The whole thing reminds me of those South Park episodes where Kyle's dad is just ruthlessly trolling everyone because he think's its funny and everyone is insisting that these people clearly have no lives or are complete losers to negate the criticism.
I genuinely believe people are just doing it for a laugh, rather than some woman hating agenda, and they just call them incels as a coping mechanism.
I'm fundamentally against taxes, but this whole thing is hilarious.
Why do we have to wait 17 or so days until the vote on May's deal lads? Are they hoping that people will just get bored of hearing about it and the furore will die down?
Of course it would have lad, you'd be surprised just how few actually support this degenerate shit.
Lincoln Young
I fucking hate wogs so much they're sadistic scum.
They're the fucking same everywhere from Britain to America to Australia to Belgium they all act exactly the same but nobody accepts that they're the problem not racism.
Jackson Adams
barely anyone except gays and hardline anti-homomarriage would vote tbh, the vast majority of people don't even understand why gays want to get married in the first place
Hudson Myers
Never really thought about why we didn't have a referendum on it but looking back I think a lot of people motivated to come out and vote leave would have done the same in a same sex marriage vote.
Aaron Rivera
Camden Smith
blah blah equality blah blah The gays want to get married to spit in God's face, reminder that they went against their own arguments when those lads took advantage of it pic related
Most people don't voice their opinions vocally outside of their own groups they can trust, but if you test the waters a little it's surprising how open they become once they know you aren't going to bite their head off.
all things that are popular because of wog culture i wish we could return to seeing dark skin as bad because it means you are lower class having to work outside like they do in asia, instead of the current trend of seeing dark skin as desirable because it means you can afford to go abroad
Noah Perez
Imagine living with them in a metro23 style future.
It would not happen, any scenario of a collapse would have racial segregation almost immediately with people looking out for their own kind, and those that don't will be fodder. Twatter thread about Hurricane Katrina in '05
The fact that ethnics start screeching about it being white girls wanting to look like them always makes me laugh, it's some s e r i o u s projecting considering the amount of crap they pour onto their hair and skin to be more white. And even when some wog celeb tries the "grrr fight the white beauty standards" and goes for an afro they'll tweet about it for less than a week and go right back to trying to be as white as possible.
No point getting worked up over it, just remember that it comes from fucking niggers, why would you take anything they say seriously.
Not only that, but wogs would last about five minutes under such circumstances (particularly given that they would be seen as - at best - an impediment to white people).
John Ramirez
the most unrealistic part of the film the road is the multiethnic gangs smh
Parker Morgan
tbh I don't find any ethnics attractive, even the slavs are pushing it tbh Dunno why people say Markle is attractive, her skin looks sickly to me.
I'm pretty glad that I went to an all boys comprehensive in London rather than a co-ed. I'm sure the women are much worse to be around with all the racial things they seem to spout off about.
Josiah Edwards
mixed black and white people do look pretty odd tbh.
Kayden Moore
what the fuck is a lightskin that sounds like something out of elder scrolls
Oliver Stewart
it's niggers lad, they still have fucking tribal talk