Libbie Anniversary and FOSS Mascot general

It's has been one year since we, through sheer autism, uncovered the gayest, most pointless, conspiracy in the history of Zig Forums.

Archive links (get em while can)




Attached: fbf053d0d7feea3b971ecf3879272c2a91a755887e95e753c08357329e519836.gif (1483x2047, 1.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Speaking of the archive, one thing it's missing is a lot of the OC relating to the other mascots. Anyone who can dig that shit up would be appreciated.

Attached: 2ef20f266b5c68a0dfdfe741d01fa5de5e2c07428f7821386d5a1fbb303f1600.png (400x373 6.27 KB, 48.69K)

I got the archive a few days ago in the other thread. Here is some newer stuff that was missing

Attached: 04d39c5b48d52247b89343ac4f3fb15af2bc0559e5e979917c0b71ea55c0f848.png (732x1019 823.3 KB, 263.78K)

Also this

Attached: 692b82642bc4ab2d8a21cf2288e7e5cc36bb50c2f7796e772ab2ffc0fe58ac849.png (2000x1000 2.14 MB, 347.74K)

Besides the rock hopper, which ones turned out to be clip art?

Attached: libreoffice-mascots.jpg (920x872, 209.74K)

Both of the owls and one of the hummingbirds.

Better mascot coming through.

Attached: happy_birthday_tyson_tan___by_tale3211-dblneg6.png (2000x2828, 2.45M)

Sucks Tyson got a little blackpilled after all of this went down. The open source community were supposed to be the good guys, and a very prominent project fucked him over for positive PR.

Attached: f320c6af-2f75-4a41-b5ba-04b6a01281f2.png (640x914 26.68 KB, 343.2K)

Anyone got any of the funny shit the LO designfag said or allowed to be posted before they shut everything down?

His email made it pretty clear this whole thing disillusioned him a lot.

I dunno, Tyson seems to have mood swings a lot. Might be because irl shit bogs him down too.

The main thing this happening should teach us is that PR-fagging is cancer. All of this because LO thought they'd get brownie points for giving a free Laptop to some nigger or pajeet who stole clipart.

Attached: 1510695781593.png (407x434, 115.77K)

I have some stuff

Attached: 20170831_RizkyDjatiMunggaran_Berang(1).png (400x437 100.64 KB, 114.67K)

Attached: HIM (1)

Attached: bottle.png (675x489, 458.22K)

Can't believe it's already been a year. And TDF still hasn't started another mascot contest. I wonder why

Liberated libbie is neat. I wish he would do another anniversary version.

Attached: ff7160d82a9ef19fb9d378fedcb0d8ac96ba7797401c616c368d01470bddd0b8.png (640x817, 272.35K)

Yeah, and no video share support. They really need to rethink that.

Attached: Call_on_Libbie_Punished.mp4 (942x1200, 6.15M)

Did you miss the "still salty about Libbie" thread from a month ago? Libbie is living, rent free, in a lot of heads in the LO project.

Attached: b225396b80a425bde104e0c8eda6cc8fab8bf7a0dadbaff5a4ec8635eed96936.png (1168x1494 528.31 KB, 532.58K)

I forgot about Tumblr-chan.

They want to pretend the contest never happened. I'd say we basically 'won' even if only nominally.

Thanks user. More motivation to practice my topology and make that Maff ecchi game, I guess.

Attached: mfw unexpected APNG.png (500x300, 795.21K)

Why didn't pic related get as much of our meme energy as the goat?

Attached: ecc63d20959e9b7d4548bc56e78c20e55e174a60f88f34115ce7c1a07b41ab94.png (936x1815 346.1 KB, 242.88K)

I'm glad nobody made Maff too much of a stereotype. She's just a thiccer Libb with a dark theme (and hoop earrings).

Attached: maff_lips.png (1749x1656, 343.29K)

Does anyone have archives of the original threads? The OneAngryGamer fags might be interested.

Libbie was better.

Attached: 643d8cf6a0239e1cea5cc81a22f9b845cb308ebc3408a26b73821ffa753f1ef0.jpg (1000x619, 68.27K)

The ones from Zig Forums are archived here, but most of the files over a certain size are automatically scrubbed.

Attached: ee3ee94196d412107292ff4a06681b48f5133ac1b500ff3c38cf7a99aa7fd9e5.png (809x482, 54.02K)

Maybe. I'd still like one OC of her with Mr. WTFPL.

Free balling beaver would have been a great mascot. For a summer camp or something...

His creator is some autistic pajeet who works at an animation sweatshop and draws anime women in hijabs.

Attached: the pajeet.jpg (1080x1080, 168.07K)

2hu was cute, but I think people didn't want to lewd her as much.

Gracie is basically a superset of the Libbie meme, or as I like to call her, Goat++.

Attached: electrichearts_20171204_gazelletracker_gracie-724x1024.png (724x1024, 239.29K)

Comparing the archives, about 1/3 of the Libbs were of the lewd variety.

