the real (Mediterranean) men created bridges that are still standing today.
The Abbasid Caliphate, mostly.
In the Renaissance and the early modern era, it's true that most scientists were, at least, nominally, Christians. It's also true that the Catholic Church often tried to suppress scientific research and publication, and it wasn't really until the western reinvention of the printing press broke the Church's information stranglehold on Europe and the Protestant Reformation broke the Church's political stranglehold on Europe that science as we have come to know it began to be developed.
jews did it again
Sure, but you have to remember why Christianity succeeds--division between the civic and religious. The arab word for religion is "din"--law.
Well, every major FOSS project will probably be defaulting to Postgres now, great
Did postgres cuck? I really liked it...
What a MASTER STROKE. It's the antithesis of the CoC cancer pushed by the trannies.
Atheists hate to acknowledge the boons of Christianity.
damn i didn't realize they don't take contributions from anyone, they do it all themselves. you want to contribute a patch? fuck off. probably best that way. and from what it looks like the staff is only 2 people? and one has a degree in music? sqlite is entirely the project of one god fearing man?
SQLite - God's chosen database.
You can contribute a patch except they go full autism and rewrite that piece of garbage you wrote from scratch.
Does it count as murder if we're at war?
Thank you for this my hero academia webm user :)
You made my day
This is actually the perfect garlic to hang on your door to ward of the SJW vampires. Webm unrelated.
SQlite has terry with it
Take your meds, m8.
I skipped this post many times reading CoC. This is so awesome, warms the heart. Can we contribute this to LKML?
Please someone should use this next hammervolkkindred.weebly.com
Ancient Greece and Rome were influences, true, but to imply that they were singlehandedly responsible for the accomplishments of distantly future empires is really stretching it and dismisses the close relationship between the European kingdoms and the papacy, especially where financing was concerned. Greece and Rome gave us strong secular institutions and Christianity offered the guidance and constraints to ensure that these institutions would be staffed by strong and wise men that had motive to not just be selfish assholes. Many still were, but they were constrained in how much of selfish assholes they could be.
stated over and over and over and over again and over again
do you really think
really fits well in the same brain as that one virtue?
shouldn't you spend 200 hours per day skepticizing about your uniqueness and value? how can you persist in an ugly belief in it?
human nature is such that stupid people are incapable of defend species-preserving beliefs against a critic, while smart people can be persuaded by critics or themselves to adopt absurd, suicidal positions that a stupid person would guffaw at.
skepticism is a universal solvent: it just destroys. If you want truth, then you want to be open to argumentation. Know the difference:
1. You can't sit around doing some productive thing while "being skeptical" -- you would have to drop the productive thing and start doubting something, like "are my eyes real?" If you're open to argumentation, you can at least do some woodcutting until an idiot comes along and challenges you on the reality of your eyes.
2. if some idiot asks you if your eyes are real, you can tell him to fuck off with his bullshit while remaining open to argumentation. Argumentation is flexible. You can, in argumentation, propose that the idiot is wasting your time, refer to prior instances of this, suggest he would make better use of himself by cutting some wood like you, etc.. A critic who doesn't defend the reality of his eyes is failing at skepticism. Respect the idiot's doubts, bigot!
Can we please get more my hero academia webm's
Make them yourself, shit taste bearing newfag.
perl6 is cucked tho
forever use perl5, its better anyways
Reading this was the fedora-tastic equivalent of a corpulent 15 year old "coming out" to his dad as an atheist. Christian mercy making you a cuckold is a silly claim--I hate that most people on the right give zero fucks about social safety nets. There are many issues humans have, and claiming that everything people do is their own fault is retarded and backwards. Christianity teaches you that humans are not perfect--and Jesus had to suffer for it. It's totally opposed to Islam and Judaism, even if it is a "kike" religion.
I'm still using Perl 5, whatever exact version ships with OpenBSD. I never really cared to keep up anyway. Most of my code probably runs fine on 5.6.
They know very well that a gratuitous on-going benefit can be rescinded at any time by the grantor.
They know their law.
U sound like a white boi.
(And a license is just such an on-going benefit (it's not a transfer of ownership, only permission to use - if you didn't pay for it it can be taken back))
Rea men don't need to do programming bullshit.
We is makin sure oua digits be up.
Keepin them numbas on top.
Makin mo nigga thugs.
While u Y bois cutting yo dicks off, getting SystemD'd an CoC'd HAHA!
Some of us have to keep saying it, lest everyone else wallow their way back into cuckdom.
