Should I embrace all things they talk about at ?
Will I became cool minimalist hacker then?
Should I embrace all things they talk about at ?
The fuck are you still doing on Zig Forums? Don't you know the internet is harmful?
Is there any alternative?
Wearing le anonymoose mask and meeting people IRL with voice changers.
All technology is harmful, so the other option is real life, but real life is spyware so you have to mask your face and voice to stay anonymous, and carry an automatic rifle if you want to stay safe from peaceful refugees, but it's illegal to carry self defense tools so you have to do it at night.
Dubs user is right! Trust instead on someone who is actually successful!
Bill Clinton?
< Harmful things
-C++, Java, Python, Ruby
-GNU Coreutils, GNU Screen
-GNU autoconf/automake, cmake
-Gtk, Qt
-Vim, Emacs, Nano
looks legit
Some stuff like the compiler is just retarded but it's more common sense tbh.
Obviously java is very fucking bloated.
maybe this goes too far
Seriously? Both Suckless and Cat-V have a lot in common, mainly in terms of being wrong. Seriously, the single argument against Clang is "it's written in C++". If you're sane enough, you should know that you can write some pretty sane code using C++ aswell as write completly unreadable spaghetti code in C. There are a lot more reasons to not agree with them, though single points there are actually nice (eg. systemd)
Agreed user.
deleted last post because abomination of formating
List: openbsd-misc
Subject: Re: /etc/mk.conf
From: Theo de Raadt
Date: 2005-04-07 1:24:51
Message-ID: 200504070124.j371Opsq031199 () cvs ! openbsd ! org
and the further you get from i386, the more bugs you run into.
as you crank up the options, all the other architectures, from vax (dig
in the tree for the ifdefs), to sparc, to sparc64 (a few more), to alpha
(even more), to mips64 (oh my), even up into arm (of course), even amd64,
and then as mickey just found out hppa64 spitting out garbage FP instructions
for integer only operations...
anyone who does this is not just mad, or crazy, or playing, they are
plain flat out stupid.
i count gcc as being, on the low end, 400,000 lines of code per architecture.
which will have bugs. let's call it the 1 bug that matters per 10 lines of
code, naw, let's be kind. let's call it 1 bug that matters per 25
lines of code.
that's 16,000 bugs.
99% of the user community finds their way through that swamp of bugs
by using the default. that is what gets tested, and that is what gets
some bugs relate to gcc crashing, others to gcc generating wrong code
(by the way, our experience is that it is WAY EASIER to get "gcc
to generate wrong code"....)
now you wish to go fiddling with choices, and getting yourself into a
it is people like who who give a bad name to people with mental
... perfectly well trained people, who can send email, who think they
can run a computer, even probably have a drivers license, but no, it
is people like you are DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS, because you wouldn't know
a safe choice if it hit you flat in the face, and you will ALWAYS push
every button available to you because you have fooled yourself into
believing that is LEARNING, that is ADVANCEMENT
Most of the stuff you can read on cat-v/suckless is about personal preferences, that don't really change the outcome. If you like writing in C, you don't really have to switch to C++ (ofc if not doing a lot of OOP programming). If you're okay with C++, there's no reason to switch to C (except occasional embedded/OS programming).
Heck, the only things that are actually bad, while being mentioned on both sites are:
Why so? Because they actually disallow you to use alternative software, according to your preference. I mean, GCC is to some extent okay, though Clang is better due to having a lot smaller architecture-specific code amount, resulting in even smaller attack surface. So, in the end, actually only systemd argument is a valid one, but that one is commonly accepted almost everywhere (except plebbit).
Go doesn't have anything to do with gender.
no cis-white males allowed
Great news! I'm rolling in queers. Where can I buy go tutorial?
brownish right-wing ceterofluid cuckold
Who is it? Ken Thompson?
Rob Pike, I think.
Everything on this site implies that UNIX is the right way.
Also, check 'em.
And there is only one REAL UNIX.
you cant fuck up something that easy.
C++ is too arcane and bloated for SJW snowflakes to ever learn.
this reminds me that the word "gender" does NOT refer to the real biological sex, but rather your own opinion of it. the word "gender" is to be considered harmful and SJW faggotry.
I seriously hope you are trolling.
Maybe it's Dennis Ritchie.
Everything on both the "harmful" and "less harmful" lists is the same C/UNIX bullshit. It's "use this C library instead of this other one" instead of actually saying anything that sucks about the standard C library itself. Anything that recommends awk and ed sucks. There were better programming languages and editors around in the 70s. The rest of that list is just as bad.
