ITT We write a surrender note to the leftists

It's over. They fucking won.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter are our only options.
Everything else is pozzed or smeared and on the brink of death.
We fucking surrender

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because they'll ban you if you disagree. It is not the majority opinion of the populace. The people will win in the end, they always do

Just give it up Torba, you lost.

We got more traffic than ever before yesterday, and will have our new servers ready in a couple days. Just face it jack, twitter is dying. As you continue to ban everyone who doesn't conform to your strict ideals, discussion on your website becomes stale and boring. Twitter user-engagement is dropping, meanwhile Gab is growing larger than ever before. We are winning cucklord, your time draws near

this guy looks like he enjoys 400lb black women sitting on his face

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You're right, cuckpill user, you're always right. I've already given up and decided to finally introduce my wife to cuckolding per your advice. She was apprehensive at first but once she gave in she loved it. Truly my wifes(and my) bull outperforms me in every way. I'm currently in permanent chastity and only allowed sexual release after I prep him for my wife. Thank you so much for your wonderful lifestyle advice. You really were correct and I owe you one. After all you said you were well versed in the art of being a cuckold, and now I am too. Come join us Zig Forums embrace your inner sissy and take the cuckpill.

HAhahahahahaha you're not even being subtle about it. Accept reality faggot, we lost. They won.

Thank fuck they don't know about IRC

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at this point it'd be bad for business for him to not be banned by everyone
that gab is suppressed is the only thing that distinguishes it

Attached: mfw you're still using jewgle botnet.png (606x248, 1.58M)

Stay mad Jack


Literally nothing (even twitter) is worse than the fediverse

apart from the trannies and it being a microblogging platform, what's so bad about it?

Gab was shit anyway.

The main problem with Facebook, Twitter (or even Gab) is that they have the power to censor you. In a federated instance that power is still there, but instead of a corporate body with some degree of oversight, it is instead weilded by some sperg (or a small group of spergs) working in his free time who is able to ban users (or even other large instances!) on a whim

It was dead on arival fam.
The idea of non pozzed social media is by it's verry nature impossible.


Using social media botnets.
In 2018.

Twitter is shitting the bed right now. I unironically believe there's room in the market for a twitter clone (and a youtube clone) that replicates functionality, but has a more diverse array of content available to its users

this might be a more appealing idea after the midterms of the GOP follow through with some kind of CHOOSE: FREE SPEECH OR BEING EXTREMELY LIABLE FOR EVERYTHING YOU LET THROUGH legislation
right now, it's the enemy's oversight in every case
and anyway the technology was the point. gab could've literally just been a cluster of fediverse members. they'd've been instantly added to instance blocklists, but not everybody uses those, and you still get to use the client software

You can't fall into the pozzing if you are already pozzed, fellow macfags rejoice!

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why do any of you use Facebook or Twitter? There is no reason to EVER use either site.

b-but muh japino korean waifu cave paint people!
with everything faggots will make an excuse to use something purely out of the idea that others also use it.

I'm a central-leftist you fucking triplenigger.
Get the fuck off this board, along with anyone not saging.

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Who the fuck cares about social media? Platforms built for the anonymous exchange of data are the future, let the lemmings keep their dogshit, web 2.0 gossip aggregators.


Has Zig Forums really become >>>/b/ ?

click your link and answer your own question.


Attached: Bob.gif (320x189, 477.46K)

The filename doesn't determine the file type, your browser knows it isn't a png.

Attached: bladerunner.gif (344x212, 1.64M)

$ file -i e6230431b0a02423cc81ffce6e35199b50f86261c227dcc59e212bfb6982249b.pnge6230431b0a02423cc81ffce6e35199b50f86261c227dcc59e212bfb6982249b.png: image/png; charset=binary

now explain why this .tiff has 10PB of CP in it, but when I open it in a browser it looks like a picture of fbiman

Who doesn't?


When the BlueWave turns out to be red as blood and SV gets slapped half to death with federal anti-trust lawsuits with the bullshit they've pulled during the midterms as the primary evidence I'm going to cum buckets.

Attached: justenoughrevs.jpg (800x585, 173.83K)

Look at some laws being proposed right now and you'll see we are just beginning.

We have all indicatives of the contrary, what are you smoking, shill?

What does this thread have to do with technology?

Don't you know? In CY+3 politics have become deeply intertwined into technology. They are practically one-in-the-same!
Political agnosticism cannot defend against SJW. That which isn't explicitly anti-SJW can be molded into SJW with time.

Gab was kiked from the start, everyone should have realized this after they started banning "violent speech". If they ever did get big they would be no different than twitter is now, "free speech" is just a marketing gimmick to them


Only inciting violence. The USA actually has no legal concept of hate speech. There are hate crimes, but those are just regular crimes motivated by hatred. So you are alowed to shout about hating niggers, and if you kill a black guy it's regular old murder, but if you shout about hating niggers while killing a black guy it's now a hate crime.

the US doesn't have a 'hate' exception to the first amendment, but it does have an 'obscenity' exception to it, and with migration and SJWification what's 'hate' may become 'obscene'.
did you just draw a picture of Mohammed? obscene!
did you just misgender her? that's obscene.
a civilization feature of "free expression" cannot be maintained with only autistic libertarian remarks about the law

It's not over!
Only the weak and the socialist is taught to surrender

Attached: Screenshot-2018-10-30 gab.png (690x869, 52.03K)

Gab was NEVER going anywhere. It's centralized, proprietary, and right-leaning. The last thing made it a target, the other two made it an easy one.