You probably went through the same phase when you were in your teens, perhaps even some time later. Practically everyone I know who isn't apolitical or hard left did. I did. You notice that something is deeply wrong about a set of human conditions and instinctively cling to whatever you see as directly opposite. That often ends up being better footing so you feel good about your choice but as a result, you rarely stop and think about what you're truly supporting.
no, it isn't, you communist zoomer faggot
Not the user you responded too.
Fortunately he is free to interpret is own definition of liberty like all of us.
No that's a biased reasoning. It is true that they are arbitrary set of rules. But these rules are based on the logic that they must perpetuate/respect the freedom of individuals for example killing doesn't perpetuate or respect freedom to live of someone.
Again that's interpretation bias, but at least he said "implies".
Equality is a nice umbrella term for nothing and everything. There's load of "equality" things to do. For example equal chance to live, opposed to, equals results.
Dam the world isn't just black and white who would have guessed ?
It's a question of balance, nothing is perfect and the balance goes, with time, from one side to another.
This smells like anarchist logic. I agree on both it's authoritative because people accept another group of people having more power than them,it's also a form of arbitrary discrimination because for x reasons y is bad.
But this is not secluded to politics this is a inherent trait of human behavior for any individuals (and other animals), judging and sentencing according to the actions of the said bad individuals.
Anykind of judgement is based on arbitrary ruleset. Actually it would be more precise to say that all ruleset are based on the needs of individuals.
No equality doesn't attempt anything besides making people equal on a arbitrary ruleset.
It doesn't produce shit, it's the choice individuals to be united or not, if it's forced then it's tyranny not fraternity.
Nope, an individual who tries to remove of libety/freedom of another individual for arbitrary reasons is someone unethical and is to be avoided if you want to conserve your own freedom/liberty.
M8 it's all a question of being reasonable to do things that needs to be done too live between ourselves, between each individual. And it is more and more difficult to do so seeing how many we are.
Good post, but I'm not sure how to respond...
What made you think I'm a communist? I'm lambasting neo-con libertarian delusions. Are the people in Appalachia killing themselves of opioids 100% at fault? No, if you probed a little bit, they feel like they have no druthers. The fact is, these neocons fellate megacorps, support pointless wars, make a big deal about taxation (if I had a country worth supporting I wouldn't care about the taxation rate; obviously keep it reasonable though) and they really don't care about "conserving" anything. A term I like is "Conservatism, INC". Really, you should feel compunction about wanting to through your fellow man under the bus.
wtf, I love CoCs now
CoCs honestly aren't as big as a problem as most people think.
A CoC is like basic Etiquette, if you want to be seen seriously you pretty much need it.
Don't shit where you eat.
The problem is there has been a rise in one specific CoC that is shitting everywhere and doesn't have any real form of Etiquette despite putting on the facade of having one.
The coders convenient, the absolute worst CoC simply because it doesn't allow for civil discourse, it's a no tolerance rule book that tries to dictate human behavior instead of giving reasonable loose guidelines to follow.
It's almost purely used for defamatory take downs and slander of other developers, it's guidelines are so easily token out of context and the statement of basically requiring maintainers to remove no questions asked anything that is deemed wrong think.
The actual stand point and purpose of a CoC isn't supposed to be a contract or a means to destroy ones entire lively hood, it's supposed to be there for basic etiquette and shouldn't be token to extreme lengths.
This is why so many maintainers fall for the CoC meme, because it actually does have a reason behind it, but sadly, they often choose the worst one and everyone suffers because of it.
Mind telling me why you support conservatism inc taking over the republican party? My point is that there are far greater issues than the taxation rate in this country. Even if Trump gets 8 years, this country would probably still be broken--lower taxes will not fix that. We've seen corporations grow more powerful than ever (eroding democracy), a culture of death, social media, and consumerism, jobs that have no purpose than to waste your ephemeral time, death of the American esprit de corps (liberals hate the American flag and think Islam is the only good religion), and somehow you think tax rate is a salient issue.
things were completely fine before CoCs. The pre-suicidal crazy person behind the "one specific CoC" is gratified by projects having CoCs at all.
The problem is not the CoC, it is the resolution procedures in place for handling disputes. Of course it seems reasonable on the surface, but that is until you go against the (((cabal))) and the enact procedures to remove you.
i haven't heard a single liberal say islam is less oppressive than any sect of christianity
the rest of your post may be alright but not that part
(sage for off topic)
how new are you? CoCs aren't some magical thing which fucked everything up, people were getting kicked off projects regardless for decades
no fuck you CoCs are retarded
If you talk to liberals about religion, they'll claim you're a rube for being Christian, but if you bring up how Muslims are incredibly violent/antediluvian they'll freak out ("wow, just wow!") and the conversation ends there. They can't explain why Muslims/Islam are good, but they still want them to immigrate.
