Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is a communication protocol for message-oriented middleware.
Unlike most instant messaging protocols, XMPP is defined in an open standard and uses an open systems approach of development and application, by which anyone may implement an XMPP service and interoperate with other organizations' implementations. Because XMPP is an open protocol, implementations can be developed using any software license and many server, client, and library implementations are distributed as free and open-source software.

Get Conversations if you are on Android, Gajim or Pidgin on desktop PC.

Here is the link: xmpp:[email protected]?join

Attached: xmpp.png (220x226, 14.17K)

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They fucking should, this place is 1488 times better than 4chink.

join my telegram group instead t.me/anychan_tech :^)

Nigger, i repeat:
telegram is A JOKE!
just like you, my fellow khazar kid Literally man-in-the-middle attack is designed to be "secure". Literal biggest slav-speaking social network owner suddenly is a good samaritan somehow. Big surprise, no. He used to sell telegram for a bigger bid than local FBI asked, that is the sole reason he started this shitfest, "telega" audience rose over tenfold. Now this literal faggot is probably making enough to cure aids for every single moscow/piter fag's cock he ever sucked (and that's a lot!).

Recommend a fellow good XMPP client for wangblows, so i can shitpost with my coworkers and send pics of nude cats while pretending to work. Conference rooms should be easily manageable or finding other clients should be a breeze. OFC E2E encryption is a must, for i travel browsing through public networks, i don't want some skiddy to view my work-log in a plain sight of the day. Extra points for feature i find irreplaceable in uTox: capture part of your screen and immediately send it as a screenshot.

Use gajim, UI is shit but it has a ton of features and all in all works nicely.

pidgin is cross platform.

telegram is shit for well known reasons. Also i don't own any kind of "smartphone". Also requiring your real phone number, lol. Requiring you to login using ios/worstdroid. Also normie-"friendly". Also "accept our dick in your anus" so we can spy on your bank transactions and other "private" (not anymore) ID operations FOR FREE!

What about "MOVIM" or other general web-browser-based xmpp clients are they a viable method to share your cat memes? because GUI is a king nowadays. A Clean one.

Literally Clean UI is not just an art, but also a great engineer's design. I Loved uTox clean design, just a button to attach file, literally any file and a button to capture part of your screen voice and video fails for some reason for me. Unlike f.e. BeeBeep with tons of features (dedicated file sharing space, workspace video capture!, instant lan discovery) the interface is bloated and normies are turned away immediately (Also buttons are small and are not named properly). Probably qTox is the best all-around, but to get normies to use it is almost impossible for reasons like: "adding keys? manually? like all my friends are immediately added on app start-up! Different keys for different browsers? For what purpose?! are you part of that 4chin hacked group?" They call me the frightener for i always foretell some tech or Zig Forums related shit

Also reddit spacing we use one german cloud based tech called "nextCloud" which also supports xmpp transmission, but somehow client doesn't. Also the server it is set up on is a mess, slow like a one-wheeled bandwagon: probably because every transaction is layered in 3 cypher methods (no kidding! AES, RSA, SHA256) and the web-client literally freezes sometimes. Also somehow client sync is slower than downloading from web side and uploading too, which causes GREAT PAIN WHEN IT TAKES A WHOLE BLOODY DAY TO DOWNLOAD 1 SHARED GB.

XMPP is web scale

telegram is memeshit and was known to be insecure from the day it was made (the guy was using RSA or soem other assymetric cryptographic primitives wrong)

room: tech
password: poopoopeepee

see you there.


XMPP is on the harmful software list for a reason, faggot.
The guys above also wrote their take on Matrix at about.psyc.eu/Matrix

Attached: Uriel's guide to life.png (1440x1681, 2.18M)

Uriel was right about quite a few things but XMPP is not one of those.
Go > java/python is also fucking laughable considering how shit Go is.

Yes, IRC is still alive and all. I haven't heard of STOMP, ever.
You may argue that the "base" IRC specification is simple, but anything beyond basic plain-text communications requires implementing customized solutions in both the server and clients. Even "registering" a name is something that must be done by NickServ, instead of something defined in the protocol, for example.
I don't know about the XMPP protocol itself, but self-hosting a server was trivial, and while far from featured as Discord or even Riot, the clients available make it easy to communicate securely with other users. For those who care, that's a BIG improvement in comparison to PGP when trying to convince people to start using something other than botnet.

Also this.

What a surprise.

Attached: disabled_1.png (263x326, 109.64K)


he didn't like XMPP because it's not really standardized and not all clients and servers support all of the features. but thats not a valid reason not to use it. pretty much all the clients and servers support OTR and OMEMO now.

Matrix's E2E encryption works similarly.

If your gonna use matrix you may as well just use riot.im. Then you don't have to bother installing anything or running a server. If matrix is as secure as you say it is then what difference does it make? just use riot

These overly complicated magic bullet "secure" protocols and services always lure people in to a false sense of security. People end up forgetting basic opsec. Built in authentication and IDs let you become trackable across the internet. That's why glowers love them.

Even with IRC where it's completely possible to use a different handle per session you'll have people who decide to use just one in multiple sessions, or in different servers, or even services. Likewise, with XMPP there's nothing stopping you from creating different JIDs for different purposes. Or just using one for everything.
Being careful with opsec is something that will always be responsibility of the end user, and no protocol can do shit to prevent an user from doxxing himself. Authentication being in the spec itself just avoids the issue of leaving decisions about it to specific client and server implementations.

only Rob Kike would disagree with that

What is the best XMPP server program?

Sounds pretty gay OP. Maybe it's right up your alley!

I'm honestly disappointed I started off sounding like a fagoli post

XML is not extensible.

And what if that built in mechanism is flawed? Then everyone on every network is owned. Maybe that's already the case and that's why we see constant shilling for this protocol.

Matrix is better

I can see your glow from here


List of non-botnet 100% compliant servers?


Where is the cuckpiller when you need him?