
Pittsburgh synagogue shooter was a slackware user.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's entirely possible, but also possible someone in that area has the same name.

Slackware is a religion of peace!

Attached: subgenius.jpg (483x393, 43.72K)

slackware is a boomer distro on life support, who cares

Clearly if this guy is a Nazi it means all Slackware users are Nazis. It's a shame.

Attached: slack.jpg (774x774, 72.4K)

He got FED up with the CoC and decided to do something about it.

woah, allowing such a toxic post on linuxquestions... all his post should be removed now that we know he's a shooternazi

Distribution in says Arch, not Slackware
am I missing something?

well he didn't explain how he knows this is the same guy. so i'm assuming he's a retard fuck who just went by the guy being in Pittsburgh

forum post with more information

Error 1020 Ray ID: 470810d46b345a6e • 2018-10-27 20:55:49 UTCAccess deniedWhat happened?This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.Cloudflare Ray ID: 470810d46b345a6e • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare

no, fuck you

No big surprise , you need to be crazy to use Slackware anyway.

Attached: van-windows-covered-pro-trump-and-anti-democrat-stickers-which-was-apprehended-october-26-2018-during-investigation-series-parcel-bombs-seen-hollywood-florida.jpg (480x371, 29.04K)

If anything, slackware users are people that didn't drink the koolaid of nu-linux.

So, is Slackware the official distro of conveniently timed false flags?

This is not Zig Forums or 4cuck /g/

Discussing bugs in the code = relevant
Person X knows about tech Y = irrelevant

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 6.00.51 PM.png (799x232, 23.09K)

Clearly Slackware causes violence. Dependency hell made him lose his mind. I'm sure that this wouldn't have happened if computers weren't shit. Well, at least he shot people that I have no reason to give a shit about. As long as he doesn't shoot autistic people, Zig Forums will be safe.

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yeah it's him, his handle on gab was onedingo


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It's a guy with that name. It doesn't mean it's him.

Attached: slayer.png (774x774, 460.88K)

Attached: slayerlayer.png (774x766, 525.63K)

That boy ain't right.

With bullshit like Pizzagate and Qanon is actually surprising there haven't been more alt-right attacks.
Hell, didn't Discord shut down a poltard server where users were sharing bomb-making tutorials and shit?

Sounds like you haven't been following -current

So Slackware is the final software solution?

Shitcord shuts down anything they want, they'll ban you just for sharing Trump memes

It was the last distro to not default to SystemD.

I think the majority know that restraint is pretty beneficial. Other than those "fuck optics" people. Now that I think about, that shooter may have been that user on Zig Forums who was constantly calling for escalation regardless of consequences.

Attached: slayerlayer.png (1500x766, 590.21K)

gentoo still doesn't default to systemd lmao get fucked son

All the good White/European people need

There's still OpenBSD guise!

getting real sick of your bullshit