The only thing I don't like about her design are her fingernails. Gloves would have worked fine with the outfit too.

That's Hijabholic!?

Attached: lCeXaAg.png (1055x1500, 350.68K)

No. His stuff is much uglier, I think he does everything in Inkscape.

Got any samples?

His name is Rizky Djati Munggaran, and he uploads most of his shit to Instagram.

Attached: (1024x537, 148.54K)

What a tragedy. He has a serious case of sameface, though.

Oh, he's the "nuns are the same thing as women who are forced to wear Hijabs" faggot.

Wasn't there a gif version of this?

Imagine booting up LibreOffice and seeing this faggot.

Attached: 20170830_alindark_draco.png.png (400x285, 108.89K)

Bullshit. That's a fucking Neopet.

The interesting thing is that none of us actually expected Libbie to win. But the fact that they drummed out two other good candidates is what got our bullshit detectors working.

Attached: ec461f06d24d89c66dfd67002bce0fb696ea00c2506a832ee4325b6833bfefb6.jpg (1303x864, 216.99K)

Sir Birb didn't even get into the contest.

They claimed they didn't let him in because he was drawn perched on the logo, but pajeetguin had it on his fucking belly and he still made it into the finals. At least Libo's creator had the decency to dox himself.

Attached: rulebreaker.png (512x494, 84.29K)

"what do you mean, stolen clip art? Isn't all art stolen? Isn't every other submission some recoloring of clip art? Isn't the clip art I used, itself, stolen from something else? You're asking me to be 'creative', but that's not really possible, is it? My creative work, which I am very proud of, involved the fill tool and a horizontal mirror. I used photoshop like a professional."
-- probably the pajeet's defense

The OctoJew also got to modify its design.

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-11-13 18-43-22.png (1467x108 25.94 KB, 10K)

Fucking classic. And the LO design team actually posted that for everyone to see on their twatter.

Speaking of (((social media))), here's some fag who bitched about how he was too professional to use any software with a cartoon mascot.

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-11-20 10-45-33.png (579x107 22.33 KB, 16.59K)

This three image limit really hurts.

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-11-20 11-15-35.png (881x212 45.45 KB, 32.55K)

oh gosh! what word did those posters use? It must have been real bad

(checked) I remember that faggot. There were a few "professionals" who thought a mascot was childish for their office software. God I hate (((open source))) it sucks all the fun out of Free Software.

Mascots are for the community to channel some of their excess autism into something fun. It's not just marketing.

Attached: Gnu_meditate_levitate.jpg (1280x1112, 580.48K)

Here's a five part sample of the average Libbie hater's life.

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-11-20 11-21-17.png (941x608 518.79 KB, 547.07K)

Attached: - 272426 armor blush drink game_cg mirror_(game) purple_eyes purple_hair tagme_(artist) warrior_ketsuno_ana weapon.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

You could practically feel the man dying inside every time he posted.

Attached: Screenshot from 2017-11-20 11-16-03.png (822x604 529.69 KB, 430.74K)

I really miss when people could just have fun. Corporate culture is fucking cancer.

I wonder how /v/fag is doing these days.

Attached: 861753c6c9e43c2ffb050f789634434bee5b3fc47b1f3777deccd3d415d6b18f.png (1976x3311, 835.71K)

The KDE guys seem to be carrying on the whole Mascot tradition.

Attached: 800px-KDE_Mascot_Konqi_by_Tyson_Tan.png (1000x601 273.31 KB, 828.26K)

It was just supposed to be a community mascot, not something to put on every splash screen and the front page of the project.3

And of course the self-proclaimed professional turns out to be just an insecure single manchild who wants to LARP as a grown-up. What a surprise.

This is the thing I'm talking about. KDE has their mascots nicely tucked away, no need to bombard visitors with cartoon dragons. But they are not ashamed of their mascots either, there is a time and place for everything. Only Krita is more forward with their mascot, but this is understandable for a creative application.

How come there was little to no drama with Gentoo's mascot?

Attached: larry_the_cow.png (300x300, 15.91K)

Probably because they don't fellate pajeets.


I've surmised what happened with Libbie from the previous salt thread and this one, but I don't know many details. Any reading on this debacle out there?

It depends on which one you're talking about. I know there's at two, maybe three of them that have consistently been in the Libbie threads.

Attached: vivianlibbie v2.png (912x990, 659.94K)

Larry is a pre-op trans-cow.

Here is a quick rundown: Libre Office holds a contest for a community mascot, and the usual submissions appear: vector art of owls and humming birds. Then Tyson Tan submits his own mascot, Libbie, complete with variations for different applications and event purposes. At this point it's no longer a competition, Libbie is hands-down the best submission with the most thought put into her.

Then all of the sudden LO change the rules slightly at the last moment and declare some recolored clipart of a penguin the winner. Tyson is very disappointed and people are angry about the rigged contest. LO quietly just pretends the contest never happened and hopes grass will grow over the whole story.

