Apple event

Thoughts about it?
Will the event thing work out?

Attached: apple-event-october-2018-invitation_thumb1200_4-3.jpg (1200x900, 44.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Apple Press Conference.png (540x1063, 120.93K)

made me kek

I wish Apple would go back to producing novel or interesting products that I can buy as cheap tech toys a decade later.

Did I hear right? Did they actually make RAM user upgradable again, but solder the SSD to the main board making hard drive upgrades impossible on the new MacMinis? I'm no longer a purchaser of Apple bads, but it pains me to see Tim Cock defiantly ruining the Macintosh line.

Attached: apple.webm (640x360, 4.08M)

The last Apple event was so disappointing I forgot to even make the thread. I really don't want to see middle aged female execs taking a selfie while explaining the future of tech. How many pics of grotesque minorities did they use to showcase their crapware this time?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at 4.47.25 PM.png (610x393 36.9 KB, 50.69K)

Well at least you don't have to rely on Intel's number generator.

Also since Apple has been working on their own hardware, that might explain where all the white people have been assigned, because they sure as hell aren't concentrated in the MacOS development teams.

It seems apple has trust issues with (((intel))). The T2 chip is their own design and silicon.

Expect an (((incident))) to occur at the Apple HQ.

Apple is too busy with taking on diversity hires and feminism training for their employees.


I trust (((intel))) more than I do (((apple)))

The ipads are comfy.

Are you too gnew to remember Apple is part of PRISM, or what?

You were told about PRISM so you didn't learn about the more insidious programs that exist to remotely control your (((INTEL))) cpu.

Same with all of their products. This is their macbook pro ad. I'm a professional motherfuckers, niggers don't exist in my world! The only thing I cannot tell is if they're marketing this to cucks or niggers themselves, given the price point it's probably the former.

Attached: nigger book.png (2038x1270, 2.6M)

they really went over board for this keynote. They were one step away from bringing out the jungle drums and nigger ass shaking.

Attached: Jason-Isaacs-The-Patriot.jpg (690x462, 223.37K)

I have negro fatigue, if I see a company excessively marketing to them, I go elsewhere. There might be a one true WHITE MAN laptop manufacturer out there, but I don't know what that is.

Attached: nogged.jpg (2038x1270, 583.13K)


from the intro i thought this would be funny

You forgot the bottom right smaller one, but either way my sides are in orbit

Apple's New Hardware With The T2 Security Chip Will Currently Block Linux From Booting

I guess those ARM based Macs will be as worthless as ARM based Microsoft Surface after all.

Attached: a.png (736x736, 616.43K)

This is why I hate Moronix, they post sensationalist crap and just clarify it later. Look at the bottom (perhaps it wasn't even there when you saw the article)

I guess I should have read the forum posts. Someone else pointed it out before the correction. It's still gay. Hopefully Linux can operate without even touching the chip.

But were you told what roadblock had to be "removed" in order for Apple to join PRISM?

Thought the video would be heavier.
So here it is also

Attached: Steve Jobs Predicts how Apple will Fail !!!!!-j8jmsDdlqZY.mp4 (480x360, 3.38M)

This crap also comes with mainboards of Windows machines.
Just disable it in the boot menu. Fucking garbage.

back to Zig Forums

This webm has been posted many times before, newfag, we've all seen that video Steve Jobs is 100 percent right and very few people seem to understand what Apples point is when they make these products everyone seems to think are overprices

[clapping intensifies]
