Tech role models

Are there any red pilled tech role models left besides elomu?

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He isn't though

I'm glad there are businessmen investing in tech, but Elon is not a "tech role model". It's not like "red pilled" even means anything anymore. If you just mean "right wing", there's a few, if you want Zig Forums's brand of orthodoxy, I don't think there are any that are non-anonymous.

Sage for not Zig Forums related.

Zig Forums thinks anyone farther left of wanting to murder all Jews and niggers is a bluepilled SJW commie. Nothing they say or do matters anymore. They've gone off the deepend, Zig Forums is fucking dead

God says I can't have idols.

i once met elomu and he told me college is for suckers

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Probably not.

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Why did leftists suddenly forget they support legal cannabis when Elon smoked a joint?

Because they're retarded.


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"Leftists" didn't care about Musk smoking a joint on JRE. Tesla shareholders did, though.
This is what Zig Forums + Zig Forums does (that and Terry).


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The question was "are there any", not "were there any".

Any one you look up to will ultimately fail you. Be the man you want them to be instead of wanting them to be it.

Leftists don't have morals, they have enemies.They will tell you everyone should be sexually free then ruin your life for fucking a prostitute. It's one of their most viable tactics because it allows them to ruin people's lives. You just convince them it's okay to do something socially unacceptable and then bury them when they do it.

Bestest role model

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Does this mean Elon Musk is a Windows user?

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Peter Thiel is very redpilled. I agree with most of what he says except I think he's too focused on academia. He was more well spoken when he was younger, I saw a great speech of his but lost it. I think he said the left are "engaging in a scorched earth tactic against their own society" that was pretty well put.

Scott Adams is also good. Both have the problem that they want to defend western society (which is good) but they also want to identify as anti-Establishment. So they draw parallels between big corporations and economic power, and the left, that don't really exist. Same applies to people who complain about "globalists".

this thread is about TECH role models you nigjew

They both work in tech retard

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too soon haha terry is dead and was a retard

Thiel is a cum guzzling butt spelunker. And by Scott Adams, are you referring to the nullo who draws Dilbert?

reminder that Elon Musk is a South African draft dodger

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delet this