How safe is Discord?

Redroof me on Discord, goyim. Are they recording and keeping everything I poast forever?

Does deleting messages just hide them from me, or actually delete them from the server?

Attached: discord.jpg (1920x1918, 497.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Not at all

as safe as picking needles off the ground and sticking them in yourself

It's not safe at all.

if you ever learnt the restful api meme, just because it says DELETE as it's response doesn't mean you delete it, most likely it archives the message and deletes it a lot later usually five to ten years.

According to a representative on reddit:
(note: trust at your own will, Zig Forums does not)

Allegedly voice chat is only used for transmission, never otherwise stored.
I have assumed that means Google can do analytics on them, as they didn't clarify when asked whether they are encrypted before transfer.

Useful links (trigger warning!!!1! : )
(non-staff replies)

Another consideration: check the bots in servers. Some of them retain messages.

Just like reddit lol.

Thanks for your input, doubleposter. That was very helpful.

Over Tor (with Proxifier, transparently with pf or iptables, or with Orbot) with fake info in the boxes? Moderately safe.

Who is your adversary?

As a general rule for software these days, if it's something the mainstream public uses en masse, it's botnet. It really isn't just a (((coincidence))) that these seemingly random pieces of software suddenly and spontaneously spread like wildfire in their first few weeks. Especially something that simply reinvents the wheel - Discord reinvents IRC and Teamspeak, for example. (((They))) can afford the marketing budgets to buy armies of shills, the best advertisement spaces in normiespace, and so on forth. Honest /ourguys/ don't have that kind of infinite money, so their stuff tends to be more obscure.

People who don't like white nationalists.

It's a service that pointlessly mandates centralization and doesn't even allow use of 3rd-party alternatives to their horrendous Electron client, what do you think?


Attached: discord datamining.webm (711x400, 11.95M)

My friends convinced me to download the application once and I found it very unsettling that it detects which game your running to display it to friends (kind of like Steam, but you don't have to launch it from the application itself).

So it inspects the processes running on your computer, which is should be a huge red flag for most people. It's spyware for that feature alone, let alone comms.


it has a process logger.


Was reading that link just now. Fantastic write-up. Just lending my personal experience and ultimate conclusion.

discord says outright that it records everything that goes through it. I run a 8ch Zig Forums and Zig Forums discord and i tell everyone who comes in that. We've had discord staff come in and tell us to 'calm down' before and a couple other interactions with them, they never seemed to care about content until it broke their rules (or bandwidth cap lmao)

The only actual problem we've had with them was when they changed the policy to ban gore and didnt tell us, almost deleted out server. Im kinda worried their gonna ban politics too but that would kill a lot of their community servers so I'm not sure they would do it, since they didnt after Charlottesville and it was organized at least partly on a discord server.

There are also tons(TONS) of Q-worshipping boomers on various discord servers that make for some extremely easy shitposting

To me, them disclosing that they collect information at least gives the user (somewhat)informed consent. Even though it's kind of hidden in the privacy policy, its not hard to get the gist that they don't want to catch a lawsuit but other than that give 0 shits about what you post.

They are also extremely quick to remove pedophiles from the platform, so that's a plus

Yes, just like Zig Forums and everything else

On top of all this, discord uses Facebook for analytics. If you watch the traffic from your app you'll see regular calls to Facebook. They pull data like your phone's model, battery life, length of time between opening the app and closing it, and I believe SSID of your wireless network as well.

don't see anything related to fecebook in uMatrix (when using web version)

most of that is not private to begin with, or worthless

ITT "Let's tell kids not to use progress and keep using shitty IRC that's even more unsafe than discord in 2019."