Old style forums and most developer communities have fared pretty well without those "codes of conduct" for decades; only recently there has been a push by some activists to impose those things on communities, often without being a part of it, even sometimes as their very first interaction with those communities. That approach to policing tells you enough about their real interests: they aren't about helping the community in any way.
That has been possible because those at the top have always had the power to ban anyone for any reason at all. And that's what matters, not a laundry list of sacred cows.
Don't shit where you eat? Of course those activists don't shit where they eat: it's only rarely when someone in the development team pushes for things like this, and when it is, is often because the project itself is backed by a company with a "diversity manager", whatever that means.
The real agenda behind most of those documents, specially when they allow for anonymous accusations, hidden investigations, and other kafkaesque procedures, AND SPECIALLY when they potentially apply in places beyond project spaces, is to ban any criticism of things like unhealthy eating habits, immigration, non-christian religions, and the every changing definitions of transsexualism and the "gender" neologism. They'll try real hard to ban any mention of biological differences between sexes, that the "gender" neologism is something that was pushed by John Money and his depraved experiments, that gender originally meant to a characteristic of some words in spanish (e.g. "toalla" ends in "a": feminine gender; "caballo" ends in "o": masculine gender) and had nothing to with sex or "differences between brain chemistry and genitals", etc.
This is because if you think about it a little, it's obvious that the ever emerging terms like separating "gender" in "gender identity" and "gender expression" are just ways of accommodating their cognitive dissonance (e.g. gender is like sexual preference: it's hardwired in the brain vs. gender is something fluid, a feeling, and so it can change freely vs. gender is a social construct, it's mostly about the stereotypical behavior expected from males and females). And if you're able to discuss freely about it, then you can get other people to think too. The thing is so fucking stupid that even when there's a worldwide push to accept it as a fact (it's discussed as it already were, actually), it's needed to silence any contrary opinion as bigoted and transphobic, otherwise people will begin asking questions, and learn that's nothing like alternative sexual preferences, which is clearly defined and it affects only those who partake in it. The "T" in LGBT is out of place.
I could go on, pointing the times where people have been banned for wrongthink because CoCs, or the many other times where they literally say "I'm so-and-so from project" and then spew hate, and then nothing happens. But this is Zig Forums enough.
no, see, you should get a CoC because it reduces conflict
as demonstrated by all the conflict we don't have about CoCs themselves.
nigger forums have been filled with SJW faggots for like 20 years now. nerds love to adhere to various rules like "no saying nigger"
Nobody cares, christcuck. Go eat a semtic dick.
Ok, bud.
Theres your problem.
That's all a moderation problem though, has nothing to do with conducts but instead with the way they interpret them.
Good luck starting a normal family if you're not a Christian, enlightened by nothing atheists are all progressives that want to peg their husbands. Christianity beat the Greco-Roman cults because it led to healthier families and higher birthrates. Christians weren't just more fertile than pagans, but also happier and healthier. The ban on infanticide of girls is one of those unique Abrahamic things, which (along with militant monotheism) led to them displacing all polytheist religions wherever they went.
Yes, they're pederasts too. But I'll take a Catholic over a Muslim any time.
Everyone debating religion on an anonymous internet imageboard, Christian, Atheist, Pagan, homosexual, whatever
Stop doing that, forever, please. You'll live longer and we wont have to lose braincells
I'm not a centrist but debating anything related to religion on anywhere online is the biggest joke and waste of time
If you want an opinion out of me I think Paganism is the biggest cancer and the biggest fucking joke of a religion with doctrines cherrypicled from old tribal traditions and were degenerate as fuck. And Islam is literally just Christianity but more retarded and they just swapped some names around
Look how much text you had to write though. I just had to post pope-kissing-nigger.jpg and go about my day.
judism actually
Canaanite religion actually
Perhaps a normal non-white family, but "tolerant" Christianity is incompatible with white identity. Your daughters might grow up to marry niggers, and you'll cheer it on because, "at least these black boys lubs them some Jeebus!"
Religion and race are mutually exclusive despite what Zig Forumsbots have you believe. There are nigger Pagans as well. The original dude you were replying to is retarded for the same reason.
That doesn't relate to what you quoted me as saying. You cannot advocate for the expulsion of Jews (and their golem) from European lands while being a "good Christian". Yahweh even punished the Israelites for mocking the nigger wife of Moses.
If by pagans you mean Odinists, then they're just larping.