All color themes look like ass when you use something like redshift.
Is there anything that looks okay even with low color temperature?
Color themes for low color temp
Other urls found in this thread:
Just reverse the color shift in your font colors
don't use low contrast colors. nobody is impressed. nobody is ever going to sit behind you and say "wow that guy has a neat color scheme".
best high contrast theme?
i use default linux shell colors.
base16-bright was alright.
don't really care as long as the colors are vibrant and the background is #000 or #FFF.
Waste of time, just use whatever is default and get to work.
I've been programming for 10 years using the default Visual Studio theme.
But you're supposed to sleep when your monitor begins redshifting
you use redshift to reduce blue light which causes people to become more bluepilled
Checks out.
Are you using sublimetext?
No, ST is botnet.
Great colorscheme.
No need to be sarcastic.
I like the default spacemacs theme. It's easy on the eyes and has a very nice highlight system
No, they don't.
there's like 5 fucking colors, just change them until it looks good
looks like Visual Studio
what is it?
Those colors are too gay
low color temp essentially means reduced blue light. so change all blue colors to something else.
I've been using solarized with a color temp of 2500 for a long time
I know pretty much anyone and his grandma know about that colorscheme but I thought I should mention it anyway
Wonder if that theme is available for Vim.
underrated post
st is the best terminal
Try this friend:
IME when using redshift I don't notice the color shift because everything is shifted equally. It only becomes obvious when the shift gets disabled for some reason, and I can see the contrast. My advice is just get used to it.
Spacemacs has vim keybindings
st3 mariana tbqh fam
There is no correct answer. Against the popular consensus around here of
being comfortable with you own tools is important, since you are going to stare at it for months on end
If you are on SublimeText, go to and play around with hue, saturation and specific colors until you are satisfied. Go autistic about it, it brings a bit of fun into an otherwise very brainmatter intensive task.
Why do people use readshift instead of lowering brightness to 0 anyway? Gets rid of backlight bleed as a bonus.
i just coat everything in solarized for ultimo utilitarian / windows 95 feelign and barely notice when i have redshift on
because t420 panel is so adequately terrible and washed out
Heres some base 16 colors I've been tinkering with, still probably needs more tweaking but you get the idea.
dark amber:
light amber:
literally none because it couldn't matter less, are you a 10 year old baby brain who can only process information via pattern recognition?
I suggest you look into base16. I just use the "base16-default-dark"
anything base16 looks really washed out tho
10 year old boomer*
dracula theme looks fine to me with redshift. Works well day and night
Go away Rob.
what's the font ?
I'm still looking for a non-shit font that looks readable at 6-8pt. Ideas?
you don't get to see the second monitor
I want to violate that machine with gentoo so bad.
I don't doubt my ability to use Gentoo, I just don't desire to use Gentoo.
Hell, I would be more likely to use OpenBSD than Gentoo.
slab or term slab ?
How did you get those dots for spaces and newlines ?
My setup is literally just like yours except I use terminus and that screenshot you posted triggered me in the good way.
In (n)vim it is set set list in your .vimrc/init.nvim.