Let's assume i built an aircraft in my garage...

Let's assume i built an aircraft in my garage, what would hapen if i flew it without any licence or transponder in low altitude from shouthern UK to northern France.

the aircraft have floats, i won't be flying over any populated area

Attached: Belite on Floats Front View Low Res.jpg (1200x647, 179.28K)

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Let's assume this thread has a point.

Let's say you register it as a boat.

In the UK your ass would go to jail because freedom doesn't exist there

In the USA however, you could fly it as an "experimental" aircraft as much as you want as long as you obey flight zone rules, meaning you cannot fly anywhere near AFBs, over most cities or over national parks which includes most beaches. Its a lot less restricting than it sounds though if you don't live in a heavily urbanized area. The majority of the country is still free fly areas by this logic. Also remember to use common sense when going anywhere near smaller enthusiast airports

enemy boat spotted

Not to mention you'd be crossing international borders. Surely there's locals who would buy your narcotics, you degeneracy-enabling scumbag?

They will fuck you to shreds before you reach France. Better to fly SW, into international airspace then into the south of France.

I see people do shit like this on mainland and land in fields on short trips. You might be able to fly to a channel island like Sark, refuel, then fly low into France so they think you're a boat.

You can just get a tourist visa and overstay, no DIY aircraft is needed for illegal immigration.

African technological innovation has already surpassed you.

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As long you don't have a tv inside it's all cool.

Buy a microlight instead, it would be a loss less obvious if you picked a day with good weather as it's common to see them around beaches anyway.

That said, the coat guard would probably be watching you the whole time and follow you if you looked like you were trying to leave the country.

Is this even an issue? Brexit hasn't happened yet. Internal movement in the EU across borders often doesn't involve any passport control or customs. I'm pretty sure you can board a train in London and end up in Paris without ever seeing an immigration official.

I could see there being different rules for private craft (boats, planes, whatever), but you guys are acting like the frogs are going to scramble a Mirage fighter wing to take down OP's go-kart plane. Is this really the case? I mean, the EU can't even control it's own external borders. Hundreds of thousands of fighting-age men are pouring into the EU from the Middle East and Africa, but it's some freckled nerd from Bongland that's going to cause an international incident?

umm, yes because the EU has its own flight regulations different than the USA and as soon as OP lands his flying turd the local authorities will be there to arrest him. What the fuck does Brexit even have to do with this? Britains laws regarding experimental flight and personal aircraft are still more strict than the USA

I'm pretty sure crossing a border with an unregistered vehicle is kind of frowned upon, especially if the thing flies. I doubt you can pass undetected there, no way France isn't full of radars on the north. But if you're flying low maybe you can avoid them for a while. You better have some way to get rid of the drugs you're smuggling though in case they do get you.

If you're an illiterate black African or Arab Muslim you'll be given free housing and thousands of pounds per year in government benefits.

If you're white? Prison I guess.

i'm not expert but i'd be really surprised if that thing could fly or even run

You will end up paying a couple of ten thousands Euros in fines, legal fees and damages. Messing around in NATO airspace is always a bad idea.

What's the difference?

> Being (((this)))

there are better ways to traffic drugs over the sea then a plane. such as by boat.

But people aren't talking about flight regs, they're sperging about "international borders" like it's 1940 and the EU doesn't exist. Like they expect German/Vichy anti-aircraft batteries to be trained on OP's ultralight like it's a Bristol Beaufighter. If it's a matter of strict European flight regulations, fine.

I usually hear that the other way around. Nice to know that whatever the truth is, people of all colours and backgrounds are a bunch of selfrighteous whining fags. At least we have that in common.

You got that right. He's on his 4th or 5th prototype, but they never, ever fly. He's become a bit of a laughing stock, but there's a lot out there that salute his tenacity. The last attempt I saw from him at least looked like it had a lighter body, but even running the thing down a hill and over a ramp, there was no lift.

if only he had the same tenacity reading books he'd probably be able to to build an actual flying aircraft

The only difference being one can be backed up with facts.

He's a nigger, user. Come on now.

In the UK, minorities can do no wrong.

From whom? Leftists? They can't even form a sentence without at least one lie. Even known criminals can invade and are given other peoples' money and immunity from the goyim law.

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private pilot here

flying anywhere without some sort of license is going to get you in serious trouble, although in America they let you off the first time(assuming other crimes, like stealing the plane, weren't broken) with a fine and a bussiness card for the nearest flight school.

if you said 'fuck your shit, im going to britain' and fly your fucking ultralight some 5,000 miles to bongland without needing to stop in greenland or iceland they would probably arrest you on the spot for flying an unregistered airplane, violating their airspace and maybe skipping customs but idk what bongland-usa customs is like.

say, instead, that you took the time to get a license,(20hrs flight time and an exam for ultralights), an experimental certification on the airframe(around 40 hours of test flights, though your 'long duration test flight' can be anywhere iirc, plus a certain regime of knowledge must be recorded and given to the FAA like top airspeed, max range, max weight and flight envelope), and then call the airport(s) you'll be landing at about a week ahead of time, you'll be fucking fine.

Tons of people die every year in airplanes. Its not like coding, where the worst thing that can happen is you accidentally delete your companies db or something and get fired.
Your life is at risk anytime your fly. At any time, something could happen that ends your life, whether its a bird strike, electrical fire, prop hub breaking apart, engine blowing up or just plain old icing.

Oh that's interesting, I had no idea they needed that much notice. Commercial routes are obviously fairly regular and planned months in advance, but is this the case for private planes? Surely not domestically, as I recall Trump would just decide at a whim where he'd like to make certain campaign stops.

Rate this USMC pilot's skills.

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Based and redpilled

i really should have typed 'within a week' or 'before you takeoff'