If only that were true about GNOME, but it's not. Not confusing users isn't a reason not to do something, but it is a reason to do it right. "It's too complicated to do" is not a valid excuse either if other people 50 years ago who didn't have 15,600 "programmers" could do it.
Users of Smalltalk, Common Lisp, Simula, and other non-UNIX OO languages nearly all said that OOP was a good thing. The whole craze of adding OOP to another language started because of the benefits these OO programmers actually had. CLOS was approved in 1988, so if your OO language in 2018 isn't as good as CLOS was in 1988, it sucks, at least when it comes to OOP.
Like everything else in UNIX, it's the UNIX implementation that sucks. Symlinks were not an original part of UNIX, so all the "tools" had to be hacked to support them.
C++ is a UNIX language created at AT&T Bell Labs, just like C and the rest of UNIX. Using C++ helps C. Using C helps C++. The bullshit C vs C++ "war" is no war at all. It's the same people, the same company, the same compilers, and so on.
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 91 13:41:13 ESTSubject: C++ Is Good For FertilizerThis message is in reply to a "discussion" spurred by the"observation" that (I quote roughly and from memory)"Computers are used by 50% of the people in the world, and Cis used by 50% of all programs, therefore improving C [ieincrementing it and discarding the result] will potentiallymake the world a 25% better place to live." I am not makingthis up.The original subject line for the discussion was "C++ isgood for the world."
I like these niggers already.
I'm almost certain they mention that it's because glibc doesn't play nice with static linking while other c libraries, specifically musl, do.
I believe their rationale is that these supposed benefits aren't benefits at all and do not help programmers; consequently, they're correct as OOP/OOAD does not help, doesn't do what is often claimed, and is responsible for horrible software quality. Additionally, just because some view it to be beneficial or a net positive, doesn't mean they're right or that it actually is.
I really wish you would provide more context for these statements; operating system composition is an incredibly engaging topic that only remains so as long as particulars are given.
It's truly amazing to read that you believe the procedural and OOP paradigms are one and the same.
Please explain why and give a solution.
Anything come up by a community is inherently wrong because the majority of people are incapable of making correct conclusions and reasoning and the ultimate word of a community comes from the majority of its members.
That defeats the whole purpose of having a library. It makes as much sense as statically linking your kernel and drivers with every single program. On some OSes, like Multics, ring 0 code also resides in segments and is accessed through call gates.
You might be right if you define "help programmers" as requiring 15,600 programmers to do the job 1 or 2 were capable of doing in the 80s, but that assumes these 15,598 programmers wouldn't be doing something more productive if they didn't have to worry about 15 million line kernels and bugs that typical 60s compilers could catch.
The entire reason for OO hype is that these languages did do what they claimed and users wanted those benefits for languages they were using. It was OOP users who said that C++ was bad OOP. Now, C++ is the basic idea of OOP for most people, so they say OOP sucks instead of C++ sucks.
It's a benefit because it improves code reuse enormously. Code reuse doesn't only mean not having to copy and paste, it also means sharing machine code and libraries.
A symbolic link is just a file containing the name of another file. It's the "tools" that are broken.
Where did I say that? C and C++ both have the same problems and share most of the same core. C++ includes the C standard library. If you use C++, you will not be getting away from C's serious flaws and misdesigns.
Because the "tools" weren't designed to work with symbolic links from the beginning because they were a good idea from another OS that UNIX weenies poorly hacked into UNIX. The solution is to replace all UNIX "tools" that handle symlinks.
It's really sobering to think we live in a society that allows the people who design systems like xauth to vote, drive cars, own firearms and reproduce.I'm just graduating from business school*, and wasinterviewing with a consulting company that does full scaleanalysis, design, and implementation of informationtechnology systems for companies.My interviewer looked at me with a rather puzzled, sadexpression on his face, and asked mournfully: "We put moneyinto Unix. We put a LOT of money into Unix. *Why* isn't itany turning out to be any good for doing really usefulprojects?"We decided the answer was obvious.* [At business school, I've mainly learned that business is* set up about as sensibly as the X authorization file.* *Sigh* So much for $70,000.]
Reminds me of the cancer labels on everything because of California and there may be a trace of an iota of cross contamination from a facility across the street that handles something that may or may not be carcinogenic. Eventually people stop taking the warnings seriously and the things that are actually harmful aren't treated with scrutiny.
I have said this previously but I'll say it again, he is conflating at least 3 different things:
1. protocol complexity
2. server comlexity
3. application complexity and
4. license complexity.