So join a different node. There are muh freespeech nodes all over the place. The real problem with the fedi is that SJW's WILL break federation with non-SJWs. But all that means is you have a fun side and a fag side to the fedi.

I'd agree with you if it was still just GNU Social (which was held together with bubblegum and prayer). But Mastodon is an improvement, even if Gargron is a fag.

thanks, I hate it

No matter what happens, leftists and kikes will always, ALWAYS win in the end. Anti-SJW numbers are dwindling hard and our cause has no fucking chance of recovering. It's over. We surrender.

Let's write our surrender note one letter at a time.

commit suicide then

Asses & buttholes talking to his headmates again


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community literally too demoralized to coordinate a simple surrender
victory guaranteed?


what the fuck?


pretty simple if you ask me

So... when is 8ch 2.0 on i2p happening?

nanochan is what you're looking for

Never in history has someone been wronger than this man.

Centralised platforms will inherently gravitate towards the mass of gravity at the centre of public thought. The only way to be truly free is to stop trying to rely on central platforms or one-stop solutions like i2p, and start distributing everything ourselves. If we were to go back to text files then there's no limit to the amount of copies of a file can exist, and who is able to share the information within. This is not true when it comes to large sized files like video or audio.

For consideration: 1MB = 200 pages of text.

SJWs and leftists are not the same thing, although there is an overlap.

no, you take the fucking blame for your own actions and your own failure coward. neck yourself and stream it.

How can decentralized social media compete with dominant clearnet titans?

If it's not accessible with a common web browser or if it's a difficult process to access (including hard-to-remember URLs), then it's not going to take off--unless you offer something that most people want and don't have. Clearly free speech isn't enough (see minds and gab social networks).

I'm genuinely looking for input. How can one make a decentralized network AND be enticing to the public?

WEW and nothing of value was lost.

1. Make it so it's not a literal "network," rather a collection of like-minded people
2. Make it seem cool.

Text files have their own aesthetic quality, and they also can be spread easily. I'd say make it follow a Samizdat model, rather than a broadcast model, if that makes sense.

Then all you have to do is make sure everyone shares (rather than just links to) particular interesting files on interesting subjects, with the occasional "forbidden knowledge" aspect.

To a niche group of autists

Let's explore what the public want, and what benefits they may receive:
Most people probably don't get banned from sites unless they are extreme left/right, criminals, deviants or trolls.

make it an app that handles 100% of the configuration itself on installation


That's a good idea--except Google won't accept free speech. The next best thing would be to have it accessible online (skip requiring app stores for simplicity). They would just need to search it, download, allow installation from unknown sources then install.

However people would need to loan their phones and data as peers/servers if the main consumers are phone users

With a decentralized network, privacy would be essential. Even normies don't want their messages available to anyone.

Complete privacy could be a benefit--also a flaw since if it's not complete then it's a big problem

What niche could work? Gab and minds attempted the niche of free speech and failed

try the "you can post pics of kids" niche. It works well here at least.

He's starting threads now? And why are you faggots replying without saging?

OP may be gay but I genuinely want a free speech social media to succeed

This is actually the problem. The normalfag cattle that make up the majority of the populace almost exclusively interact with others using their cellphones. For android if you can't get in the android app store you're going to have a difficult time directing people to install your apk. On iOS apple has managed to convince people to use a completely closed platform so you can't install an app at all. If you can't find a way to overcome these barriers people will just keep using the toilet that is twitter, and they will keep getting their opinions and talking points from the blue checkmarks

You have to federate. These huge corporations are your enemy. They have autocratic power without recourse from you. Honestly, the chans are in the same boat. Too much centralization poisoned all the waters and we gave up too much control. Flee and scatter to the wind and found your own communities like the Internet of old. That is the only salvation.

sage because OP is a fag.

Easier said than done.
Think about spam. Who decides what is kept, how is it regulated?

> (((Gab)))
Kikes kiking other kikes

Look at Usenet, OStatus or even IRC. Each message is associated with a relay. If your relay sees spam messages from another relay, you mute or remove it. Some relays might choose to publish metadata identifying their posters (either globally or per thread) to allow for more granular external moderation than "fuck your whole relay." Each user could also choose to blacklist certain relays just for themselves.

never surrender
my ancestors didn't and neither will I

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That may require more work than most users would desire. Maybe have some trusted users run servers that filter things. If one decides to be a raging faggot then there will be others.

How will conflicts be managed? I like git but merge conflicts will be a hassle.

From a non-moderator, non-operator user's perspective, it's the same. You pick a relay/website that has the community you want (either locally or through its federation) and use it as you would use Zig Forums.
No conflicts. Posts cannot be edited. If two relays give you different data for a single post, either drop one, have duplicate posts or do some fancy UI stuff.

This sounds a lot like 8ch without global mods

Except Zig Forums is a single point of failure.

How can we make this federated site easy to access?

How hard is it to access any of these Mastodon instances?

Holy shit that's pretty damn close to what we were talking about. Except it's not anonymous

What can be changed to make this more popular

The sociopolitical orthodoxy of the West.

Do you mean a democratic republic?

I mean everything about the mold that births all of us. A free co-operative service like Mastodon (OStatus) supplanting Twitter would be quite a feat considering that the blue bird spends just under a billion dollars a year on getting people's attention. If by "more popular" you really just mean "more popular" then all you have to do is sign up to an instance, use it, invite your friends, build something attractive.

There needs to be a better filter before I recommend this to anyone non-anonymously.

Too much degenerate stuff on the front page--not to mention the current filter options make me paranoid realizing I could be put on a list for this site