Get ready for new levels of bloat
Want to just edit a textfile in your local editor? No according to microsoft, what you REALLY want is interacting with some server!
That article says "IDE". Why would you use an IDE and then complain about bloat?
wtf botnet!
VIM supports it, guess it's shit too :^)
Server does not mean webserver, dumbass. A server in the case of LSP is just another process running on your machine (though it could be running on any machine technically).
This is the same thing Slime has been doing for Common Lisp an Emacs: the editor starts a server process, then it can send the server some request ("compile this file into your REPL"), the server does stuff and sends a response back ("could not compile, error on line 12").
The idea is that if you have n languages and m editors, re-inventing the wheel means you have to write n*m solutions. When you refactor out the language-specific parts and define a universal interface you reduce the size of the problem to n+m: n different servers (on for each language) and m editors provide an interface to the server. The interface is the same for every language and every editor. By breaking things up like this you also make it possible to swap out your setup. The server you are using is shit and there is a better one? Just connect to that one. Your editor is breaking your fingers? Switch to another one and use the same server.
But it will most likely be implemented as NodeJS server.
No it will be implemented in whatever the compiler was written in. Because it is handled by the compiler.
I guess transmission is also a botnet since it uses a server/client architecture. Retarded gorilla nigger.
t. already using emacs with eglot and clangd
Yes, vim is shit.
Why not use force all programmers to use visual studio code as editor and only allow nodejs as only programming language?
That would avoid all this shit.
tech is pretty fucking retarded
The shills found this place years ago. Remember when the mods deleted the CTS Labs thread exposing that hoax even though it was one of the most active threads this board has ever seen?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
how does this not-a-thing have a wiki page
Gee I dunno, what is marketing?
Yes, this is a good idea so that everything can use the same code to do parsing, lexing, and other analysis without having to rewrite it for each editor. While this is favorable to microsoft, it is favorable to all editors as you won't have to have people keep reinventing the wheel.
Because it's a feature multiple IDEs contain that someone decided to write a wiki page for
Let's see...
There is your answer. The times when Wikipedia articles used to be written by volunteers and enthusiasts are over, companies have reconized the value of Wikipedia a long time ago.
So instead having your local editor do something you send it to a (((server))) that does it for you.
This is the first step in banning local storage media and local usage of computers.
Everything has to be in the (((cloud))) so it can be controlled.
Goyim don't deserve computers.
>>(((991460))) (((You)))
What the fuck is up with you tech?!
Are you this illiterate?
LSP describes an interface for smart code linting and auto suggestions. It has absolutely nothing to do with a server in terms of web.
Instead hoping, that your text editor supports for instance GCC's Linting (in terms of SublimeText via Sublime-Linter GCC) you simply get the Sublime LSP , which interprets the LSP info.
Now you can use Clang or ccls for instance to check you code and give linting and auto suggestions.
Sublime text for instance is too retarded to auto-complete commands from C libraries, but LSP allows clang to pull that information and auto complete all Parameters of a command from that library.
This is not possible with GCC's build in linting.
TL;DR, instead of hoping that your text editor does magic, it only needs to support one protocol and eg. Clang scans your code and provides linting to your text editor.
God dammit Zig Forums, I used to come to this place for inspiration for C coding.
When did this place become so retarded?
It's almost as if this is a parody.
Something or other happened on halfchan and all the faggots came here
Look man, we've been through these cycles many times. You get what you put in, want to talk about writing C? Start a thread about it.
you do not belong here
Another shitty MS product that will only expand because of their infamous lobby and in the future not even they are going to use (as they did with MS servers/IIS shit)
Only that this "Ms product" is no piece of software, but an instruction to standardize text editor code linting. And most the "Servers" (what an unlucky name) is all FOSS.
(c-query, ccls, clangd)
you should use the one written in rust
look it's reddit spacing now you can go full newfag nigger faggot
shut up bloatman
vim is bloated as fuck, what even is your point