internet degeneracy isn't so novel when you take a look at the western world
Henry Davis
fuck jamal mussies used to throw rocks at my disabled brother to prevent him going on the playground no one ever got an article or a fund being mean to foreigners is a viable strategy government wont deport increase incentive for self-deport
Christian Bailey
Jamal clearly said something out of order to warrant being beaten up. Probably broke his arm by being a little shit as well.
Why are we still needing to have debates over brexit? Just get on with it for pity's sake
Christopher Gomez
why does he need all that money ffs
Angel Davis
to ease cucks' white guilt
Logan Rodriguez
think of it as an offering to the god of diversity
Isaac Hernandez
If only whites were niggers
Jaxson Cooper
Aaaah but lad 55% of the country would now vote to Remain after this BBC poll and both Houses of Parliament have to have a vote on the final deal and there are still so many legal challenges that could be made to it and besides muh Russia and did we mention that drumpf likes Brexit?
I thought you all ate a stack of pancakes with syrup and bacon and french toast and hash browns with a side of eggs for breakfast
Landon Martin
Jack Hall
sosig sarnie and a cup of tea tbh
Jose Torres
Pork chops and steamed veg.
Ayden Nguyen
Why the fuck can't universal credit appointments be booked online like everything else?
Alexander Fisher
to make your life miserable so you go back to toiling like a sucker
John Scott
Anthony Brooks
Although graceless on his part for being so openly abusive so that the liberals and virtuious folks can jump on the "issue", I wish for all muds to suffer worse than this from the bottom of my heart. Even I can admit that there are innocennce mud lads in the true meaning of the word, but there is no time to be cherrypicking.
Remember that little 9 year old white boy that hanged himself because he was being bullied for being white by paki kids? Like a fart in the wind. No fundraiser, no outrage, no nothing from his own kind.
Adrian Wood
should we start our own whip around for the based bully?
It looks typical, even tame for school bullying at a comprehensive. I certainly got a lot worse, and for years. It's not nice but fucking grinds my gears it's treated as 1) terrible 2) indicative of great societal raycis ills. I so feel bad for the lad in the clip, but as others have said, nobody knows what happened before. I remember giving a little slap to some younger kid ins school who'd been happy slapping the back of my head kn and off for weeks, then I got jumped after school for being the "bully" by a bunch of self righteous chavs, bloodied, and it didn't stop there. I got harassed and started on for the better part of a year and threatened with knuckle dusters and knives outside school because of the baby gangster vendetta they had for me. They weren't even gypos, just "normal" white chavs. Really hate the underclass. But also fuck white guilt and treating rapefugees like saints. Rooooooo.
It would be interesting if it was allowed on the site. Banter if we were to weave our own sob story for him and why he bullies and raise any money. But you know it'd probably ruin his life, if that isn't guaranteed already?
yeah, and then you have to book an appointment at the jobcentre over the phone
Wyatt Cruz
very impressed by his use of waterboarding in the context of racist bullying. It works on so many levels. Kid has a bright future in bullying tbh we should get him on here to deal with westie
Eli Nguyen
the lad even said at the start of the video "say it again" indicating he was goading him
Adam Young
I had a similar thing.
stand up for yourself, get beaten up, its always the way, people are savages.
Luke Gutierrez
yeah jamal was obviously piping up and asking for it