Meanwhile on Zig Forums people draw their own Libbie fanart, compile it into a package and send it to Tyson as a gift to cheer the poor guy up.

The state of /v/ is disgraceful. I can't stand to lurk anymore.

quick run down on this?

There were four distinctive drawfags from the happening. Saifag, /v/fag, the artist that did Redmage Libbie and one other that did a handful of OCs. Lots of oneoff stuff too.

Attached: 20170826_tysontan_libbie_001_color_011_math.png (2331x2795, 547.4K)

While I think sending him all the OC was good overall, Tyson seems pron to depression. Might be because of his job and having to deal with Chinese conformity bullshit.

Attached: others_20171117_dashgl_dash.png (2480x3508, 928.51K)

Triple dub-dubs!?

Attached: 57e3b1d312bb2bd9eecb307f79899166836bf7afd2876cac43b42f49864bff1a.png (1162x892, 347.83K)

Cuckchan refugees, newfags and Marks worsening autism don't make a good recipe for a healthy board.

Attached: Untitled.png (416x128, 3.95K)

The archive is safe. It's the same one from the last thread. And there's nothing but image and video files in them, so I have no idea why you'd be getting these.

well shit, I should have remembered that /v/fag was one of the drawfags

The files are fine, the anti-virus just flags it as suspicious because your anti-virus thinks the site is malicious.

Tyson's switched from Gnome to Plasma recently. Maybe it's stable enough to try now.

What is the bird from?

Looks like they rebranded QupZilla.


Firefox browser? It only happens once the file is downloaded.
Could you please upload to so we can see the results. (We can use the MD5sum to verify the same file; pomf clones can been hacked to deliver malicious payloads)

last thread link is giving the same alert.

getting the same warnings on my anti-virus

Attached: 9ae6ceaa14138894fa3efef08692ba75e523c33f1874ba005d5a532f6795befc.jpg (363x207, 42.01K)

I downloaded the SFW one and it's just pngs inside

I want a plush Libbie. I wouldn't want to own it, because that would be gay, I just want it to exist.

Falkon browser, formerly known as QupZilla.

Is anyone here using Falkon? I tried it, but performance is worse than FireFox and it doesn't display all of Zig Forums's features properly. The replies on posts don't show up and images open in new windows.

Oh fuck yeah. It finally happened.
Have all of the drawfags basically moved on now?

Some pics from the archive

Attached: 1e0a003c5c45b3d3b05990a4a2ba6ec13eae3642fe6b7e73cefe4fee66f6291c.png (1162x3184 401.42 KB, 1.07M)

/g/ couldn't get over a decade and some change of board culture when it comes to cute and marketable mascots. We could because Zig Forums and Zig Forums are different, culturally, than halfcuck and /g/.

Attached: Untitled.png (1884x1200, 716.66K)

Was it an old version of Falkon? The one that comes in 18.10 is pretty fast.

Attached: Screenshot_20181031_092110.png (1920x1080, 905.16K)

Saifag is swamped in commissions. He did say he'd pop by.

The thing that sticks with me the most is Tyson's email. Not only did we find out the guy's boss was basically an MS drone who tore up all the work he did making his workplace run on mostly F/OSS, but that the furfag community is INCREDIBLY Jewish and spiteful when you want to make high-quality stuff for free, since it devalues the the degenerate shit they're charging out the ass for:

Unfortunately, I've lost the pic of the email, anyone have it?

Why is Maff so lewd?

Attached: 81cafcba2f208fa930301ce31299f7480692ca40c9de9d21197e1a9567035110.png (2024x3522, 3.93M)

She's like the other flavors, but more thicc.

Attached: 7909555d73dd2240c3a80c8ba763e7d5c1faeb077b8c98e50ee35772f2c8de70.png (1110x1800, 472.05K)

Someone flagged the site as malicious, therefore the anti-virus/browser thinks every file from there is inherently dangerous.

I have it from FlatPak, see pic related. Shouldn't that be the latest version I have?

Tyson is too good for this world. Poor guy just wants to give something back to the projects he uses for free, and everyone likes cute mascots. Fucking furfags really do ruin everything.

Attached: Screenshot_20181031_155908.png (421x291, 32.51K)

That's a pretty recent version. It's performing decently enough for me though.

It is usable of course, but when scrolling for example this thread Falcon is noticeably choppy while FireFox is buttery smooth.

What hardware are you running?

Im still here just lurking around, just thinking to draw some Halloween libbie and kiki.

Give me idea what costumes should they wear, other drawfag can try it to.

Attached: DrinkingReg.png (568x619, 214.46K)

Maybe Ellen Ripley or Jan Ors? I honestly don't have that many ideas.

Dont worry, other user can give their own idea. Im not in rush.

Also, be sure to give some image refer rather just name, it easier for drawfag to understand what requester want it look like.

Right, amending that now.

Attached: Jan_Ors.png (476x600 122.3 KB, 78.18K)

I mean, Maff libbs in some african tribal attire could be nice... Kiki would look good in a Chinese dress too, come to think about it.