The first 3 are related; e.g. the more complex a protocol is, the more complex the implementation will be. The third point is somewhat more controversial: in some cases you need powerful applications with many features to quickly get the job done, having fewer tools at your disposal just to impress some dead philosopher who just listed things he didn't like isn't going to do you any favours. The fourth point is completely different from the first 3. Simple software can be under any license, just like complex software can be under any license. The GPL does NOT make your software more complicated, just like the 3-clause BSD license does NOT make your software simpler. He is sometimes right, but I don't consider sarcastic quotation mining to be an argument.
(.webm related not relevant)
Daily reminder that Lispfags couldn't even write a simple text editor, yet they think they're in position to discuss OS design
The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The unix weenie had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
explain to me how pic related is harmful, luddite
Somebody needs to get this guy off the soylent and quickly!
This is one retarded list of harmful things, boyo. Plan 9 been in development for 100 years and still only has 22 users. Just fucking stop.
cat-v isn't about plan9, an OS on which development has been halted for maybe a decade
Pike has been a weirdo since AT&T started Plan 9
Because it was made by Ken Thompson and Ken Thomson is God.
The purpose of the C standard library is to provide functions that wrap around the system calls. Dynamically linking it effectively means you put system calls behind two call gates instead of just one for no good reason.
It makes sense to put system calls behind call gates. If you print a string to stdout that might mean physically writing to disk, or printing it on the screen, or any number of other things. Libraries like OpenGL/Vulkan, or any other library that does completely different things on different machines should be dynamically linked, but most shouldn't.
Cool. Is there any reason for it to exist? Other than the UNIX paradigm being broken?
Are you retarded? How about a copy of a file that doesn't take as much disk space. How about organizing files without touching the original (what Windows plebeians do by hand in their "torrent renamers"). How about being able to easily change /bin/sh with a symlink?
Symlinks are good, period, what's bad is their inconsistent handling by various tools.
Plenty, if done properly they allow for incredible flexibility.
You know windows has symlinks, right?
Of course I know, but the typical luser will never use the command line and the GUI only allows you to (tediously) make one symlink.
retard threads considered harmful
and what is wrong with awk?
A hard link serves this purpose much better. You wouldn't want a "copy" to suddenly stopped working when the original gets moved/destroyed.
What does that mean? Also searching for "torrent renamers" returns nothing relevant (a program for batch renaming of files on Windows and information on how to edit .torrent files).
You almost had a good point but fucked it up. /bin/sh can be a hard link to your favorite shell. Now what you could have said is stuff like /bin being a symlink to /usr/bin etc. However, this is just another example of the retarded UNIX paradigm. Programs shouldn't have paths hardcoded into them (except maybe ONE configuration file in /etc), and the environment should die.
You're probably better off to learn Forth and forget all that C/Unix stuff.
Will never encounter a case in which they would benefit from manually creating symlinks, besides shortcuts.
I just gave one, m8. Rename function for bloated torrent clients is almost needed by the average user.
You don't seem to understand the point of symlinks. First, they're a lot more simply to understand/less opaque than hardlinks.
Yeah, I used the wrong term. I want more than one name associated to the same file; yes, I know that hardlinks can do that too, but I like being able to see what points where.
Being able to seed a torrent while renaming the downloaded content. The torrent client implement a translation db instead of using links, I think.
The UNIX file hierarchy is bad and outdated, but the concept of having all the binaries, configuration file, etc... in one place is a good idea. What would be an even better idea would be to have a new directory giving you the windows way (grouping stuff by the package/application it belongs to) via links.
Now, I don't get what your position is? Do you think symlink and hardlinks overlap too much? I think so too. I also think that something cleaner, like plan9's bind could be better. But as I said, my main problem with symlinks is the inconsistent handlings by the *utils.
Perhaps, but having a convention like the name of the package also being the name of the executable if any (/bin/awk becomes /apps/awk/awk) would be just as good if not better than Windows' symlink-heavy method.
In an ideal world we would have figured out a better way of building a filesystem. Symlinks are a bandage over the underlying problems with our current ones. The file system we have on Unix was created for a simpler time: back when the vast majority of programs did not have to worry about state or configuration. Ryan Dahl wrote a pretty good bit about the Unix vision vs what we have now (can be found here:
Until we get something better, we are going to have to deal with a lot of shit. One of these pieces of shit will be the way we structure filesystems. And symlinks are just one of the fixes which actually turn out to be a pain in the ass but you still have to use because there is, in many cases, no way for you to make software behave otherwise. And if you think you can fix the situation by writing better utils please do, you would be doing everyone a great favor.
Distributed computing is one way out of the insane CPU designs that are almost ubiquitous today. Just have to find a way to get good bandwidth between the nodes.